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Author Topic: Saw some films in Pueblo  (Read 896 times)


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Saw some films in Pueblo
« on: April 11, 2007, 10:00:02 PM »
Pueblo Tinseltown, Colorado.

1) The Shooter: good action film like Enemy of the State

2) Wild Hogs: comedy for the family, probably a good film to break the ice with a new chick/dude.

3) Grindhouse: well, it is worth seeing for the 'forthcoming attractions' alone. I laughed a lot, especially at the trailer for Machette. For those of you who don't know, Grindhouse is a Rodriguez/Tarantino double feature with no intermission. It is 190 minutes long.
The first film is 'Planet Terror'. This is a really weird zombie-type film. That is oversimplifying it a bit, but that is the genre. It is gory, but the effects are 70s and 80s. It has been done up like a grainy 70s B grade film.
The second film is 'Death Proof' with Kurt Russel as a mean sonofagun called Stuntman Mike. This film has two distinct halves and I must say the first half was the best. Tarantino took a turn on the second half and made the film less than it could have been. He had weak characters in the second half and none of the girls could do Kurt Russel any justice as actresses of any measure. The Kiwi character and main female lead were poor choices and never really looked like they were doing anything other than a school play. Oh well, it was potentially a great story with lots of little Tarantino spices inside, but it had a disappointing second half.
Overall I would say you should see Grindhouse if you want a totally different cinema experience from what you are used to. I won't give anything away, but watch the trailers, they are great. In the main features you will be saying WTF a lot!

4) Premonition: chick flick, not bad though. Usually I feel I have wasted my money when I see those, and we had to see it because we had two hours to kill after the Shooter. But this was reasonable, not bad at all.

Best pick: The Shooter.