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Author Topic: Why Acorns are better than Amigas... they have pizza ovens!  (Read 1580 times)


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Offline VarthallTopic starter

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Why Acorns are better than Amigas... they have pizza ovens!
« on: December 14, 2002, 01:22:21 AM »
Quoting from
http://dmoz.org/Computers/Systems/Acorn/Risc_PC/desc.html :

"Acorn often demonstrated hugely impressive, highly specified, machines at their shows. These became known as rocketships.
This culminated in the Olympia Rocketship, a 10 slice machine which included a range of advanced hardware, a pizza oven, and a working stainless steel sink."

Yes, they fit a pizza oven inside a drive bay, see the photo:

(note: with AWeb, I have to reload the page to actually get the photo, don't know why)

It looks like that the Olympia Rocketship was a commercial product and not
merely a hardware hack made by some computer geek. It would be
very handy to have an oven inside my Amiga tower case. I've
searched the web for a page explainig this hack but without success.

Has anyone any idea how to make such project? Yes, I'm speaking seriously :-)

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