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Author Topic: NetSurf OS3.x Issues  (Read 11188 times)


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Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: NetSurf OS3.x Issues
« Reply #14 from previous page: January 12, 2016, 02:26:05 AM »
Utri007 - Thanks for the tips, and for the link.  I've been following along on the thread unfortunately have been too busy to respond.  In any case, with the new download and those options in-place, it is a big improvement in performance on my system.  25-35 seconds for amiga.org, 3-6 seconds for google.com (I reloaded these pages a couple times), etc.  Scrolling is also significantly faster.

Unfortunately more complex pages still seem to take an age ("fetching, processing").  cnn.com took almost three minutes to load.  Wikipedia took 673 seconds (and boy was it ugly in all Topaz font).  But hey, we're getting there.  Also we're now in a realm of pages that IBrowse can't even load - I tried bankofamerica.com, for example - IBrowse just throws an error about "outdated encryption" or something along those lines.  NetSurf at least loaded the first page of it.  ;)

Aminet also works and I was able to download files (yay, new version of Peter K. icon library!  ;)  )

I concur with the bug about it freezing up now, however.  As a test I left it sitting at one page for about an hour while I went off and did other things, and when I came back to it it was completely frozen.  Wouldn't exit, wouldn't refresh, etc.  The system was still operational, I could load other programs, but no sign of life from NetSurf.  Had to give it the three-finger-salute to shut it down.

More testing required...

Chris - any possibility of reaching out to any of the original IBrowse dev team?  I know at least Oliver Roberts was still active in the Amiga community, with his WarpDT's (which are great, btw).  I vaguely recall hearing something about him having an update for SSL, as well.  Perhaps he could help you with your datatype issues, at least?

Just a thought.

My .02 cents, it is a real shame what happened there.  They had a great browser, and then just :(  Doesn't make sense to not even be accepting registrations anymore, since I'm sure at least a few people would like to pay for it rather than download a pirate copy...  :( :(

Another probably obvious question for Chris - since this is built off NetSurf source, there's no possibility of you ever going commercial with it, is there?
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: NetSurf OS3.x Issues
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2016, 06:52:43 PM »
Quote from: chris;802069
Possibly - I didn't know such a thing existed.

I've just uplaoded a new version with some of the text layout problems fixed.  It's still broken (missing text on the welcome page!) but shouldn't go into an infinite loop any more.

I think this is the one he's referring to.  Long thread about it here:  http://www.amiga.org/forums/showthread.php?t=67649

And download here:  http://aminet.net/package/util/sys/layers

Is http://www.unsatisfactorysoftware.co.uk/index.php?pg=netsurf  is the best place to download your latest builds?  Thanks!
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: NetSurf OS3.x Issues
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2016, 01:09:27 AM »
Eep!  Sorry I've been a bit AWOL from this thread.  Life got in the way, including now working on replacing the front end on a friend's car that they totalled.  Haven't had much time for tinkering.  :(

In any case, downloaded this most recent version today.  I tried changing the font to XEN, then I tried changing it to XHelvetica (I was getting really tired of looking at Topaz).  Didn't seem to make much difference in performance so I took those lines out completely.  Looks much nicer with the default fonts, anyway.  :)

I also tried changing the redraw_tile_size settings.  Tried 10x10 and 200x200, but it seems like the 100x100 values still yield the best balance.

I'm not noticing the alpha issues on amigaworld.net I saw in utri007's screenshots.  But then again I don't have AGA, either.

One thing new I did notice was an output window popped up that said "Timeout was reached" when I tried to load Wikipedia.  I think this was one of the sites that took like 600+ seconds to load during some previous testing.  Is this something new you've added?  Is the timeout value adjustable?

Edit:  I just tried Wikipedia again.  749 seconds, ouch.  Could it be because it redirected my http:// to https:// ?

Is there any chance to get "iconify" working?  I'd love to be able to minimize this thing to quickly get to other icons on my Workbench.

Overall performance seems better each time (other than on Wikipedia).  Here's a few screenshots; thanks, Chris!
« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 01:13:48 AM by Oldsmobile_Mike »
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos

Offline Oldsmobile_Mike

Re: NetSurf OS3.x Issues
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2016, 01:10:04 AM »
I tried loading Facebook since I saw somebody asking about it on the amigaworld.net thread.  It let me log in, but wouldn't let me get very far without Javascript.  Then it gave me this error on the "mobile" site:

Edit: Dang it.  It did actually load the mobile Facebook site, eventually, after I clicked through a dozen error messages or so.  But by that point I'd already clicked on the "close" box for Netsurf, too.  So wasn't able to get a screenshot before it closed out.  :(
« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 01:21:46 AM by Oldsmobile_Mike »
Amiga 500: 2MB Chip|16MB Fast|30MHz 68030+68882|3.9|Indivision ECS|GVP A500HD+|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|Cocolino|SCSI DVD-RAM
Amiga 2000: 2MB Chip|136MB Fast|50MHz 68060|3.9|Indivision ECS + GVP Spectrum|Mechware card reader + 8GB CF|AD516|X-Surf 100|RapidRoad|Cocolino|SCSI CD-RW
 Amiga videos and other misc. stuff at https://www.youtube.com/CompTechMike/videos