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Author Topic: dosbox for amiga 68k?  (Read 29067 times)


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Offline spirantho

Re: dosbox for amiga 68k?
« on: December 12, 2012, 02:00:41 PM »
I was surprised by how well it ran actually! Remember this is only a 68040 running (well, walking!) a 3D game under emulation.

Personally I use my beefed-up 50MHz 486SLC/2 A2386SX bridgeboard with 13.5MHz ISA bus. Only problem is no sound card I've found so far can cope with the overclocking of the ISA bus, but it made an appreciable difference in speed of Doom.
Ultima 7 runs nicely though, and Alone in the Dark is also good.
My next test is to replace the 386SX bridgeboard in one of my A1500s with a 33MHz 486SLC and see if the upped bus speed from 25MHz to 33MHz makes much difference. Means swapping the northbridge as well as the CPU, but because the bottleneck on the 386SX platform is the 16-bit memory bus, I think that extra 8MHz may make a difference.
Ian Gledhill
ian.gledhill@btinternit.com (except it should be internEt of course...!)
Check out my shop! http://www.mutant-caterpillar.co.uk/shop/ - for 8-bit (and soon 16-bit) goodness!

Offline spirantho

Re: dosbox for amiga 68k?
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2012, 09:49:12 PM »
Quote from: NovaCoder;718794
Yep I thought it ran Tomb Raider pretty well, I'd like to see what my 80Mhz 060 could do with it.  I did have a quick play with PCTask but it looks like a bit of a bitch to setup.

Nah, PC-Task is dead easy to set up. Create a hardfile and tell it to use it. Set the memory you want available and set the screenmodes - that's it.

It's the MS-DOS that's a pain....
Ian Gledhill
ian.gledhill@btinternit.com (except it should be internEt of course...!)
Check out my shop! http://www.mutant-caterpillar.co.uk/shop/ - for 8-bit (and soon 16-bit) goodness!

Offline spirantho

Re: dosbox for amiga 68k?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2013, 11:02:17 AM »
PC-Task is very easy to set up. The only vaguely complicated bit is that you have to choose the best Amiga screenmodes for the PC modes, and that's simple.

I'd be very impressed if DOSbox gets more than a 286 speed, myself. Ultima Underworld would be a heck of an achievement - I wouldn't hold your breath on that one. :) Remember an A1200 is only 50MHz at most, and RAM speed isn't particularly fast - and when it comes to emulation CPU speed and RAM speed are both very important.
Ian Gledhill
ian.gledhill@btinternit.com (except it should be internEt of course...!)
Check out my shop! http://www.mutant-caterpillar.co.uk/shop/ - for 8-bit (and soon 16-bit) goodness!