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Author Topic: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders  (Read 10957 times)


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Offline KennyR

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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2002, 02:39:51 PM »
ARGH! The same old tired flames!

Flame #1: "Stop dreaming, OS4 will never come out."

Kenny Says: Huh? Whaaa? OS4 is a certainty now. I think people that say this need dragged kicking an screaming into the 21st century.

Flame #2: A1 is just a reused board, Pegasos is redesigned from scratch.

Kenny Says: Who the f*ck cares? It works, doesn't it?

Flame #3: PegaSOS isn't an Amiga!

Kenny Says: Isn't it? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... If it has the ability to natively run an Amiga OS, it's an Amiga. Period. End of conversation.

Flame #4: I really need that CPU slot on the pegasos...A1 is just crap because it doesn't have one.

Kenny Says: The A1200 has no (dedicated) CPU slot and is still by far the most popular Amiga. A cpu card could be fitted on a PCI board or attached in another way. As well as the fact that you ain't likely to get many CPU boards in the future, things being as they are. Why don't you just hang a cow bell on your machine and say how great it is? If you think you need the CPU slot, go and buy the Pegasos. No-one will physically stop you. Well, maybe. ;)

Flame #5: Pegasos is being made by people who really know about the Amiga. A1 is just an old board being made by some Chinese people.

Kenny Says: My taste in computers is like my taste in women. I don't need a a pedigree and a list of their past. It really, really, doesn't matter. I don't care. It's certainly no basis to flame the A1, and you know it!

Flame #6: Your OS sucks, mine rules!

Kenny Says: Erm, maybe you should get out more often, maybe meet a nice girl and have picnics in the sun. People who say the above should really stop masturbating in darkened rooms and eating junk food - not that there's anything wrong in that, of course ;) (in moderation) ;)

The Amiga community needs more of these reality checks. You're starting to sound like kids arguing over a lump of playdough ("Its a rocket ship!" "No, its a horsey!" - punch).


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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2002, 03:06:51 PM »
It's a partly redesigned teroncx, using the same
bios (seems that hyperion will replace this). :-o
I will not spread any more stuff I shouldn't..
And believe me... It's not FUD.
Plus, you didn't get my point... My point was
that that guys said that the Amiga ONE is an
Amiga while pegasos is not...


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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2002, 03:33:40 PM »
amigamad, dont mean to byte, but thats pathetic, why exactly is the AmigaOne the real amiga?

Its NOT. The only real Amiga is AmigaOS, because its an Amiga Inc product and its being ported from the old source.

AmigaOne has nothing to do with the Amiga except that its only one of the many hardware platforms that can run AmigaOS... get used to it :)


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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2002, 03:40:43 PM »
I like Kenny :)

Offline KennyR

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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2002, 05:15:03 PM »
Thanks  :-D

Offline DaveP

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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2002, 05:22:02 PM »
Who said that? I must need to reread this thread :-)

The AmigaONE is the AmigaONE. AmigaOS is AmigaOS. MorphOS is MorphOS etc.

Compatibility or otherwise of any of these pretenders is yet to be tested. Frankly I dont really care - I have made my choice and that is AmigaONE + Linux and later if its any good AmigaONE + AmigaOS.

As for this:

It's a partly redesigned teroncx, using the same
bios (seems that hyperion will replace this).  

I fail to see the point in you bringing it up in the first place. Is this somehow supposed to make something "bad"??

Those that some seem to hold aloft as the saviours of the Amiga vision - e.g. ex PhaseV employees/owners seem to want to rewrite history or do you want me to repeat all the angst I had to get hold of my PowerUP board and the ensuing damage done to the marketplace by poor delivery, poor after sales, the kernel issue etc etc.

From day one the PowerUP boards had a waiting list numbered in the months - demand way outstripping supply. Now we have TWO revisions of AmigaOS that support PowerPC, one official the other "not" and TWO PPC boards yet I still see the same old s**t being posted, the same old games being played with press releases ( "AmigaOS is real!" ... day later "so is MorphOS" ). I mean SNORE!!!!!!

Get all these b*stard options to market and lets P L A Y!!!!

Dave. :-)
Hate figure. :lol:

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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2002, 05:35:30 PM »
What the hell is wrong with some people? We will have (at least) two great hardware platforms, and if Hyperion just get the Pegasos developer board they ordered, both will run AmigaOS 4.
But this is not good enough for some people. No, there must be factions, fighting, bickering, gossiping, mud slinging, imagined enemies and trolling.

- "Oooh, bPlan haven't licensed the 'Amiga One' name, Pegasos can't be any good! And it can run MorphOS too, it must be evil! And I bet those ZIF-converters and dual CPU modules you can buy in any Mac shop are imaginary! There's a hidden bPlan/MorphOS/Satan Agenda!"

- "Nooo, Eyetech's Taiwanese boards are evil, because they didn't design them or make them themselves! And you can't upgrade the CPU - noone could possibly find any use for these boards! There's a hidden Eyetech/Amiga Inc./Satan Agenda!"

Et c., et c. ad nauseam.
F*cking "community".
[color=0000FF]Maybe it\\\'s still possible to [/color]save AmigaOS [color=0000FF][/size][/color]  :rtfm:......


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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2002, 05:45:15 PM »


Offline DaveP

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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2002, 05:45:30 PM »

Ive seen this comment on ann but not here so far:


 "Oooh, bPlan haven't licensed the 'Amiga One' name, Pegasos can't be any good!"

But then I didnt see some of the stuff that Kenny referenced in this thread either.

Jumping at shadows?

The whole boring debate is over - AmigaONE is orderable for the common Amiga usable capable of putting it in an ATX case and plugging GFX cards into PCI slots which should be everyone by now.

We wont see the end to lobbying for one solution or the other. We wont see the end to the FUD campaign. We wont see the end to the branding freaks comments. We wont see the end of childish morons posting.

At least we will see the start of some usable, production ready Amiga-a-like hardware soon which is way further on than we have been for ages as opposed to that travesty of Amiga misbranding being pushed elsewhere...

Dave. :-D
Hate figure. :lol:


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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2002, 06:10:14 PM »
Flame point #1 : the amiga one is a teron cx
 my answer : and morphos is the quark kernel with aros plastered on top so your point is?

Flame point #2 : the bplan team are real amiga people!
 my answer : hmm not got nething bplan in mine , but if you mean the morphos team , these
 people have developed alot yes , and alot of it has been an arse , e.g. the ppc kernel
 the ppc boards ( which alot are defuct , nice design work there) and cybergraphx that
 which fails to do alot of things p96 can do.

Flame point #3 : the bplan has a cpu slot !
 And the amiga one has an extra pci , that could take a nice fast cpu , memory etc ;P.


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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2002, 06:17:27 PM »
Flame point #1 : the amiga one is a teron cx
my answer : and morphos is the quark kernel with aros plastered on top so your point is?

If you could read propertly you would see my point some posts later....
And no, Morphos is not quark+aros... It used
AROS code to fill some of the gaps, like intuition. The aros code needed a LOT of
changes to be made amiga compatible and work in morphos...

Flame point #2 : the bplan team are real amiga people!
my answer : hmm not got nething bplan in mine , but if you mean the morphos team , these
people have developed alot yes , and alot of it has been an arse , e.g. the ppc kernel
the ppc boards ( which alot are defuct , nice design work there) and cybergraphx that
which fails to do alot of things p96 can do.

!!! Without the ppc boards the amiga would
be dead now you **(&*^!!!
As for CGX... point me ONE well coded piece
of software that works under p96 and not
cgx... And I'm talking about software NOT
made for a certain rtg system...

Flame point #3 : the bplan has a cpu slot !
And the amiga one has an extra pci , that could take a nice fast cpu , memory etc ;P.

Ha! That's a new one... Buy a new shinny
board to patch it as we did with those 10
year old motherboards... Keep em coming..

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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2002, 07:08:45 PM »
Poster: Anonymous Date: 2002/3/23 5:51:40
For the Classic Amiga sure. But I'm confident that they'll adapt OS4 t

OS 4 is for the Amiga One. It will only run on classic Amigas with certian PPC accelerators.

If Peagos/Morphos can't run AOS 4.x in some way, it's a dead end or a non-Amiga platform.


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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2002, 07:29:23 PM »

!!! Without the ppc boards the amiga would
be dead now you **(&*^!!!

Would it? Exactly how much of the software on my system that I use is PPC .... not a lot. Not because I dont have a PPC board - I have had one for YEARS - but because the overwhelming majority of useful software does not run using PPC.

So I think that claim is dubious at best. I think if PhaseV had not mucked up ( Im being nice ) its supply/demand of PPC then the Amiga would be better off than it now is in terms of userbase and PhaseV might still be alive producing products with a well known respected brand.

Your motherboard point also undermines the argument *for* a CPU slot rather than a soldered on CPU. Why bolt a new CPU into an old motherboard - thats just as "bad" a patch as the A1200 PowerUP scheme? The fact that one uses a PCI slot and the other doesnt is immaterial.

Its all academic now anyway.


Offline KennyR

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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2002, 08:03:03 PM »
Oops, then apparently I forgot another commonly used flame.

Flame #7: "The Pegasos is done by real Amiga people!"

Kenny says: Real amiga people? Just how is this defined? Aren't we all Amiga people, or are Amiga people physically different in some way? Do they have halos? Do their brains bulge out of their ears? I think what you mean is that some of the people designing the Pegasos were involved with the original construction of the Amiga. As I had mentioned above, pedigree doesn't really matter to me. Functionality does.

And, judging from the reponses in this thread, some people should actually *read through the whole comment* before flaming parts of it.


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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2002, 08:12:58 PM »
Well i won`t be buying a Bplan just to find it crashes alot ( just like a certain ppc card made by members of a certain os team ) and then to send it back to a certain company never to see it return again.

Hell lets boycott MOS,BPlan and DCE in one go cuz they`ve all in one way or another been involved in dirty practices.


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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #29 from previous page: March 23, 2002, 08:18:04 PM »
point me one bit of software that only works with cgx and not p96 ... thats right its CGX`s fault cuz its a bang o` $#@!e !