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Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #89 from previous page: October 17, 2013, 01:51:51 AM »
Quote from: persia;750286
We've been fighting for a bill of rights to be incorporated into our (Australian) Constitution.  It isn't going to come under the Abbott regime though.

We don't need a Bill of Rights to recognise the inalienable rights available to all residents of the Commonwealth of Australia. The legislative house already operates with those principles.

One problem is; the second you right these things down is the very second people start picking at them.

Another problem is; humans are inherently corrupt, and whether you swear it as an MP or have it written down as a Magna Carta, people will continuously find ways to step around these things.
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Offline Kesa

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Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #90 on: October 17, 2013, 05:52:57 AM »
Thanks LoadWB. Maybe too much info but that's OK. I still don't understand gun culture though. I have in my 29 years of life never seen a gun before apart from the police which are not even loaded. Why do you need guns in the first place? We don't need them - why do you?
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Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #91 on: October 17, 2013, 06:39:54 AM »
Quote from: Kesa;750298
Thanks LoadWB. Maybe too much info but that's OK. I still don't understand gun culture though. I have in my 29 years of life never seen a gun before apart from the police which are not even loaded. Why do you need guns in the first place? We don't need them - why do you?

Honestly, I don't think I included enough information.  I tried to pare it down some to give simple comparison and illustrations.

Where does this term "gun culture" come from?  The question isn't so much about "need."  We all have our basic "needs" which provide our survival.  We also have our individual "wants" or "likes," and one of those happens to be guns.  It could be anything, really.  Guns are hobbies and for most people a responsible way of life.  The fact that so many in our society abuse guns does not in any way give power to have them taken away from those who use them responsibly and for the right reasons.  In the hands of the right people a gun is effective for self-defense.  The "anti-gun culture" plasters the rest of the 10% all over the place for its own purposes, completely ignoring the reality and statistics.

Again, though, the gun debate completely detracts from the fundamentals.  If one answers the question of, "Why should people not own guns" with, "Because they are dangerous and can kill people," then the same question can easily be applied to anything on the slippery-slope leading to the point of many things suddenly being defined as dangerous and therefore needing prohibition or severe regulation.

Gun ownership is a question of personal property rights.  I own guns because I enjoy the skill involved in shooting, and because I am trained to use them effectively, and by corollary to NOT use them when appropriate.  The thinking is the same as a martial art: the idea is to know when to use it for proper defense, never for offense, and never to gain attention.  Should I have my guns taken from me because my neighbor abuses his, or rather more accurately statistically abuses one he has acquired illegitimately?  Should I have my kitchen knives over eight inches long be taken away because the man down the street used a similar item to kill someone?

In terms of personal property, I have a finite time on this Earth.  I spend that time earning a living performing jobs for other people.  Those people compensate me as an exchange for the time I have provided to them from my finite supply.  I then use that compensation to obtain products for myself, some to keep and some to consume.  The property I keep, or wealth I accumulate, becomes a tangible incarnation of the expenditure of my life.  Therefore, my property IS my life, and illegitimately taking away my property is tantamount to taking away my life.

PM me with your address.  I have a book I will send you if you promise you will read it -- the expense is worth it to me if you will do so.  It is a great book culminating centuries of the guiding philosophy of the American creed.  I've read a good number of the books referenced, and I have to say this one masterfully pulls it all together and has lead me to more.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2013, 06:44:40 AM by LoadWB »

Offline Kesa

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Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #92 on: October 17, 2013, 07:36:06 AM »
I've had this very same debate with many of my American friends and it always ends the same way. They basically say what you said and i reply with "but i still don't understand why you need guns in the first place" which is the honest truth. I don't think either of us is going to convinve the other they are right or wrong so we should just leave it at that. No point getting heated over it.

I think gun loving Americans are born into it that is why they are so accepting of it whereas the rest of us non Americans haven't been. I'm sure if i were born where you are i would probably have a different perspective on it.

I think it's scary how you try to justify having guns as hobbies and then compare them to kitchen knifes as a point in argument. I mean, really? That's silly.

Where i am if you even mention the word gun everyone will think you are a bad person and i'm pretty sure every cop in town will be bashing your door down before you kill someone but you talk about guns as if they are harmless hobbies. Really scary stuff.

Overall i think you and i are living in two very different perspectives so each to their own. Thanks for the offer for the book but i already have my mind made up so i probably wouldn't read it. Thanks anyway.
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Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #93 on: October 17, 2013, 08:09:30 AM »
Quote from: Kesa;750301
I've had this very same debate with many of my American friends and it always ends the same way. They basically say what you said and i reply with "but i still don't understand why you need guns in the first place" which is the honest truth. I don't think either of us is going to convinve the other they are right or wrong so we should just leave it at that. No point getting heated over it.

I think gun loving Americans are born into it that is why they are so accepting of it whereas the rest of us non Americans haven't been. I'm sure if i were born where you are i would probably have a different perspective on it.

I think it's scary how you try to justify having guns as hobbies and then compare them to kitchen knifes as a point in argument. I mean, really? That's silly.

Where i am if you even mention the word gun everyone will think you are a bad person and i'm pretty sure every cop in town will be bashing your door down before you kill someone but you talk about guns as if they are harmless hobbies. Really scary stuff.

Overall i think you and i are living in two very different perspectives so each to their own. Thanks for the offer for the book but i already have my mind made up so i probably wouldn't read it. Thanks anyway.

Not heated, so long as you don't come to my door with the force of law to take anything away from me which is rightfully mine to own and do with as I please.  

I do not consider comparing a knife to a gun silly; in terms of what I may or may not be allowed to own or use, why would I?  I find the presumption that I would eventually kill someone as justification for being a "bad person" and having police invade my sanctum simply for owning a gun far more silly.  Obviously we are from different cultures and we are different people: I accept that I can be secure in my ownership of whatever I desire, and you accept that police may take away whatever they deem I should not on premise alone.  A properly-used gun -- or knife, or hammer, or lead pipe, or car, or umbrella -- is no more dangerous than the Amiga on your desk.

The book I was offering you is not about gun ownership; it isn't propaganda or compelling you to join a cause.  I cannot explain any better what our motivations are, nor can you ever understand us, especially if you have a closed mind: you've made up your mind that if we cannot explain why we "need" something, "want" is invalid or at least insufficient.  I cannot argue a negative.  Again, whether we need certain things is not relevant: it is our God-given right, or our simple right inherent to our very existence, which allows us to possess whatever it is we desire and to be free from harassment provided we do not infringe upon others.  I realize this sentiment is not shared with many in the world, at the very least enshrined in doctrine.

I believe this book would help you to understand us and answer some of the questions you ask of your friends.  It has allowed me to understand some things we know and feel inherent to our nature which is difficult to articulate, those "gut feelings" we get when confronted with certain actions or arguments from others.  While I am disappointed, I appreciate your honesty with me.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2013, 08:23:05 AM by LoadWB »

Offline SpeedGeek

Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #94 on: October 17, 2013, 08:47:47 PM »
This thread is way OT. But Kesa has good point in that the gun culture perpetuates itself. Unfortunately, it's at the great cost of human life and we would probably have to have another civil war because gun owners aren't willing to give up their rights for the same reason slave owners refused to give up their slaves.

I happen to be in the minority of people who would voluntarily trade my right to bear arms for a license to bear arms in the interest of saving human lives and that's what I call being true a pro-life advocate (rather than distributing propaganda regarding the unborn).

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Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #95 on: October 17, 2013, 09:21:34 PM »
In terms of defense, and when you wake up and realize that law abiding citizens are NOT the only ones that own guns... and never will, the utopian ideology of the left falls flat on its face. Yes, monsters do exist. Society and liberal policies in general have seen to that.  ;)

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Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #96 on: October 17, 2013, 10:01:34 PM »
Quote from: SpeedGeek;750335
This thread is way OT.

True, but this topic is a lot better than the original.

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Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #97 on: October 17, 2013, 10:03:11 PM »
Goodness what happened now? Did CommodoreJohn come back and get shot?
  Who shot CommodoreJohn?

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Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #98 on: October 17, 2013, 10:14:35 PM »
Quote from: nicholas;750226
I use the "50 Latest Posts" link and it doesn't show any CH posts. Thought you might find it useful too.


Using it now, seems to do the trick.
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Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #99 on: October 17, 2013, 10:17:25 PM »
Quote from: SpeedGeek;750335
This thread is way OT. But Kesa has good point in that the gun culture perpetuates itself. Unfortunately, it's at the great cost of human life and we would probably have to have another civil war because gun owners aren't willing to give up their rights for the same reason slave owners refused to give up their slaves.

I happen to be in the minority of people who would voluntarily trade my right to bear arms for a license to bear arms in the interest of saving human lives and that's what I call being true a pro-life advocate (rather than distributing propaganda regarding the unborn).

According to MADD, 27 people are killed by drunk drivers every day.  According to NBC, 30 people are killed by guns every day.

What do?
« Last Edit: October 17, 2013, 10:21:03 PM by LoadWB »

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Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #100 on: October 17, 2013, 10:29:47 PM »
Comparing guns to kitchen knives is indeed silly. One is a designed as a weapon to maim and kill, the other is designed to carry out kitchen tasks. No doubt it can be used to maim and kill, but that is not it's purpose.

Also, those that say the bad guys will still carry guns aren't completely correct. To an extent that will be true, but I bet you fewer bad guys will carry guns. Fewer still would carry guns if the police were unarmed also.

The UK is a dump, but one of the few things going for it is unarmed police. Sure there are bad guys with guns, but your average criminal does not carry a gun as there is no need for one. There is no arms race between the good guys and the bad guys.

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Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #101 on: October 17, 2013, 10:52:47 PM »
Quote from: LoadWB;750342
According to MADD, 27 people are killed by drunk drivers every day.  According to NBC, 30 people are killed by guns every day.

What do?

According to MADD, 27 people are killed by drunk drivers every day. According to NBC, 30 people are killed by guns every day.

What do?

Increase control and deny driving licenses to irresponsible people. About your gun ideas: what happens I would like to drive a Tank, to walk by the street carrying a bazooka and would love owning some napalm bombs, grenades and nuclear bombs? don't I have the right? USA government allows its citizens to be armed (it's their right) but decides that other countries don't have the right to have weapons, funny uh? strangely USA trains terrorists and sells weapons to terrorist groups.

IMHO only police and army should have weapons. About the right to protect yourself and how weapons protect you: in USA if someone wants to enter your house to steal something he'll simply shoot you in the face when you go out to throw the trashcan and later steals you. In Europe he steals you but leaves you living. I prefer to be steal than murdered.

It's difficult to prevent retards and crazy people accessing weapons. Hunters can access easily weapons, despiting half of them are psychos without empathy. If selling weapons for hunting wouldn't be allowed I would feel much safer too.

It's usual to read news about crazy students killins a dozen of students in USA. That doesn't happen in European countries due to weapons not being so common.

In general "life" worths much less in America than in Europe: it's easier than someone kills you to steal you in USA, Mexico and some southamerican countries than in European ones, killing you to steal you is a concept difficult to understand here... even for robbers. They can steal you without killing you and concepts like "self-defense" doesn't exist here so you can't kill robbers who enter your house (otherwise you open the doors to a slaughterhouse... if you wanted to kill somebody you could easily trick him to visit your house, kill him and claim he attacked you)

Would you give shotguns to 12-year boys so they can protect themselves of each others? They have the right, don't they? oh perhaps they aren't mature enough... what do we do with people over 21 that are not mature enough? Some people with more than 50 years will never mature anyway...

IMHO the world is better without violence and violence tools. Weapons should only be owned by armies and police. Of course you can kill people with a knife but many less, just like if you get mad you'll kill less people with a knife than with a bazooka.

Anyway European countries sell anti-personal mines and weapons to other countries so it's not so pink here.

But if you think everyone should have the right to own weapons you should agree every country deserves having nuclear weapons to bomb your cities.
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Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #102 on: October 17, 2013, 11:23:04 PM »
Quote from: Crumb;750345

Increase control and deny driving licenses to irresponsible people. About your gun ideas: what happens I would like to drive a Tank, to walk by the street carrying a bazooka and would love owning some napalm bombs, grenades and nuclear bombs? don't I have the right? USA government allows its citizens to be armed (it's their right) but decides that other countries don't have the right to have weapons, funny uh? strangely USA trains terrorists and sells weapons to terrorist groups.

If you read what I said, I pretty clearly point to government as a problem.  I cannot speak for our government as for the past 100 years our government has represented us less and less.  As for your outrageous scenario with tanks and bazookas, again, we have the right to bear arms, but the freedom of what arms we may choose is limited.  Napalm?  That's easy enough to make so, sure, I can have that.  But I cannot use it.  Grenades?  Sure, but I cannot use them without repercussions.  Tank?  Sure, but impractical and the average citizen would not be able to arm it.  Bazooka?  Pretty certain that's limited.

IMHO only police and army should have weapons. About the right to protect yourself and how weapons protect you: in USA if someone wants to enter your house to steal something he'll simply shoot you in the face when you go out to throw the trashcan and later steals you. In Europe he steals you but leaves you living. I prefer to be steal than murdered.

(citation needed)

It's difficult to prevent retards and crazy people accessing weapons. Hunters can access easily weapons, despiting half of them are psychos without empathy. If selling weapons for hunting wouldn't be allowed I would feel much safer too.

Again, (citation needed).  My grandfather was a hunter and the first thing he taught me about guns was what they could do to a person and how we never want that to happen.

It's usual to read news about crazy students killins a dozen of students in USA. That doesn't happen in European countries due to weapons not being so common.

Again, the vast majority of those killings are perpetrated by people who have obtained the guns illegally or illegitimately, and even more noteworthy is how all but one of the mass murders in the past decade and a-half have been committed in gun-free zones.

In general "life" worths much less in America than in Europe: it's easier than someone kills you to steal you in USA, Mexico and some southamerican countries than in European ones, killing you to steal you is a concept difficult to understand here... even for robbers. They can steal you without killing you and concepts like "self-defense" doesn't exist here so you can't kill robbers who enter your house (otherwise you open the doors to a slaughterhouse... if you wanted to kill somebody you could easily trick him to visit your house, kill him and claim he attacked you)

I read your first point several times, and I still cannot make sense of it.  Sure, I can post on Craigslist and invite you to my home and rape, torture, and kill you.  We can kill someone who enters our home and is a threat, but there is no slaughterhouse here.  Recently the big anti-gun culture target was the Florida "Stand Your Ground" law, which gives someone a legal authority to kill someone if the person is an imminent threat to life.  When these statutes passed around 2004 we were told it would be the Wild West, people would walk around armed to the hilt and pick fights just to kill other people.  Never happened, and even the Zimmerman-Martin case was never prosecuted nor defended as a "SYG" case.  
tl;dr?  We aren't the Wild Wild West of here, but we do have more than our fair share of violent people who, by the way, are violent with or without guns.

Would you give shotguns to 12-year boys so they can protect themselves of each others? They have the right, don't they? oh perhaps they aren't mature enough... what do we do with people over 21 that are not mature enough? Some people with more than 50 years will never mature anyway...

That's just a terrible posit.  No, we teach our children that we resolve disputes with discourse or, if necessary, a good ass-beating. Again, never on the offensive, only on the defensive.  I fired my first gun when I was 8: my grandfather had me shoot a .22 rifle that my dad shot when he was my age.  As with anything, while our children are under our tutelage, we instruct them of the correct ways to interact with people, to handle themselves, and to handle dangerous objects.  At some stage there is little we can do other than influence their behavior and they have to take on the responsibility for their own actions.  You're right: some people in their 50s aren't mature, but we do not elect to impose restrictions on all people in their 50s for the fallacy that therefore ALL people in their 50s are immature or will be.

IMHO the world is better without violence and violence tools. Weapons should only be owned by armies and police. Of course you can kill people with a knife but many less, just like if you get mad you'll kill less people with a knife than with a bazooka.

Oh stop.  Bazooka, again?

Anyway European countries sell anti-personal mines and weapons to other countries so it's not so pink here.

But if you think everyone should have the right to own weapons you should agree every country deserves having nuclear weapons to bomb your cities.

Now you're just being intellectually dishonest.  My prior presentation clearly stated that we may exercise our rights and freedoms so long as they do not impose upon others', and the latter is subject to limitations.

It's probably a good idea you stay over in your country.  If you were to ever come here, I'm likely to lure you into my home and shoot you with my nuclear bazooka.  FFS.

To recognize for a moment the people who will gladly give up their rights and freedoms to protect others, first you do not understand a thing I have said already, and secondly that you would do so gives you no right nor power to impose the same unto me or others who would not.  I am happy that, in your opinions, you would give up your sovereignty for the safety of others.  I hold onto my sovereignty because I am not a threat to others, and if I ever become one I will face the repercussions.

All of this notwithstanding, guns exist.  Weaponry exists.  Always has and always will because there are no angels amongst men.  So long as our civil society persists, we have no reason to turn those arms on each other and those who do are punished (well, not so much under our current administration.)  To paraphrase my homosexual friends, "We're here, we're armed, get used to it."
« Last Edit: October 17, 2013, 11:30:08 PM by LoadWB »

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Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #103 on: October 17, 2013, 11:36:12 PM »
Quote from: LoadWB;750342
According to MADD, 27 people are killed by drunk drivers every day.  According to NBC, 30 people are killed by guns every day.

What do?

Confirmation bias?
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Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #104 on: October 17, 2013, 11:46:07 PM »
Quote from: LoadWB;750346
If you read what I said, I pretty clearly point to government as a problem.  I cannot speak for our government as for the past 100 years our government has represented us less and less.  As for your outrageous scenario with tanks and bazookas, again, we have the right to bear arms, but the freedom of what arms we may choose is limited.  Napalm?  That's easy enough to make so, sure, I can have that.  But I cannot use it.  Grenades?  Sure, but I cannot use them without repercussions.  Tank?  Sure, but impractical and the average citizen would not be able to arm it.  Bazooka?  Pretty certain that's limited.

(citation needed)

Again, (citation needed).  My grandfather was a hunter and the first thing he taught me about guns was what they could do to a person and how we never want that to happen.

Again, the vast majority of those killings are perpetrated by people who have obtained the guns illegally or illegitimately, and even more noteworthy is how all but one of the mass murders in the past decade and a-half have been committed in gun-free zones.

I read your first point several times, and I still cannot make sense of it.  Sure, I can post on Craigslist and invite you to my home and rape, torture, and kill you.  We can kill someone who enters our home and is a threat, but there is no slaughterhouse here.  Recently the big anti-gun culture target was the Florida "Stand Your Ground" law, which gives someone a legal authority to kill someone if the person is an imminent threat to life.  When these statutes passed around 2004 we were told it would be the Wild West, people would walk around armed to the hilt and pick fights just to kill other people.  Never happened, and even the Zimmerman-Martin case was never prosecuted nor defended as a "SYG" case.  
tl;dr?  We aren't the Wild Wild West of here, but we do have more than our fair share of violent people who, by the way, are violent with or without guns.

That's just a terrible posit.  No, we teach our children that we resolve disputes with discourse or, if necessary, a good ass-beating. Again, never on the offensive, only on the defensive.  I fired my first gun when I was 8: my grandfather had me shoot a .22 rifle that my dad shot when he was my age.  As with anything, while our children are under our tutelage, we instruct them of the correct ways to interact with people, to handle themselves, and to handle dangerous objects.  At some stage there is little we can do other than influence their behavior and they have to take on the responsibility for their own actions.  You're right: some people in their 50s aren't mature, but we do not elect to impose restrictions on all people in their 50s for the fallacy that therefore ALL people in their 50s are immature or will be.

Oh stop.  Bazooka, again?

Now you're just being intellectually dishonest.  My prior presentation clearly stated that we may exercise our rights and freedoms so long as they do not impose upon others', and the latter is subject to limitations.

It's probably a good idea you stay over in your country.  If you were to ever come here, I'm likely to lure you into my home and shoot you with my nuclear bazooka.  FFS.

To recognize for a moment the people who will gladly give up their rights and freedoms to protect others, first you do not understand a thing I have said already, and secondly that you would do so gives you no right nor power to impose the same unto me or others who would not.  I am happy that, in your opinions, you would give up your sovereignty for the safety of others.  I hold onto my sovereignty because I am not a threat to others, and if I ever become one I will face the repercussions.

All of this notwithstanding, guns exist.  Weaponry exists.  Always has and always will because there are no angels amongst men.  So long as our civil society persists, we have no reason to turn those arms on each other and those who do are punished (well, not so much under our current administration.)  To paraphrase my homosexual friends, "We're here, we're armed, get used to it."

I do not understand that last part of the sentence "my homosexual friends". Are you saying all these people who have posted here are homosexual just because they do not like violence or gun? If I do not like violence, or see people dispute matters through violence or shooting each other....does that mean I am sissy, or love having sex with men? Please do not imply that if a man hates violence or do not like having weapons around means he is homosexual.