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Author Topic: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out  (Read 7962 times)


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Offline DonnyEMU

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #119 from previous page: December 22, 2006, 02:22:23 PM »
So if someone calls you a thief without reason you won't be offended?

No and I wouldn't feel bad about asking the company I bought the licensed material for another copy of it. I have to admit something here, I am involved with a company called the 9thXchange (www.9thx.com). We provide our members with downloadable media, and we also provide them a library backup of stuff they have purchased. So if they have downloaded something they always have a backup available from us and a license file if they have legally purchased something. We do DRM right and support the people who buy from us. The company also provides resale of files purchased and provides royalties to the original creators.

If you are not a thief get some backbone, and don't worry about it. If you position is defensible then you are in the right and you shouldn't take it personally or assume someone is calling you a thief.

Another point: In my country there is an FBI warning on DVDs that says copying dvds even in the advent of no monitary gain is illegal and punishable by X number of years in federal prison even if it wasn't done for monitary gain. That tells me that if you bought a dvd it's not covered under fair use, you are simply buying private exhibition license to the content on that particular disc on a specific playback system and it covers nothing including backups or jukeboxes..

Don Burnett Developer

Offline koaftder

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #120 on: December 22, 2006, 02:46:42 PM »

The customer are saying, "Hey, this DRM sucks. We just want the product, and we want to make our own backups which we are allowed to by law. We don't like having our media and apps locked down to one unreliable machine and then have to beg yall for a new copy every time our harddrive crashes or we upgrade our cpu. We don't like knowing that if you go out of business we basically loose everything we bought from you".

Business used to be about treating your customers right and giving them what they want so they will come back and buy more product/services. Openoffice.org is doing really good these days because people are fed up with all the anti copying crap thats in MSOffice. When I waste time on the clock due to anti copy protection and drm issues i get mad and consider other products.

Offline nadoom

Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #121 on: December 22, 2006, 03:09:06 PM »
i read that in tests as far as games are concerned the performance of Vista vs XP shows that vista is some 20% slower.

As far as i am concerned most hobbiest type people who install vista will end up turning off the fancy {bleep} just like they did with win xp, just to get that extra speed boost.

 Linux also has its vista equilivant that will be turned off after 2 weeks :)
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Offline Roondar

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #122 on: December 22, 2006, 04:02:56 PM »

DonnyEMU wrote:
So if someone calls you a thief without reason you won't be offended?

No and I wouldn't feel bad about asking the company I bought the licensed material for another copy of it. I have to admit something here, I am involved with a company called the 9thXchange (www.9thx.com). We provide our members with downloadable media, and we also provide them a library backup of stuff they have purchased. So if they have downloaded something they always have a backup available from us and a license file if they have legally purchased something. We do DRM right and support the people who buy from us. The company also provides resale of files purchased and provides royalties to the original creators.

If you are not a thief get some backbone, and don't worry about it. If you position is defensible then you are in the right and you shouldn't take it personally or assume someone is calling you a thief.

I don't need to grow a backbone, I don't deal with companies that tell me -in veiled terms- I'm a potential thief that wants to steal their wares. Simple enough. I shouldn't have to ask them for a new license/file to begin with, I payed the original. The file should just work, no excuses, no re-downloading. Period.

Or better said: Yes I am offended by people who assume I want to do bad things with copyrighted materials. My entire PC and my laptop contains zero pirated software and no media I have no rights too. And yet, I still feel this way. I am a customer, I should be treated like one, not like a potential crook.

The basic attitude from the media suppliers is wrong. I'm not the one who should grow the backbone. The people selling media licenses should grow one and refrain from calling me a potential thief.


Another point: In my country there is an FBI warning on DVDs that says copying dvds even in the advent of no monitary gain is illegal and punishable by X number of years in federal prison even if it wasn't done for monitary gain. That tells me that if you bought a dvd it's not covered under fair use, you are simply buying private exhibition license to the content on that particular disc on a specific playback system and it covers nothing including backups or jukeboxes..

The FBI and similar warnings on DVD's are a pet peeve of mine. I know I'm not supposed to copy a disc. I don't need some people telling me I shouldn't do bad stuff every time I put my original DVD in the player.

And you are wrong by the way, a DVD falls under fair use just as much as any other copyrighted object. Only breaking the encryption is illegal when you want to make a backup and there are plenty of ways to copy a disc without breaking the encryption. Which is perfectly legal under the DMCA.

Besides, if I buy a perpetual license (like the one I get when I buy a DVD) the seller had better offer me a perpetual form of access to the stuff licensed. And until they do, backing up my media is a very good and quite legal way to make sure I can watch my legally obtained, licensed media in the future. DRM only makes sure I eventually need to buy my content again.

Like I said, Copyright is not evil. But DRM is.

Offline AmiDude

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #123 on: December 23, 2006, 12:03:54 AM »
Now cut the crap! I'm sick and tired of this whole
Vista bullsh*t!
 :pissed:  :horse:
Spend your time and energy on some other
"Amiga related" subjects...
You're just feeding the troll...


Offline bhoggett

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #124 on: December 23, 2006, 01:27:56 AM »

DonnyEMU wrote:
No and I wouldn't feel bad about asking the company I bought the licensed material for another copy of it. I have to admit something here, I am involved with a company called the 9thXchange (www.9thx.com). We provide our members with downloadable media, and we also provide them a library backup of stuff they have purchased. So if they have downloaded something they always have a backup available from us and a license file if they have legally purchased something. We do DRM right and support the people who buy from us. The company also provides resale of files purchased and provides royalties to the original creators.

And if your company goes bust and you disappear, where are your customers then?

But I don't expect you or your ilk to give a toss about the customers. You are one of the exploiters, the money making minority who have pushed this "technology" to allow them new ways of ripping off their clients - such as the rather novel concept that you should have the right to tell the users on what systems they have a right to view/listen to the content they've already paid for. A way of creating new markets by splitting the existing market into many separate markets and making the customers buy 3 copies of the same content instead of one, while the selling company produces no extra product. Very clever - as long as the end users have no say in the matter.

In actual fact all the DRM will do is create a criminal underground who will make a fortune from providing DRM free content to people who are fed up being ripped off by the likes of your company. A cracking way of supplying new criminal opportunities and profit. Well done.
Bill Hoggett

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #125 on: December 23, 2006, 01:33:26 AM »
I'm going a little off topic here, but...

The FBI and similar warnings on DVD's are a pet peeve of mine. I know I'm not supposed to copy a disc. I don't need some people telling me I shouldn't do bad stuff every time I put my original DVD in the player.

Yes, those FBI warnings really piss me off. First of all, being a Canadian, I don't want to be continually "warned" by an American government agency which only has jurisdiction inside the United States (of course, the Americans assume they can illegally go into any country they want). Second, why do I need this warning flashed in my face every time I insert a disc? Most times you can't skip it. I think after seeing it a few thousand times I don't need to keep seeing it.

(rant over... I can relax now :-))

Offline AmiDude

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #126 on: December 23, 2006, 05:16:22 AM »

Offline Amiduffer

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #127 on: December 23, 2006, 05:22:04 AM »
Ha ha ha! :-D  :lol:

Hey AmiDude, you forgot the disclaimer:

No actual horses were harmed in the making of the animation. Any resemblences to horses living or dead is purely coicidental.
Amiga 3000D UP and running! Hear that clicking. 8)
Amiga 3000D & 4000D in storage sadly.

Offline jkirk

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #128 on: December 23, 2006, 06:19:46 AM »

sometimes you must beat a dead horse to let corporate idiots know that their stuff is crap(drm)

btw drm is not a vista only phenomenon it is rearing it's ugly head everywhere.
The only stupid question is a question not asked.  

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #129 on: December 23, 2006, 06:35:51 AM »
So if they have downloaded something they always have a backup available from us and a license file if they have legally purchased something. We do DRM right and support the people who buy from us. The company also provides resale of files purchased and provides royalties to the original creators.

and you can guarantee that servers won't ever go down and always be able to retrieve what i bought(including business closure)?

If you are not a thief get some backbone, and don't worry about it.

i got backbone. backbone to stand up to people that assume everyone is a crook. back bone to tell them that this ain't right. and backbone not to buy/support such stupid methods of protection.

i used to buy music regularly heck i have a collection of about 500 cds since 91(everything i had before was destroyed in a fire)now i don't unless i am sure there is no copy protection on the disk. i do not buy from itunes, napster or any online service. and i will not be buying hd-dvd or blu-ray for the same reasons(hdcp). same goes for vista or any new os that supports this drm. xp left a bad taste in my mouth for it's own drm and i have bought a version of office i can't use anymore because of drm(original system no longer in use). as such drm is a blight on humanity and as such you cannot convince me that it is necessary because it is not. it is however turning valuable customers against those very content makers.
The only stupid question is a question not asked.  

Win•dows: n. A thirty-two bit extension and graphical shell to a sixteen-bit patch to an eight-bit operating system originally coded for a four-bit microprocessor which was written by a two-bit company that can\'t stand one bit of competition.

Offline stianstr

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #130 on: December 23, 2006, 10:05:11 AM »
Man that was boring. Can't belive I wasted all that time :)
System developer, AmigaWeb.net

Offline koaftder

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #131 on: December 23, 2006, 12:15:47 PM »

You post about your digital morals and DRM done right in regards to the company you are involved with, but your company sells "licenses" to view material drm style from affiliates who push content that does not belong to them. I highly doubt that the INXS music videos being offered through your site by "Richerme Rockin Store" are licensed by the content holders for INXS content.

Effectively you are are adding drm to content provided by pirates and making a dollar off it.

So much for digital rights.

Offline whabang

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #132 on: December 23, 2006, 12:47:52 PM »
@ all


It's an OS. It won't revolutionize the way you work with your computer, nor will the next versions of Linux, MacOS, or AmigaOS.

I am using Vista on this system as I type, it's fast (300+ 3dmarks since i switched from XP), and I have not had any problems so far.

I expect WinUAE to run just as good as it use to when I get around to installing it.

If you want to install it, then do so, and shut the hell up!
If you don't want to install it, then don't (and shut up)!

There is NO need for debate.

Now move along and stop feeding the trolls (I just fed them more than enough)!

DISCLAIMER: This message was posted when I was sober, which means my debating skills are completely worthless. :lol:
Beating the dead horse since 2002.