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Author Topic: Apple Watch, lol  (Read 7786 times)


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Offline Lurch

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Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2015, 06:45:11 AM »
Also enjoying my Nokia Lumia 1320, bought mine and then a work mate bought the 1520. Both phones are amazing compared to what we've experienced with Android. Also getting 7 days battery life, thats with wifi, web surfing, bluetooth/GPS in the car and txting with a bit of gaming thrown in.

Currently playing Modern Combat 5: Blackout amazing :-)
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Offline Manu

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Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #30 on: March 11, 2015, 06:45:58 AM »
I can see the headlines, even if Apple came late to the wrist watch market they will in the future be referred to as reinventing the market with their uber-uber technology that every one will want to copy. ROFLOL ! Now have you heard that one before ? And WHO needs a watch standby time of lousy 18 hours it's amazing. A watch that doesn't last one day. Laughable to say the least.

Yet another reason to avoid Apple like the plauge.
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Offline Lurch

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Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #31 on: March 11, 2015, 06:53:04 AM »
Time to idle back on over to the Amiga discussion, that's enough about Apple :-)
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Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #32 on: March 11, 2015, 08:11:37 AM »

Offline Bodie

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Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #33 on: March 11, 2015, 11:28:52 AM »
Meh, agree with the general sentiments here.

But then again, you have some women walking around with $20,000 Hermes handbags...

I'll stick with the good old $10 Casio from the 80s ;-)

Personally, the real disappointment with Apple has been the price increases here in Oz that were announced today...

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Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #34 on: March 11, 2015, 12:24:11 PM »
I am curious if we'll see a "d-bag factor" in the high end Apple watches.  A part of me certainly hopes so, lol.

I have no doubt when they first launch, you'll see every rapper, pinhead Kardashian-esque reality TV "star" and professional sports player with them (the $17k ones) on their wrists at all the major slog celeb events in some vain attempt at status clinging, making their esteemed Apple Watches "bling" for the cameras.  Heck, you've even seen this to some extent in regards to how celebs have bought iPhones and had god awful things like getting them studded with diamonds and such.  When the social elite all have something, everything loses value.

I wonder if we'll ever see the "Bentley d-bag effect".  I recall reading a few years ago that amongst the rich, famous and "always wanting to be spotted in public" celebs stars, rock stars and sports heroes were buying up Bentley GT's.  This didn't sit well with the long time GT owners, who bought their rides years ago because they were just great cars.  A few years later every rapper with a hit on YouTube was buying up a Bentley GT and getting it chrome plated with a zebra print interior, completely blowing the Bentley "prestige" factor out out of the water.  It was akin to buying a '78 Firebird, a shirt with no top buttons, and big thick gold chains, lol - considered utterly tasteless.  When Andy Dick is sporting one, the prestige factor goes out the window :)

Every man and his dog that was a B list celeb that could swing the financing for a GT had one.  They were so common amongst the pink GT, Paris Hilton crowd, the Cristal and Caviar people, that even the true gearhead aficionados steered clear of them so they wouldn't be viewed as a "GT d-bag".

The prospect amuses me, and I hope for all the common folk saving their pennies to buy the base model Apple Watch right now, I hope they get a good experience out of it.

Offline Matt_HTopic starter

Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #35 on: March 11, 2015, 12:33:17 PM »
@ som99

Perfect! Thanks for sharing

@ Bodie

Oh, yes, the Casio. That's my kind of watch!

@ Duce

Great analogy. Google Glass also comes to mind :)


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Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #36 on: March 11, 2015, 01:45:10 PM »
Quote from: Matt_H;786091
Thoughts on today's announcement: One of Apple's traditional strengths has been to take existing technologies and refine and integrate them into a very attractive package. See; iPod, iPhone, iPad.

I think this is what they're trying to do with their new watch. Problem is, as I see it, the smart-watch market isn't mature enough for Apple to have iterated something unique. I think they've come in as just another player alongside Android and Pebble instead of something new and disruptive (which seems to be a popular buzzword for technology companies these days).

That being said, I can see how this product would appeal to some users and I won't fault them for their interest.

But anyone who plunks down $10K-$17K for the gold version is a complete f*****g idiot. :)

Who would pay $10-$17K for a gold version?  Business owners have employees that do work for their employers and it is the employers who have over $200K in their retirement plan, drive new leased Cadillacs every two years, go on as many vacations every year that they want, etc.

I saw the display for the Apple iWatch and it was fast and you could magnify or scroll the display very fast.  Something that responsive will be popular.  If you program a device to function and it does what it is supposed to do then it will be popular.

Average-grossing Apple Stores can garner $6,000 in sales a square foot, while higher grossing Apple Stores net $10,000 in sales a square foot, sources tell the WSJ. At 45 enclosed malls, Apple's share of gross sales averaged 14% in 2013, up just over 10% from 2002.


The fact is that Apple sales are lifting Mall sales and distorting Mall rent.

The fact is that you can't argue with success.

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Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #37 on: March 11, 2015, 02:50:59 PM »
Quote from: Lurch;786178
Also enjoying my Nokia Lumia 1320, bought mine and then a work mate bought the 1520. Both phones are amazing compared to what we've experienced with Android. Also getting 7 days battery life, thats with wifi, web surfing, bluetooth/GPS in the car and txting with a bit of gaming thrown in.

Currently playing Modern Combat 5: Blackout amazing :-)

While I'm far too reliant on Android/iOS only apps that aren't offered on Windows Phone atm to use a Windows Phone daily myself, I sure wish more people would give the Win phone devices a shot.  They are actually wonderful little handsets, and in the case of the Nokia devices, the cameras are absolutely mindblowing with the Denim update.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 04:02:26 PM by Duce »


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Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #38 on: March 11, 2015, 03:09:04 PM »
Quote from: Manu;786179
I can see the headlines, even if Apple came late to the wrist watch market they will in the future be referred to as reinventing the market with their uber-uber technology that every one will want to copy. ROFLOL ! Now have you heard that one before ? And WHO needs a watch standby time of lousy 18 hours it's amazing. A watch that doesn't last one day. Laughable to say the least.

Yet another reason to avoid Apple like the plauge.

Not everybody sleeps with their watch on so you will have time to charge it.

I would rather have a watch with Bluetooth so that I could see who is calling my phone and answer it.  A watch with a speakerphone would be convenient so I wouldn't have to take my phone out of my pocket.  It would also be an advantage for older people.  What do older people do when they fall and can't get up?  The watch would be able to use their phone and call an ambulance.

I use to have a calculator watch which was very convenient and I don't want to take my phone out of my pocket every day to see the time.

The Commodore 64 was a game computer and a programmer's computer.  Pretty much with Amiga.  In order to gain market share, you have to convert people into being geeks so if your audience is only math students, programmers and gamers then you can only sell it to those audiences that frequent Toys R Us and Kmart..  If you appeal to a wider audience then you can sell it in the mall.  The only time Commodore was in the mall was when they showcased the Amiga in a kiosk or Sears and then a security guard watched it all of the time.  They never had a mall store where thousands of people came in daily like Apple which means Commodore was doing something wrong.

Apple did something different and made their products consumer oriented because not everyone is going to program or play games.


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Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #39 on: March 11, 2015, 03:37:39 PM »
Quote from: Matt_H;786160
I just don't know in this case. Apple cleaned up with previous iThings, but right now there doesn't seem to be much of a justification for smart-watches in general, and I don't see enough of a justification for picking an Apple watch over a competitor's. The previous iThings offered something clearly unique over the competition; I can't find that here. I'm sure it will sell well enough, but I don't know if it's going to get far beyond the usual crowd of Apple buyers.

You get a new audience by being successful in having a successful product launch and having a product that delivers.

You get a new audience by being first.

By making a new and different product, you enter different markets.

By being cheap, Commodore couldn't speed up the 6502.  I remember when AMD was probably first to hit the 33MHZ barrier.  IBM compatibles had a bus which had speed to allow for more devices which means they let the engineers have a say.  They kept improving speed, getting a smaller nanometer for their chips and they improved video on a separate video card and they went to VGA.

How much would Amiga cost if they made their own microprocessor instead of going to Motorola?  How much would Amiga cost if they had scientists speeding up their chips?  How much would Amiga cost if they had an engineering department working on a separate graphics card?  Now you are talking about a Computer about the price of Apple or more.

But you can't do that unless you expand your markets and Amiga was interested in the business market instead of other consumer markets.

Offline danbeaver

Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #40 on: March 11, 2015, 05:17:14 PM »
It might work for me if you could wirelessly recharge it while on your wrist, until then I will keep my solar recharged Casio with the atomic clock time syncing

Offline Lurch

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Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #41 on: March 11, 2015, 06:19:49 PM »
Quote from: Duce;786193
While I'm far too reliant on Android/iOS only apps that aren't offered on Windows Phone atm to use a Windows Phone daily myself, I sure wish more people would give the Win phone devices a shot.  They are actually wonderful little handsets, and in the case of the Nokia devices, the cameras are absolutely mindblowing with the Denim update.

The app issue is becoming less a problem, the store has exploded over the last year. There are couple of missing apps but I've found alternatives.

The annoying part is some local mainstream stores ignoring WP and not making apps and having to hope that a 3rd party will make one.

The Lumia phones are some of the best built phones I've used, no lag or slow down. Even the 8MP camera on some models can take some amazing photos.

Will be upgrading when the next wave come through, I dont miss having to charge everyday  :-)
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Offline som99

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Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #42 on: March 11, 2015, 07:55:21 PM »
Quote from: Lurch;786203
The app issue is becoming less a problem, the store has exploded over the last year. There are couple of missing apps but I've found alternatives.

The annoying part is some local mainstream stores ignoring WP and not making apps and having to hope that a 3rd party will make one.

The Lumia phones are some of the best built phones I've used, no lag or slow down. Even the 8MP camera on some models can take some amazing photos.

Will be upgrading when the next wave come through, I dont miss having to charge everyday  :-)

I wanted to try something new so last time I bought I phone I got the Lumia 1020 and the camera is really something else compared to other smart phones, specs of it:
41 MP (38 MP effective, 7152 x 5368 pixels), Carl Zeiss optics, optical image stabilization, auto/manual focus, Xenon & LED flash

The lens is quite larger then most phones so much better in low light environments so it takes great pictures for when I do not have my camera with me. Really like the phone, it has some WP quirks I do not like but overall it's great, responsive and solid as a brick and with a great camera on top of that.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 08:11:11 AM by som99 »

Offline danbeaver

Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #43 on: March 11, 2015, 08:50:15 PM »
Quote from: som99;786207
The lence is quite larger then most phones.

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Re: Apple Watch, lol
« Reply #44 from previous page: March 12, 2015, 04:33:36 AM »
This is the nature of the game; It's a land rush and the real estate is the wrist. If you don't get in now chances are you'll never get in at all. It doesn't matter that smart watches are bulky and have poor battery life, there hasn't been this much interest in the wrist-space since the fob watch first migrated there.

Heads-up space is the final frontier, and Google tried to get there too early. In 10 years we'll be back to only having sensors on our wrists, if anything. Of course the laggards will still have a regular (non-smart) watch on their wrists.
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