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Author Topic: SACC May monthly meeting  (Read 1468 times)


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Offline SACC-guyTopic starter

SACC May monthly meeting
« on: May 14, 2023, 09:10:12 PM »


Due to the Memorial Day holiday this month our next SACC meeting is one week early, this Sunday, May 21st at 1:30 PM. We will be meeting in person at the Holiday Inn and on-line.


The meeting agenda and hotel information is on the homepage of the club website.  Go to https://www.sacc.org/index.shtml to check it out!


I’m happy to add your topic or project to the Agenda, just reply to this email with your topic.


The URL for the online Jitsi meeting is: https://meet.jit.si/SacramentoAmigaComputerClub



Jerry Gray - SACC VP

Offline SACC-guyTopic starter

Re: SACC May monthly meeting
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2023, 11:50:15 PM »
     I wanted to send an additional reminder out this time since the meeting is one week early due to Memorial Day weekend.  I also wanted to let you know we have a great agenda this month. We will have the stream up, but I believe this will be best viewed in person at the venue! 

    We have Michael bringing in his new Sam460LE. This is a hot off the presses, brand new OS 4 machine!  This motherboard is brought to us by the same folks who will eventually be in charge of manufacturing the 1222 once chip shortages are worked out.

    We also have Dave Coombs bringing in his Spider robot and will be sharing how LightWave is involved in the project.

Jerry - SACC VP