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"Alternative" platforms as primary computers
« on: September 12, 2006, 11:18:24 AM »
The "retro" movement is gaining popularity these days.  And those of us who have been retro before retro was cool are starting to lose our elite status.  We can welcome the new insurgencies, or we can become sullen and sulk about how we were doing it long before...

My girlfriend and I were discussing the Austrian kidnapper's C64 and how that was his only computer.  I mentioned that there are a lot of people in the world who only use old computers -- TI-99/4, C64, Atari ST, Amiga, etc. -- for whatever reason, usually mainly because the darned thing works so why buy a bloat machine.

It was at this point in the conversation that she reminded me that I did not own a Windows PC until after she started dating me in 2000 when I bought my first laptop.  I really had forgotten that up until 1999 my only home computers were Amiga (of course, post-Commodore 64/128 days) and it was only a year later that I actually purchased a Windows PC.

So I told you all of that to ask you this: when did you acquire your first Windows or Mac to become your primary computer, or do you still use Amiga (or other "retro"/"classic"/"alternative" computer) primarily?

Are we sick? :-)

Offline InTheSand

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Re: "Alternative" platforms as primary computers
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2006, 11:47:35 AM »
Sick? No! Mad? Probably! :-)

Personally, I held off getting a home PC until 1996 (even though I was using them at work prior to that) and my A1200 did what I needed (as did my A500 prior to that).

However, the advent of Win95, the Internet, cheap (and supported!) hardware plus great 3D first-person games like Duke Nukem finally got the better of me!

But I kept my A1200 and it's sitting here next to my PCs now, all plugged in and ready to go - and still gets some use now and again.

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Re: "Alternative" platforms as primary computers
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2006, 11:57:08 AM »
My MacBook is now my primary computer. But that's only because of convenience. Most of my computng is done on the sofa, and that would be awkward with an Amiga.

In theory, most things I do with my MacBook could be done with an Amiga:

- Web surfing
- Email
- Games

The only thing my Amiga can't do is run Reason. If there was a laptop Amiga, then that would be my primary machine, and my Mac running Reason would be in the office instead of the Amiga :-)

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Re: "Alternative" platforms as primary computers
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2006, 12:19:29 PM »
I use Pegasos II G4 as my primary system. I do most browsing, ircing (thru ssh connection) and coding on it. The system is triplebooting to MorphOS (development version), MacOS X 10.4.7 and Debian/GNU Linux, but I use MorphOS 99% of the time.

I also have Pegasos I running Debian GNU/Linux 24/7 and some Windows XP PC boxen. The Debian system is used for IRC (ircii), mail (pine), gateway/firewall (natting my adsl connection with ipmasq), file server (samba) etc. The PC is handy for some browsing that can't be done using IBrowse, and some gaming. I could do browsing on the Debian side aswell, but I only use linux thru console.

So, I use four kind of systems: MorphOS PPC, Linux PPC, Windows x86 and Mac OS X PPC. It's "tool for the job" kind of thing, I don't feel terrified for using the Windows XP machine when I need to, but I feel most confortable on the MorphOS. It feels much more responsive than any of the other systems, anyway. :-)

This is perhaps more alternative than most, but I don't consider myself "retro user".

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Re: "Alternative" platforms as primary computers
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2006, 01:18:47 PM »
Well I'm going to just out and say it. I'm a big online multiplayer whore. There I said it. With that said, you kinda have to have a more modern computer. Some people say that you can just get an XBox 360 if you just want to play games, but a XBox only has so much flexibility to it, besides you have to pay for Live.

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Re: "Alternative" platforms as primary computers
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2006, 01:21:20 PM »

Piru wrote:
It's "tool for the job" kind of thing, I don't feel terrified...

I can relate to this sentiment!  Some of my machines are better suited to certain tasks than others, and are used accordingly.

My "primary" machine is a 400MHz Powerbook G3 "Lombard" used for work on the go, with my two main "home" machines being a Sun Sparcstation IPX used for mundane internet chores (simple HTML editing, ftp, irc, email, browsing) and a P166MMX (Win98SE) used for everything the IPX can't/won't do.

...and of course my A2000 is used for creating/editing graphics for my other projects.

I'm not a "retro" fan either, per se, I just don't see the point of having more "computing power" than I actually NEED.

A1200: 50mhz GVP Jaws II+, OS 3.1, 32mb Fast, 1gb HD, Indivision MKIICR, PCMCIA network
A4000D: stock 030/25, OS 3.9, 16mb Fast, 1gb HD, Picasso II, Ariadne II, IOExtender

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Re: "Alternative" platforms as primary computers
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2006, 01:42:58 PM »
I got my first pc (a p200 that I found) about 2-3 years ago or something.  I got a new one 6 months later to run Amithlon which remained my primary system until 3 months ago when I got my Athlon 64.  Since then I only use windows because Amithlon won`t boot anymore and I`ve been seduced by the technology.
-insert clever profundity here-

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Re: "Alternative" platforms as primary computers
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2006, 02:35:37 PM »
Thanks for interesting post, and for the point it raises.   The Austrian police force has called upon the retro-hacking community to help them extract any meaningfull information from the C64, so to all C64 into-coding nerds out there, now's your time to shine!!

Seriously, I have been using an A500+ with a 2Mb expansion and three (3!) Floppy drives (but no hard disk) right before the advent of Windows 95.  I used it for my A-Level project, to write numerous programs, doodle in Dpaint,  wordprocessing (Worthworth, slow as hell but good) and spreadsheets (something made by Oxxi, can't remember the name)

Then, I went on holiday to London, intending to buy a big-box Amiga there.  While strolling through Oxford street, I saw an all singing all dancing PC at NESS (now defunct).  Surprisingly, the price was less then half of what the Amiga would cost, and the specificatons were far superior. After toying with the machine at the shop for ages (I remember I was dressed shabbily and the salesperson was getting quite nervous) I took the plunge, and 8 long years had to pass before I bought another Amiga computer.  

Sad but true (sob)


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Re: "Alternative" platforms as primary computers
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2006, 02:37:38 PM »
I cant remember when I bought my first pc.. but when I saw Win 95 I though it was cool as heck.  Basically it did what the Amiga couldnt do.  Internet was out.. Amiga was falling behind..  I mostly use E-UAE if I want to do retro stuff or VICE.
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Re: "Alternative" platforms as primary computers
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2006, 02:40:58 PM »
There is something romantic with using old hardware. Or using 10 different old "boxen" for 10 different tasks (that could be run on one modern computer). But in the end I think you will all end up with Microsofts latest OS in the future :-)
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Offline motorollin

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Re: "Alternative" platforms as primary computers
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2006, 03:08:37 PM »
cv643d wrote:
I think you will all end up with Microsofts latest OS in the future :-)

B0llocks will I!

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Re: "Alternative" platforms as primary computers
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2006, 03:36:14 PM »
Wow!  Let me just say that I hope that my story isn't going to be too redundant, but my computer geekness started when I was back in high school.

As a junior in 1988 I fell in love with this machine that the school used for Library functions (it had a whopping 300 BPS modem) and the name on the badge was Apple ][, not (c, or e, or gs).  The next year, after becoming familiar with Appleworks (I still use the modern version on my Mac today) I began to write BASIC programs on the Apple ][ and eventually by the end of 1989 (My Senior Year in High School) an Apple ][e.  I wanted very badly to purchase an Apple ][e but they were like $3000 and I did not have it.  Somewhere between the latter half of my Senior Year (1989) and the middle of 1990, I got into PCs and MS-DOS.  I resisted Windows (then version 2, heading to 3) until the launch of Windows 3.1 for workgroups which came on a PC I bought (a 286 clone from Computer Shopper) to go to College.  Windows 95 came out and by then I was running a 486DX2 and we were moving our BBS from a Tandy 1000 TX I bought to a newer 486 level clone we bought second hand and moving from Desqview to Windows 95 for our BBS system.

I was also now a bench tech with 2 years under my belt in PC service.

Got really P.O.'d with Microsoft and started looking at Slackware Linux (but too dumb to figure it out then) so I traded my new DX2 box for a Mac LC (which later led me to be considered the Mac expert in the various shops I worked for).  1996, I bought my Macintosh 7500/100 and OS 8 and stayed with Mac until about 1998 when I landed a job as a System Administrator for Windows NT 4 (which I had played with on my bench jobs) and learned AIX (IBM UNIX).  I started playing with FreeBSD and though still have not mastered installing FBSD on an Intel box (already installed when I learned it) developed a love for it.

Backing up a bit, when we bought the Tandy 1000 TX in 1992, we were looking at an Amiga and it was just too expensive, though I was very impressed.  Not sure today why I bought the Tandy instead of a C64?  I believe it was just because we were running a BBS that we already liked and knew the software ins and outs for is most likely the reason :-)

Anyhow, 1998 -- I am back in PC land and using Windows 95 or NT 4 and there is this new Windows OS called "2000" which people were talking about.  When I went to work for Sprint in 1999, I was of course using 2000 both server and desktop (Professional).  I had a PC and a Macintosh (iMac slotload) at home.  Got really mad at Microsoft (recurring theme) and dumped the PC.  I later moved and sold the iMac.  For a while, I am actually devoid of computer at home (2 months -- January through Feburary 2000).  Bought a used Dell and a SGI Indigo with IRIX on it.  Sold the Indy and kept the Dell for a while running Win2K.  I had steady work even though I was laid off from Sprint in November 2000, until 2001, I had contracts that lasted 3 months at a time and I was now working for myself.

Along the way, I worked for an ISP that supported Amigas (they hired me to support Macintosh) and became good friends with the resident Amiga guru (not the error screen, the support guy) and had a renewed interest in Amiga.  In 2003, I was looking for a way to play SpaceQuest and was considering finding an old PC (pentium 1 or pro) to do the job and it dawned on me that Amiga would do this and still actually supported stuff natively... I have old MS-DOS install disks and all, but setting up an old PC just did not appeal to me.  I found this community and I am now purchasing more Amigas.  I have agreed to buy 2 A2000's and I am still building one A4000.   One A2000 is going to be the resurrected "Electronic Oblivion" BBS using CNET.   The other is a stand by machine.  The A4000 I am building will do Video work and play my retro games... Lemmings and SQ and etc.  My main computer is a Macintosh Mini (bought last October) running OS 10.4.7.  I plan to go find a used PII or PIII laptop for FreeBSD 6.1 and it will become another "every day" use box.  The Amigas are as mentioned.

If there was a way to use my Amiga for everything, I would do it.  But there are just certain things (like my PHP development) that require Linux(UNIX) or MacOS ( I use a text editing program called BBEDIT, which is very high dollar on the Mac, and so far, I have found *no equal* to it on any platform, although I am watching an Editor in Linux called Bluefish). So the Macintosh remains my desktop solutuion and the Linux or FreeBSD boxes are normally test servers for my web applications.  The Amigas are for my games... I am stuck in retro land because modern games do not give me the feel of the old "adventures" like Sierra On-Line games did and even the later renditions of SpaceQuest (after 4) were less appealing, though definitely technically superior in the areas of controls and graphics.  SQ 5 was totally a bomb to me.

So, I have my Macintosh Mini is my main computer, FreeBSD  box will be my X-Windows main box and I will find uses for my Amigas as need be.

I guess this exhaustive post boils down to that I agree with "proper tool" approach to computing, but would love to have only one that did it all (natively).  Since the "do it all" is highly unlikely, it looks like I will have a minimum of 3 to get done what I want.  BTW:  iTunes is a major reason that I stay with Macintosh as well, because personally, I am still very anti-Windows!  I only use it where I have to, however, I absolutely refuse to own a Windows Machine, if a company I work for deems it necessary, they can (and have) provide[d] a laptop.

Anyhow, my main machine would have to be the Mac.
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Re: "Alternative" platforms as primary computers
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2006, 03:46:21 PM »
Hi...I use an PowerMac G4 500mhz as my main computer
Retro is my life...

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Re: "Alternative" platforms as primary computers
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2006, 04:56:07 PM »
My primary machine has been Mac since 2003,  before then Windows PC, and before that until 1999... Amstrad CPC  :-D
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Re: "Alternative" platforms as primary computers
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2006, 04:59:43 PM »
At work I have my Linux workstation, because I administer Unix servers. It's vital because it has so many (networking) tools built in that are helpfull to an adminisrator.

At home I use Windows XP on a "silent" pc that I built. I do some amature game developemnt and VS.NET 2003 + DirectX is an outstanding development IDE. It dual boots Ubuntu Linux but I hardly ever run Linux at home anymore because after 10 or 15 years of use I still find it kind of exhusting.

I use my Amiga 1200 pretty regularly for hacking around and games. Mostly just hacking around. Also, I occasionally use my Atari ST when I want to play Dungeon Master.