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Author Topic: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.  (Read 14047 times)


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Offline Minuous

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #44 from previous page: December 01, 2019, 11:09:35 PM »

Please don't mischaracterize what I said; there is a difference between continuing to make further contributions and withdrawing existing contributions, and I never said anything about the latter.


Treating who badly how? When I disagree about I try to stick to the issues rather than launch personal attacks, unlike yourself. You've already been banned at other sites for such.

Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #45 on: December 02, 2019, 03:51:58 AM »
How you label yourself or conduct in life is your own choice, an that should not be enforced upon others.

You treated a person in a bad way, and if that was not enough you justify it and repeat it all over again.

I've never found anything shameful or immoral about telling the truth of what I think, I speak with conviction. If you don't like that it's your problem not mine.


Please don't mischaracterize what I said; there is a difference between continuing to make further contributions and withdrawing existing contributions, and I never said anything about the latter.

Even better then, you don't threaten to take your ball home, you say we can keep playing with it, but threaten not to bring hypothetical future balls. Thank you for the clarification.

As the saying goes, a bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush.

Offline Gulliver

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #46 on: December 02, 2019, 04:34:48 AM »
I've never found anything shameful or immoral about telling the truth of what I think, I speak with conviction. If you don't like that it's your problem not mine.

Again, I have no problem with your convictions or your view of what you think the truth is.

The problem is not what you say, but how you say it.

You should not treat other people as "nobody" because they do not share your opinion.

Offline kamelito

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #47 on: December 02, 2019, 06:39:47 AM »
I guess having Reaction for OS 3.2 and beyond will make backporting apps and OS parts from OS 4 easier.

Offline kolla

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #48 on: December 02, 2019, 06:46:22 AM »
Apparently, the ReAction classes themselves are a “backport”.

Will resource.library make a return as well?
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Offline kolla

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #49 on: December 02, 2019, 12:39:37 PM »
Unlike Hyperion.
Err, whom is Hyperion exactly stopping?

Context is such a beast, nice of you to leave it out entirely.

For sake of argument, let us assume that Cloanto wins in court, and that ownership of OS3.1 source code etc. ends up at Cloanto. As you have mentioned, this does _not_ necessarily mean that everything that has been shipped with OS 3.1.4 will be owned by Cloanto, and it certainly does not mean the Reaction classes will be owned by Cloanto and chances are high that Hyperion will continue to own the Reaction classes.

You have written that what you will do, is to talk and wiggle your way to continue the development of OS3 further.

But for Minuous this is not an option as it would mean "signing up with Cloanto", his decades long nemesis - too much camel meat to swallow.

So he would just quit, he says, but I am not sure I believe that he would. If history is anything to go by, he would continue on his own, copyrights and NDAs be damned.

And it would not be Cloanto's copyrights and NDAs he would be breaching by pushing on with Reaction classes for OS3, it would be Hyperions.
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Offline Rotzloeffel

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #50 on: December 02, 2019, 12:49:39 PM »
Save Planet Earth! It is the only one in the galaxy with fresh and cold beer :laughing:


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Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #51 on: December 02, 2019, 02:37:49 PM »
You have written that what you will do, is to talk and wiggle your way to continue the development of OS3 further.
Yes, to the amount possible. The question really is what will be left of it in case of a takeover. The worst case scenario would be "only a fraction of 3.1".

And it would not be Cloanto's copyrights and NDAs he would be breaching by pushing on with Reaction classes for OS3, it would be Hyperions.
In such a case, yes. Certainly not my style of game. If we cannot use certain contributed code, we cannot use it - and that's it. Which may be unfortunate. The narrator is already lost, and the H&P contributions are lost as well.

As it currently stands, the amount of accessible code is larger with Hyperion than with Cloanto, but that's not a judgement of their companies, just a fact.

Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #52 on: December 02, 2019, 03:00:32 PM »
You should not treat other people as "nobody" because they do not share your opinion.

You don't know what the word opinion means. An opinion is a subjective belief.

"if cloanto win I will stop contributing to OS 3 development" is not an opinion. It is a statement, specifically of future intent, and it also fits into a subcategory of statements of intent called threats.

So I haven't called him a nobody because of any opinions he has.

I have called him a nobody because 1) he is a nobody 2) he makes threats that would only be meaningful if he wasn't a nobody.

It is a reminder, don't act like you are important when you are not.

I'm also a nobody, so I don't behave like him. I never threaten to take my ball home because I know I don't have one anyway. He should learn from this.

Offline number6

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #53 on: December 02, 2019, 05:34:04 PM »

While those who have followed the lawsuits have a fairly firm understanding of what is transpiring, the thought hit me that the "casual" reader of such a thread as this one might be somewhat confused. So...
Just to clarify again, it is the "trademark" lawsuit where the default judgment was issued. While the "contract" case had many repeated motions to compel response (as I noted in prior posting), this case has currently had no such judgment issued by the court.

Based on logic which may not apply here, it is "likely" that Hyperion will use whatever resources it may have to pursue the "contract" case, but not the "trademark" case. Recent talks by Hyperion (q/a from Amiga34) strongly indicate a stance of ownership of AmigaOS in total. There has not, to the best of my knowledge, been any such claims concerning the Amiga trademark(s).

Source talk and q/a by Timothy De Groote at Amiga34


Offline Minuous

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #54 on: December 03, 2019, 02:27:49 AM »
"if cloanto win I will stop contributing to OS 3 development" is not an opinion. It is a statement, specifically of future intent, and it also fits into a subcategory of statements of intent called threats.

How ridiculous. Presumably you are not planning to do any free work for Microsoft, does that mean you are threatening them? If I volunteered at some charity for a while and then stopped would I be threatening them? I am not anyone's slave.

And I never made any claims that I was particularly important. I just pointed out that not every current AmigaOS developer would necessarily be willing to work for free for Cloanto. I don't see how that is a particularly controversial thing to point out.

Offline CBH

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #55 on: December 03, 2019, 02:56:45 AM »
How ridiculous.

Indeed you are.

Presumably you are not planning to do any free work for Microsoft, does that mean you are threatening them? If I volunteered at some charity for a while and then stopped would I be threatening them? I am not anyone's slave.

Nice try. Currently you're doing free work on AmigaOS, your threat is to cease if it's legal owner gains control of it's development.

And yes, a person can threaten to withdraw from something if they don't get their way, that's what you did. (Once I did work at a charity shop, ran the whole place with only one other person each day, threatened to leave if the manager didn't get building repaired. He got it repaired.)

You're already quite comfortable with the life of a slave, allowing master hermans to keep all the income your hard work creates. Meanwhile, your feared Cloanto would pay you for it.

Are you a house elf from harry potter or something?
« Last Edit: December 03, 2019, 02:59:40 AM by CBH »

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Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #56 on: December 03, 2019, 03:24:33 AM »

You, my friend, whom came out of nowhere, are behaving like an A$$.


Ignore this loser.
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Offline kolla

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #57 on: December 03, 2019, 06:57:39 AM »
Treating who badly how? When I disagree about I try to stick to the issues rather than launch personal attacks, unlike yourself. You've already been banned at other sites for such.

You are aware that this site has a search engine, and that one can look up all the posts of a user through the statistics? Just saying.

And no, I was not been banned anywhere for launching personal attacks - banned from EAB yes, because (quote DamienD)
derailing / trolling every single Vampire / OS 3.1.4 / numerous other threads for many months

At apollo-core.com I am not banned, just prevented from posting until I send them a copy of an ID card, passport or similar - something I would never do. The reason for this is accusations of using several accounts for trolling. And they all know this is false, as I have never tried to hide my IP address, several of the team members know me also from Facebook and elsewhere. It's all just ridiculous, so F them.

Interesting to observe certain apollo team member "liking" just about all posts here where Thomas is answering me - attempted sycophantry?
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Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #58 on: December 03, 2019, 09:23:32 AM »
Really, is another thread going down the drain.

I dont agree with some of whats said, but that said, like every one else is my right. Some of us have said our pieces and its been civil"ish". Some posts are close to the line, but come on. Lets not kill yet another thread.
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Offline OlafS3

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #59 on: December 03, 2019, 11:56:46 AM »
How ridiculous.

Indeed you are.

Presumably you are not planning to do any free work for Microsoft, does that mean you are threatening them? If I volunteered at some charity for a while and then stopped would I be threatening them? I am not anyone's slave.

Nice try. Currently you're doing free work on AmigaOS, your threat is to cease if it's legal owner gains control of it's development.

And yes, a person can threaten to withdraw from something if they don't get their way, that's what you did. (Once I did work at a charity shop, ran the whole place with only one other person each day, threatened to leave if the manager didn't get building repaired. He got it repaired.)

You're already quite comfortable with the life of a slave, allowing master hermans to keep all the income your hard work creates. Meanwhile, your feared Cloanto would pay you for it.

Are you a house elf from harry potter or something?

What is your motivation to work for a commercial entity for free?

I can understand people doing that in a open source project or (in case of morphos team members) if they benefit to a certain degree but I do not understand it in case of  a commercial project someone else keeps the money
« Last Edit: December 03, 2019, 11:58:25 AM by OlafS3 »