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Author Topic: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out  (Read 7959 times)


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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #89 from previous page: December 21, 2006, 12:21:12 PM »
This is just another typical response posting thread by Amiga fan boys taking any opportunity to trash Microsoft.

Well Vista would not be what it is today without the innovations done originally on the Amiga, however if you trash Vista and you have never used it well shame on you.

I don't really have to defend Vista or WPF, the applications and it's functions speak for itself. I am writing this on the Vista "Business" SKU right now and I will just say I don't worry about spyware or viruses, haven't since I installed it with Avast anti-virus.

The WPF applications really speak for themselves.

Here is a famous demo that was rewritten in WPF/XAML and this time in true 3d..

If you want to see more details check out Daniel Lehenbaur's Blog at
Daniel Lehenbauer's Blog

The improved functionality that just about anyone who can program in BASIC can take avantage of finally. The UI and system services and functionality has now improved with vista as well. The reliability monitor will now tell you about misbehaving applications and keep track of your system's over all health and you can watch applications and find problems and report problems to software makers..

Microsoft has risen above many OS problems with Vista. It's just a very mature OS for now very mature hardware.

AmigaOS isn't dead as long as people use it, but it's not fair to compare Apples to Oranges so to speak..

Also for those making the DRM comments about copy protection of materials (like the protected path stuff), if you own the original it works fine) and if you don't violate copyright laws then this new feature probably shouldn't bother you that it's there. It just protects the presenters original intellectual property rights.

Anyone complaining about this probably doesn't like this new safety feature because they steal other people's work.

I have no problem with this new functionality as it doesn't affect my work or my own creative works and it will actually protect them. So if you don't like this blame Hollywood, blame people who pirate stuff illegally that it is felt necessary that it be better protected.

These features don't impede your work.
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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #90 on: December 21, 2006, 12:31:51 PM »
I dont see any facinating about the Vista media "thing". Only a great Vaste of POWER. It may pleaze the geeks who thinks they know much about computers but have no idea how great DOS realy was.

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #91 on: December 21, 2006, 12:35:03 PM »

I will just say I don't worry about spyware or viruses, haven't since I installed it with Avast anti-virus.

I haven't had to worry about those since 2003 when I bought a Mac. No bloated anti-virus/spyware software that slows everything down.  :-D
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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #92 on: December 21, 2006, 12:39:36 PM »
I will just say I don't worry about spyware or viruses, haven't since I installed it with Avast anti-virus.

i thought traditional antivirus didn't work well?

microsoft wrong on security?

Anyone complaining about this probably doesn't like this new safety feature because they steal other people's work.

I have no problem with this new functionality as it doesn't affect my work or my own creative works and it will actually protect them. So if you don't like this blame Hollywood, blame people who pirate stuff illegally that it is felt necessary that it be better protected.

sure it will be protected you can even back it up too. you just cant watch it anymore if your keys become corrupted. you can't watch it on your mother's computer you are visiting for the weekend. you can't watch it if your os dies and you have to reinstall. you can't watch it on multiple pvr's in your home(without buying an xbox.) so sure the only objections must be from pirates :roll:

sorry i won't use that drm crap.
and neither will the majority of these people.
snapstream thread will you upgrade to vista.
The only stupid question is a question not asked.  

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Offline AJCopland

Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #93 on: December 21, 2006, 12:56:07 PM »
Labelling everyone who has a problem with DRM as a thief/pirate is a bit harsh, i have a problem with DRM because of the technology and principles behind it not with what it hopes to achieve! (i.e: protecting peoples copyrighted works == good, preventing fair use == bad and when protecting copyright supercedes fair use then it's gone too far.)

Also DRM isn't a safety feature it's a technology lock-in method. There's nothing "unsafe" about watching pirated HD video and purchased HD video :-D

Personally i think that Vista will/is be a huge leap forward.

I do object to trolling about it on an Amiga forum however and peoples comments regarding it being a resource hog ARE well founded. Just because you can run it on a lower spec machine doesn't mean that you're getting many of the benefits of doing so.

Be Positive towards the Amiga community!

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #94 on: December 21, 2006, 12:59:57 PM »
Anyone complaining about this probably doesn't like this new safety feature because they steal other people's work

Excuse me?  You might want to proof-read your posts a little better unless, of course, you meant to call every single person who has ever questioned any aspect of DRM a thief?  

"Anyone" (who 'complains' or has complained) about this ... "'safety' feature" (DRM) is doing so because "they steal other people's work."[/b]  ???  

We're all thieves, huh?
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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #95 on: December 21, 2006, 01:26:56 PM »
Microsoft has risen above many OS problems with Vista. It's just a very mature OS for now very mature hardware.

Does Vista still have a registry? If so, Windows hasn't even risen above its most basic design flaw.

Offline bobamu

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #96 on: December 21, 2006, 01:34:25 PM »
We're all thieves, huh?

That's indeed the mentality. Even if you pay for stuff, you are still looked at as a thief.

Fast forwarding through adverts on "your" dvd that you paid cash? that makes you a thief(so for your own good you usually can't do it), as does channel hopping when the ads are on.

Sorry, but DRM is nothing obnoxious crap, it WILL NOT STOP acts of copyright violation, it will only serve to annoy legitimate customers, pirates never seem to have any problem whatsoever with access controls. And DRM isn't just for hollywood, it's going to be for your own created documents too, yours that is up until the point that someone decides that you don't have the right to your documents anymore, yay security. Of course.. that'll never happen..

And yeah, the presentation system is a fantastic piece of technology, nobody is saying it's crap, I suspect if people had to wade through that in an office to do their daily tasks requiring computers they'd go insane. I know I would, it's bad enough with the computers crapping out as they do already trying to run the usual office software (again, MS Office IS good piece of software it just sometimes gets in a huff)

It will result in a new form of "flash hell" and will require a load of otherwise useful systems to be binned if running the system to that standard is required.

I just think that coming onto an amiga website and "blaa blaa you know crap you must use this or you are completely wrong and I know better than all of you about what you should do"  about it is completely pointless and is outright trolling.

I have my own opinions on os 4 and "beyond" myself, I don't have anything that runs os4 so perhaps folk can work out what those are.

And I already don't get viruses on windows.
Or linux
I don't have a mac, but if I did, I suspect I wouldn't get viruses on there too.
There's no viruses on my amiga.
I might be able to find something with a z80 in it without viruses too.

Sorry, but this thread is just :roll:
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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #97 on: December 21, 2006, 01:43:24 PM »
Beating the dead horse since 2002.

Offline amiga92570

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #98 on: December 21, 2006, 01:44:44 PM »
Vista on amiga.org makes no sense. Vista could only become a threat to amiga OS if they were able to run vista on an amiga. It will never Happen. End of story. :whack:
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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #99 on: December 21, 2006, 01:46:21 PM »
Its been written elsewhere that vsta is likely to be the last windows version due to its almost impossability to maintain.  Its grown so big that even the developers cant maintain properly.

vista will have a slow start in life because its not a big upgrade over xp, it doesnt do anything meaningful that cant already be done and it doesnt appeal to any group in particular either.  the only peopel using it will be those who have it forced upon them when they buy their new oem machines.

The gamer doesnt like it due to its remove of audio acceleration so will depend on support of OpenAL and dx10 may be a step forward visualy but at a cost of cpu power and dx9 is done through an emulation layer into dx10.

the business wont be able to take it up due to vistas highly complex nature meaning many weeks of testing before even thinking of deploying, not to mention the horrendous cost of the new os and the fact that all current machines will need to be replaced to run it. vista simpy isnt ale to perform on current p2/p3/p4 machines that grace millions of offices currently running 2k/xp and just about perform well enough.

the drm meassures are there to help the greedy and stop the user moving content to there other devices no mater how much was spent for the privilage of beeing able to watch baught content at least once.

ive gone through all ultimate t4est versions and final, and apart from eyecandy there is no real reason to use it.  generaly takes more steps to get to what you want and actually loweres productivity due to the imence resource requirment that vista utilises.everything is pretty nippy and instant (by comparison) under xp athough nothing matches amigas os for things happening the instant there called upon.

im unsure why people seem to think vista is free from viruses and such because while its lightly protected now, it just takes a talanted virus writter a little extra work to beat it and those not running any kind of anti-virus well...more fool them.

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #100 on: December 21, 2006, 02:34:16 PM »

As a young amiga user, I was thinking to myself how or what benefits we could have using Windows Vista....

Personally, It's what you want to deal with.  I am to the point that I try to save as much CPU cycles as I can when im using my computer.  If I burn a CD, the most I do at the time is maybe playing an MP3.  I turn off all visualization effects since it tends to take up lots of CPU power to even display.

Cmon....  This OS being better then that OS... Old and I dropped it many years ago.  Stick to an OS that does what you want and be happy.

For that video.... I seen nothing spectacular about it.... Wow, it plays 3 different videos at the same time and cycles through them.... Not impressed because I like to conserve CPU power, especially since I am doing distributed.net.

The point im trying to get at is that no matter how good an Operating System looks, doesn't determine that its the best.

Enjoy Amiga!  :-D

On a side note.... Id personally be pissed off if windows vista protected every file that was written to the OS with a key so that I cant even use my own files on another PC that I happen to have.  Screw the copy protection.  If a file is really important and want to safekeep it... Ill password an archive.  :-D  :-)
Mine!  :-D

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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #101 on: December 21, 2006, 02:46:01 PM »
I have OS X and this does not impress me at all. The OS has this same level of functionality and 10.8 will take a step further. Plus, OS X can do it with a lot less ram.

A mac with 512 can have 5 different avi (tv shows) playing at the same time, audio coming fromthe one that is considered the front app; itunes playing int he background, pages open and creating desktop publishing documents, firefox open with 3 tabs and a terminal session. Then use the remote to 3d the desktop to the background and launchthe media server aspect of the OS. Vista is recommended to have at least 2GB of ram according to a MS rep.

I will not be buying vista at all. it is still cludgy! However, I will buy os 4.0 if it ever comes out. And, my A3000 still has a special place on my desk next to the MAC. The WinTel, well, I put it in the closet and it is only 7 years old.
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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #102 on: December 21, 2006, 03:06:38 PM »

Sometimes I think these threads are made by someone doing market research on what features could be added to their software (i.e. use others ideas to present them as unique)... Nah...can't be.. 8-)
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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #103 on: December 21, 2006, 04:07:01 PM »

Chrizz wrote:

Other than that, I can do anything computer related I need to do on today's hardware with todays operating systems. I do not need Vista. Nor does anybody else. The only people who 'need' Vista are Microsoft and the people selling PC's.

That's why Microsoft sells while Amiga is dead.

Purposely missing the point of my post and replying only to half of it won't win you any debates. My Amiga still works fine, thanks. It's not dead. I don't care it's not being sold anymore. I don't care about market size. I don't care about my A600's viability for modern computing tasks either. You seem to think I do tho, which is both amusing and dead wrong.

As to the rest:

I stand by my point, I don't need Windows Vista to do what I need to do with my PC. Windows XP does the job just fine.

Oh and by the way, the main reason Microsoft sells is because it's installed by default by computer sellers. It's because of this and the laws of scale that we only* have Microsoft operating systems being sold. It has nothing to do with quality, price, comfort or looks of the system (which does not by necessity mean Windows Vista is bad, after all Windows XP was quite reasonable).

In other words, Microsofts current supremacy has to do with ubiquity (as in installed base), not with their product being superior.

*) Being fair, the Mac just doesn't sell in large enough numbers to truly count.


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Re: AMIGA OS is dead and so every other OS not being VISTA.. check this out
« Reply #104 on: December 21, 2006, 04:18:41 PM »

DonnyEMU wrote:
Also for those making the DRM comments about copy protection of materials (like the protected path stuff), if you own the original it works fine) and if you don't violate copyright laws then this new feature probably shouldn't bother you that it's there. It just protects the presenters original intellectual property rights.

Anyone complaining about this probably doesn't like this new safety feature because they steal other people's work.

I have no problem with this new functionality as it doesn't affect my work or my own creative works and it will actually protect them. So if you don't like this blame Hollywood, blame people who pirate stuff illegally that it is felt necessary that it be better protected.

These features don't impede your work.

I disagree. I do not want my computers OS deciding it has to crypt my personally created works. I want those to be as interchangeable as possible. I do not want layers of protection on it. I want transparency and interoperability on my work.

Microsoft/any other OS maker has no business deciding that my own work needs to be protected by them. At all. Ever.

On a sidenote, accusing anybody who disagrees with you of being a thief before they even had their say is rather a dishonest debating tactic. One that should not be used in civil discussion if you ask me.