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Author Topic: Digimaster 128 released!  (Read 951 times)


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Digimaster 128 released!
« on: February 15, 2012, 08:01:44 AM »
Based on Autumn Technologies' Digimaster for the C64, Hydrophilic has released Digimaster 128 for the C128 in 40-column mode.  Digimaster is the digital audio sampling and editing software for the C64 and now for the C128.  With sampling rates up to 12,439 cycles, Digimaster has a graphical interface which makes cutting and pasting samples easy.  Digimaster is meant to work with audio samplers, such as the Sound Ultimate Xpander 6400 (SUX 6400).

Digimaster 128 boasts improvements over its older C64 cousin.  With the C128's greater memory, the program can now capture sound samples approximately 50% longer than samples from the C64 version.  Now when the screen is blanked during highest-quality sound sampling, the program switches into the C128's 2 MHz. mode.  Also when run, DM 128 auto-detects whether the Commodore is NTSC or PAL and then runs the program appropriately.  DM 128 takes advantage of the C128's faster serial loading when loading samples.

To read more about Digimaster 128, go to


If you are registered at http://www.commodore128.org, you can see a screenshot .gif of Digimaster 128 and download a zip of the program and its development notes.  Digimaster 128 is shareware; keep reading the above thread in order to find out how to Paypal money to Hydrophilic.

If you are not registered at http://www.commodore128.org, go to


in order to see a screenshot of the program.

          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group