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Author Topic: does anyone own an electric car?  (Read 12263 times)


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Offline BozzerBigD

Re: does anyone own an electric car?
« Reply #14 from previous page: September 17, 2021, 12:12:55 AM »

CCS is Bull***t, the video is funny but sweary, and probably NSFW because of that -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSZgoFyuHC8
Short answer is that CCS is just another fossil fuel support project, like "Blue" hydrogen (made from oil/gas).

A lot of people with solar panels buy EVs, and a lot of people who buy EVs end up getting solar panels

As for the original EV question. Don't own one yet because I don't need a car (UK).
Did take my mates Tesla Model S around California for a week though, never once ran out, twice charged it at superchargers after long drives down the coast and into the hills.
Obviously that's a high-end car but it was amazing and of course they're everywhere there so no-one bats an eyelid at you.
I know people with EV's in the UK, Tesla Model 3, Renault Zoe, and Hyundia Kona, and they all love them.

I’d like to see your scientific paper to back up your belief that carbon capture technology is “bullshit”! We don’t stand a chance of decarbonising heavy industry without it! It is a cornerstone of decarbonisation if you actually cared to research it. Battery recycling IS an issue and I would like to clarify that the aim is to be “good stewards” of planet earth not to become rabid fear mongers yelling “Armageddon!” and banging saucepans with angry Swede activists! The combustion engine’s time is drawing to a close but EVs will not solve everything and will create new problems too!

Enhanced Rock Weathering will also play its part for agriculture to convert carbon and capture it into the soil. Is that “bullshit” too? Liberal hipster attitudes and posh mates with EVs does not automatically make you all knowing on environmental or energy issues!
« Last Edit: September 17, 2021, 12:14:26 AM by BozzerBigD »
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Offline David Wright

Re: does anyone own an electric car?
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2021, 02:02:36 AM »
I just hope you guys don’t blow up yourselves or bystanders. Stay safe.

Offline Louis Dias

Re: does anyone own an electric car?
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2021, 05:29:08 PM »
Plants and trees are the best carbon-capturing devices I've seen.  They keep cutting more and more of them down then complain about too much CO2.  What will end up happening is we'll have less O2 being produced.  Everything mainstream is backwards.

Thank being said, I don't own an EV because of that...it was just cheaper to own long term since I already have solar panels.

Offline chris

Re: does anyone own an electric car?
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2021, 10:21:03 PM »
I have a 2020 Kia Niro EV.  It's great.  It's like a baby Tesla.  With the 120v charger it does a full charge in about 24 hours.  I installed a 240v outlet outside my house and bought a generic 240v charger and now a full charge takes 10 hours.  I get ~250 miles on a full charge.

That said, I'd never drive across the country in it because I can't be bothered to wait 30 minutes for a 80% DC fast-charge.  I'd rent a gas-powered charge and fill up in minutes and continue my trip.

Really?  You won't take a 30 minute break after driving for three hours (which you will have been after 200 miles).  You don't want to eat?  Or use the toilet?  Or just stretch your legs?  That 30 minutes is so precious to you that you'd rather rent something to kill the planet - and probably yourself or somebody else due to tiredness - than take an electric car that is perfectly up the the job, and you already own?

Utterly unbelievable.
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Offline David Wright

Re: does anyone own an electric car?
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2021, 11:16:41 PM »
Kill the planet, the histrionics in some of you. Why don’t you make it your lifes mission to change the destruction caused by about 3 billion people, namely china and India. No a modest american citizen driving the same type of gas burning transportation that 99% of his fellow countrymen drive, is the problem? It’s like a cult with you people.

Offline chris

Re: does anyone own an electric car?
« Reply #19 on: September 18, 2021, 11:30:44 AM »
Just because everybody else is doing it doesn't make it OK.  If you try and tidy up your own little corner of the planet then that makes it a little better for everyone.  But presumably you (and the two people who "liked" your post) are a Trump-supporting climate change denier, so you wouldn't understand.
"Miracles we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer" - AJS on Hyperion
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Offline David Wright

Re: does anyone own an electric car?
« Reply #20 on: September 18, 2021, 01:43:25 PM »
From that little post and two likes mind you, you figured out everything about the people that disagree with your silly belief system.
Pathetic manlet indeed.

Offline BozzerBigD

Re: does anyone own an electric car?
« Reply #21 on: September 18, 2021, 04:34:47 PM »

You are more on the money than Greta Thunberg in that you accept we can only do our bit. Someone that flies 7 times a year and yet can also afford an EV and brags about it is the problem in the western world. China will not be carbon neutral until 2060 so I expect a global increase of 2.6 degrees but I suggest we prepare for that eventuality i.e. relocating New Orleans, most of Bangladesh and The Netherlands while gradually decarbonising while prioritising national defence and keeping the lights on over knee jerk environmental targets we can’t keep.
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Offline Louis Dias

Re: does anyone own an electric car?
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2021, 01:38:24 AM »
I'm sure those diesel generators powering those charge stations are real good for the environment...   ???
Aka, EV's are not 'green' and mining those rare earth minerals to build batteries is probably worse...

I'm very pro-EV but just because I like the technology and it's overall cheaper for me as it cut my 'fill-up' costs to 1/3rd since it's my own electricity.  Of course when a high % of people in my area get them, I am sure we'll be like California and have an electricity shortage...  Which is what's coming...as planned.

Offline QuikSanz

Re: does anyone own an electric car?
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2021, 04:13:29 AM »

The best way is probably hydrogen but using electrolysis is inefficient, you only get out what you put in so 1 for 1 at best. It only will work if we can overcome that barrier, some sort of high speed separator that gets out more than input.   

Offline AJCopland

Re: does anyone own an electric car?
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2021, 04:57:26 PM »
Enhanced Rock Weathering will also play its part for agriculture to convert carbon and capture it into the soil. Is that “bullshit” too? Liberal hipster attitudes and posh mates with EVs does not automatically make you all knowing on environmental or energy issues!

The "bullshit" was a quote from the video, which was about CCS and called it BS throughout, hence my explanation of it.
And yes, according to all of the data so far, it is BS.

That's a problem that needs to be solved, but it doesn't change the facts that all of the CCS projects so far have failed to meet their goals, been incredibly expensive, and have diverted effort and resources away from decarbonising the industries that they're supposed to be saving.

Also, don't be so rude.
The OP asked if anyone had driven one, there was the usual disinformation anf FUD from a bunch of posters, so I posted some links.

That doesn't make me liberal, a hipster, or ignorant.
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Re: does anyone own an electric car?
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2021, 05:42:23 PM »
I have to agree, OP only asked a simple question and then, BozzerBigD said aload of off topic stuff and derailed thread.
Please keep your personally beliefs to yourself. I personally see it as, your damned if you do and damned if you dont.

So, back to the topic please. Do you own an Electric Car???
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Offline trekiej

Re: does anyone own an electric car?
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2021, 01:54:20 AM »
I hope this is not too off topic.
What is the BMW Electric like?
I noticed it has a small back seat area.
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