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Author Topic: About this forum : Suggestions and site feedback  (Read 9623 times)


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About this forum : Suggestions and site feedback
« on: February 05, 2004, 08:08:52 PM »
We at Amiga.org are here to serve the Amiga community in the best way we can.  As such, we are very interested in maintaining an open dialog with our site's visitors for the sole purpose of improving our site and services.

What this forum is
The site suggestions and feedback forum is exactly that.  It is here to solicit constructive ideas which will help the staff of Amiga.org to make this a better place.  

If you have a constructive idea or thought for how we can improve this site, then this forum is here for exactly that purpose.

What this forum is NOT
This forum is NOT here for you to air grievances, complain, whine, or denegrate the staff members or our policies.  Our Policies are in place to make this a better experience for each of us.  If you disagree with a policy, or moderation action, or a staff member, then you should take it up with either that staff member or another in private mail.  Public forums are not the place for your dirty laundry and we're sure the majority of visitors don't want to hear it.

About Moderation
As always, the staff of this site reserves the right to moderate any entry, post, or data in the interest of preserving the peace and keeping forums on topic.  You are here as a priviledge.  While we encourage free RESPONSIBLE speech, you have no inaliable rights to speak aimlessly or abuse other site members.  Remember, this is an Amiga oriented site, not your own personal blog.  If you need theraputic blogging, I'd suggest you search google for a blog site.  

Wayne Hunt
Owner and Site Administrator

This topic is locked as it was intended as an announcement/notice, not for public debate.  If you have questions, send a PM to Wayne or another moderator and we will be happy to assist you.