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Author Topic: Making the Mac Mini & MorphOS plunge  (Read 4458 times)


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Offline amigasocietyTopic starter

Re: Making the Mac Mini & MorphOS plunge
« Reply #14 from previous page: July 22, 2010, 07:27:21 AM »
Should my DH0 that was renamed Boot show up in MorpHOS someplace?  Mounted someplace?  Does it supposed to be showing in OS X also and me getting that message that it needs to be fixed?  I have a feeling I did not quite get that part of things right....although.... I would think the install would not work if I did not have it named Boot and all that fun stuff.

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Re: Making the Mac Mini & MorphOS plunge
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2010, 07:41:24 AM »
Quote from: amigasociety;571541
Should my DH0 that was renamed Boot show up in MorpHOS someplace?  Mounted someplace?  Does it supposed to be showing in OS X also and me getting that message that it needs to be fixed?  I have a feeling I did not quite get that part of things right....although.... I would think the install would not work if I did not have it named Boot and all that fun stuff.


I wish I could remember. It was last year when I installed MorphOS on my Mac mini and really cant remember details anymore. If it is booting to MorphOS properly there is nothing to worry about but you can always mount partitions using Mounter tool.
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Offline runequester

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Re: Making the Mac Mini & MorphOS plunge
« Reply #16 on: July 22, 2010, 07:47:52 AM »
Quote from: amigasociety;571262
Almost my story but not quite.  I am actually originally an Atari user from 70s to 90s to then move onto Mac.  Saw this new X1000 coming this year in the news and purchased my first Amiga, a A1000, and now interested in Amiga.  :roflmao:

Before 2010, I never owned an Amiga but figured I would get one someday.  It has impressed me enough to continue watching the X1000 news and along the way, since I am a machead, saw this MorphOS and liked what I have seen so far.

So, I am giving it a dabble soon.


wild. So a "post amiga" amiga fan :)

Offline pVC

Re: Making the Mac Mini & MorphOS plunge
« Reply #17 on: July 22, 2010, 09:00:32 AM »
Quote from: amigasociety;571532
Have not played with it much yet but 1st observation, that it does not save the state of the windows the way I set them up.  They open in their original spot and size.  Maybe this is an Amiga thing and I have to do something for sizes and movements of windows to stick.

It's Amiga's way indeed. You have to snapshot windows manually to the state you want to them stay. It allows you to have windows always opened in your preferred state, even if you or someone else messes them up during the use. You can find snapshot option with right mouse button menus. Separate MUI programs can be snapshotted from popup or snapshot button on right corner of the window (if there isn't either of them, configure MUI settings to have it).

But MorphOS allows you to have automatic snapshot too, if you're too used it because of other systems. For windows follow Itix's suggestion. And for icons you have Icon display -> Extra features -> Automatic snapshot in Ambient settings.


Should my DH0 that was renamed Boot show up in MorpHOS someplace? Mounted someplace? Does it supposed to be showing in OS X also and me getting that message that it needs to be fixed? I have a feeling I did not quite get that part of things right....although.... I would think the install would not work if I did not have it named Boot and all that fun stuff.

Boot/DH0 contains only boot.img and other small files needed for OpenFirmware to boot. It's pretty much useless for the OS itself, so that's why it doesn't contain "mount" flag and isn't shown in OS. But it must be named as said if you want automatic updating/installing to work.

If you want to view it for some reason, you can mount it manually for the session, or you can save mount flag for it with HDConfig to be visible always.

I don't know why OSX says it needs to be fixed.. OSX 10.4 doesn't say so here, but it is shown in it. If you haven't installed much on either of the OSes, I guess you could try to let it fix it (and reinstall everything if it breaks up). But otherwise if you can boot into both OSes, it's doing its job.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 09:16:36 AM by pVC »
Daily MorphOS user and Amiga active.