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Author Topic: CF card adaptor project  (Read 262 times)


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CF card adaptor project
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:04:08 PM »
Ok so I made the buy on eBay and got my self a CF £4.22 card adaptor for my Amiga 1200, then I got a 4Gb CF card £3.99
So I decided to insert the drivers for the CF card reboot then I done a complete Install from my Amiga 1200 3.1 Workbench floppy discs, WOW this took me back to the old days where it was all floppy based software.

After the final lnstall the a final reboot my Amiga boots up in just slightly over 4 seconds.
I partitioned the CF card into 2 2 gigabyte partitions (well near enough that is) I alsa got another CF card 4Gb for the PCMCIA slot meaning I can swap from Aminet from my PC right onto my Amiga via the PCMCIA slot.

No need for the Internet on my Amiga, lets face it on an Amiga with just the AGA chip set the web colours wont be that great or fast.

So my option was the better one.

So I got a Dual layer DVD Rom drive unit as Master on the Slave IDE lead a 80Gb HardDrive as Slave also on the Slave lead.

This way I can use my Amiga with all the HD partitions for other stuff that I do also I have a partition for any ADF files and DMS files. So all in all its been a cheap and well worth while project.
meaning I did not need to buy a CF card with all the Amiga data on it that would have cost some thing like £20.00 or a bit over for the both CF card and CF card adaptor this way it cost me CF card £3.99, CF card adaptor on its won £4.22. Don't get me wrong I am not a cheapskate but I think of doing thing in other way round.

So now with my USB Mouse converter and the rest of it as it stands its a far better Amiga.

Its been a great project to do and it took me way back to the good old days where you needed discs to get in all done nostalgia at its best.
Amiga 1200, 82gb HD, 4 way IDE\'97, DVD Multi-Recorder, OS3.9, BB1,BB2, Apollo Turbo MkII 030/40, 32meg Fastram, 4Gb CF card PCMCIA slot, IDE CF card adaptor 4Gb CF card, HP 810C, Alba HDTV, Converted PC PSU. C128, C64, C16, Plus4, 1701, 1570, 1541MkII, ARP6.0,KCS Power Cart, FreezeFrame MK3B, Freeze Machine, Simons Basic,  PSP, PS1, PS2, PS3 HDMI and 1TB HD+ 80gb USB HD, PS3 TV add on, Sound Surround speakers for PS2,PS3,PC, and Amiga Amazing so