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Author Topic: I still like MorphOS more.  (Read 17160 times)


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Offline takemehomegrandma

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Re: I still like MorphOS more.
« Reply #29 from previous page: August 31, 2013, 12:40:32 AM »
Quote from: Gulliver;746653
a system uncapable of working with modern LCD monitors

MorphOS is very capable of using "modern monitors", what do you think people are using every day? Ancient and eye-hurting CRT monitors? :lol: ;)

There is no magic or rocket science involved in this, it's all very basic. I actually can't imagine what you did wrong (that it worked with OSX suggests that the HW wasn't faulty, but a "human error" instead, or that you used unsupported HW (which IMHO would fall under the "human error" category as well ;))). Usually it's just a matter of connecting the monitor and it works. If the monitor characteristics isn't identified automatically by MorphOS upon boot, it's just a matter of choosing a corresponding preset manually (or creating a new monitor and entering the characteristics of the monitor yourself). Just as you always did on Amiga AFAIK.

(BTW, I asked for support here on Amiga.org).

Instead of using the official support channels (there are several to choose from)?



The MorphOS team (or other users) is always very helpful and fast to answer (both on the ML and on MZ, and there is also IRC), and if it's a matter of a previously undiscovered bug regarding your particular HW combination, then they would probably like to get a report of that so that they could have a chance of fixing it for a future OS update.

Even Aros and Amiga 68k have proper wifi support.

Isn't that the very same wifi support that MorphOS offers? At least I thought so (haven't used wifi myself).

My PowerMac cost me just $100 bucks

Well, good thing it wasn't a lot of money at least... :)

and I feel lucky I didnt pay for a MOS license.

Yes, that's indeed a very good feature of MorphOS; try before you buy! :) If it turns out that you can't even set up the system properly, then you shouldn't have to waste money on a license for something that won't suit you anyway... ;)

I thought MOS was better, and finally it didnt live upto my expectations.

Indeed it seems that OSX suits you better, but when it comes to "Amiga NG", nothing beats MorphOS, it's as simple as that. But since you obviously didn't get as far as to *actually use it*, I guess you wouldn't know anything about that...

MorphOS is Amiga done right! :)

Offline nicholas

Re: I still like MorphOS more.
« Reply #30 on: August 31, 2013, 01:53:08 AM »
Please ignore the thinly veiled contempt and sarcasm, not all MorphOS users are like that.  I'm sure Grandma is just having an off day.

Were you connecting to your monitor via HDMI by any chance? DCC with HDMI TVs isn't always as automatic as one would expect but it's trivial to fix, you just rename a Full HD monitor driver to the auto-detected monitor name and reboot.

I can provide more detailed steps upon request.
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline Gulliver

Re: I still like MorphOS more.
« Reply #31 on: August 31, 2013, 03:16:11 AM »
I hope not all MOS users are like takemehomegrandma!
That doesnt sure show friendliness or will to help.

I asked help here because I was just testing MOS to see if it lived upto its promises, and a few MOS developers were usual posters. Anyway, the bug reports were sent from the deafault MOS bult-in app created for that purpose (which is a standart channel).I got no solution whatsoever.

I didnt do anything to the system, just installed MOS with its installer using its default options. My machine is a PowerMac G4 Quicksilver 2002 with 768MB ram and a Radeon AGP 7500 32MB. So hardware was absolutely supported and MOS was installed without any modifications.

The radeon was connected thru a DVI to VGA cable, that worked great under OSX. But those two LCD monitors were tried on MOS, and both failed to properly show an image.

My posts regarding these issues are still available if you use the search function of this website.

I then found an old Packard Bell CRT monitor and updated the browser, surfed the web, installed some applications, but it was not good being married to a long ethernet cable and a crappy monitor.

Anyway, I will have to pass on trying MOS again, OSX will stay there. I wont bother changing it again. I got better support on OSX forums when I ran into trouble, and there is a ton of software for it.

For a next gen machine, I just tried afterwards and then prefered something that works for me right from the start, like Aros on my notebook.


Thank you for your help offer, but I havent found a compelling reason to mess with MOS again.

I was just explaining my personal experience with MOS, which was not positive.

Offline Boot_WB

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Re: I still like MorphOS more.
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2013, 09:30:35 AM »
Quote from: Gulliver;746677
I asked help here because I was just testing MOS to see if it lived upto its promises, and a few MOS developers were usual posters.

I see that the panel problem ws solved, and the monitor problem explained and solutions offered on forum.
I've read a few reports of DDC failing when using a DVI>VGA adapter, but it seems to work ok on mine so it seems not all adapters screw the DDC pooch.

Anyway, the bug reports were sent from the deafault MOS bult-in app created for that purpose (which is a standart channel).I got no solution whatsoever.

The built-in bug reporting tool is there only to report bugs, not as a support tool. I don't think I've ever had a repoly to a bugreport, but I do know the reports are logged and reviewed/bugfixed.

I didnt do anything to the system, just installed MOS with its installer using its default options. My machine is a PowerMac G4 Quicksilver 2002 with 768MB ram and a Radeon AGP 7500 32MB. So hardware was absolutely supported and MOS was installed without any modifications.

The radeon was connected thru a DVI to VGA cable, that worked great under OSX. But those two LCD monitors were tried on MOS, and both failed to properly show an image.

My posts regarding these issues are still available if you use the search function of this website.

Found and read. Was glad to see the panel issue not only solved, but devs asking to see the log to discover how it messed up in the first place.
The DDC issue was addressed in the thread, and you did say you'd solved it so I'm not sure what more support could have been offered at this stage.

I then found an old Packard Bell CRT monitor and updated the browser, surfed the web, installed some applications, but it was not good being married to a long ethernet cable and a crappy monitor.

Since 3.2 there is WPA2 wifi support via the Atheros5k driver. You'd have to find a supported card though.

Anyway, I will have to pass on trying MOS again, OSX will stay there. I wont bother changing it again. I got better support on OSX forums when I ran into trouble, and there is a ton of software for it.

A good reason to not use any alternative OS.

For a next gen machine, I just tried afterwards and then prefered something that works for me right from the start, like Aros on my notebook.

Nice. :) Have been meaning to give AROS another try for some time now. The current development experiments (SMP, >2/4GB ram) make for some interesting times!

Thank you for your help offer, but I havent found a compelling reason to mess with MOS again.

I was just explaining my personal experience with MOS, which was not positive.

That's a shame, but its good to know what were the issues that put you off on the initial try.
It helps identify which areas need more support/explanation, or a good cleaer how-to guide for new users to follow. I'm currently trying to put together a 'first steps' user guide for MorphOS, so knowing what caused you problems is valuable.

If you ever decide to give MorphOS a try again in future there are many people who are happy to help with any initial issues you may have.
It's just a bit of a shame really, if those issues hadn't occurred I think you may have enjoyed the strengths that MorphOS has to offer.
Mac Mini G4 (1.5GHz, 64MB VRam, 1GB Ram): MorphOS 3.6
Powerbook 5.8 (15", 1.67GHz, 128MB VRam, 1GB Ram): MorphOS 3.8.

Windows-free since 2011-2014 (Damn you Netflix!)