You know what? I just spend more than two years, every night, every weekend, hoping to improve the software, hoping to help users. There is a new P96 you can buy, less bugs, even not as its maintainer. There is an AmigaOs 3.1.4 you can buy. There is a free update you get download. Did that help anyone? Is there a "thank you, well done"?
Nope, you have nothing better to say "It's your fault, you are funding lawers".
I tell you what: I can turn this around: "Every customer of AmigaForever is funding the current mess". Does that make sense to you? Probably not. It is as nonsensical as your statement.
You know, who is killing the system? Cloanto? Hyperion? Neither -guys like you, or Kolla, demotivating anyone who dares to help, by having to cooperate with the wrong side. You demolish everything, motivation, inspiration. You should be ashamed, really.