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Author Topic: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!  (Read 4730 times)


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Offline KingTuttTopic starter

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PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« on: March 27, 2003, 01:01:32 AM »
Now when I refer to PeeCee gamers nowadays, I speak of the many computer owners who never owned Amigas, or worse never even heard of Amiga. In the past, it was impossible to be a PeeCee owner and not know about the dreaded and fearsome Amigas, lol! There was always this rivalry between systems, altho not quite on the same level (at least not for a very long time) This was because many PeeCee owners were very well aware of the marvels of Amiga computing - the superior stereo sound and full color gfx, but somehow remained in loser denial wishing that PeeCees would one day catch up. And shoot! guess what happened, they actually got their wish!

Of course many of us Amigans crossed over to PeeCeeworld in the mid 90s, some of you more recently. I myself felt physically sick when seeing how far behind PeeCees were in 96 to Amigas. But having no alternatives and a job depending on Win95 familiarity, I made the switch anyway. I always viewed it as a downgrade rather than a switch. And for many years resented Commodore for allowing the greatest travesty in computing to happen in such a way.

But out of all of this, my biggest gripe remained to be the PeeCee gamers resistance to cold hard facts. This being, that PeeCees were cumbersome and inferior machines for gaming. PC speaker? Give me a break! CGA gfx? lol! For the recent gamer, bred on PSX and PS2, it is probably impossible to imagine a world were a superior platform like the Amiga, could fail to capture a larger market when going against the humbe 286/386. And one might say it was comparable to a PS2 competing with a PeeCee running windows 3.11. But yes this was exactly how it was like.

Amiga reigned supreme since 1985 to 1993. And during this time, I had heated debates with PeeCee users and their lofty claims that PeeCee games, despite their shortcomings were still superior to their Amiga counterparts. Some even went to the extremes of saying that games didn't matter were computing was concerned. But one didn't have to be Einstein to know that these PC advocates were just overprotective and insecure individuals, who couldn't admit reality even if it slammed right in front of them.

The curious thing was that despite their Pro-PC resolve, many of these PeeCee gamers were completely oblivious and ignorant to what good gfx were. Many of them had skewed notions of what cutting edge gfx were at the time. And for many years, things remained this way. I even recall pointing out the horrible zoomed in look, to a friend running a PC port of Lemmings 2. The sounds were appaling (PC speaker? hello!) And the chunky sprites were distracting to say the least. I remember telling him "Dude, sorry to say this, but that thing just plain sux ass... man. Seriously it does" He would quickly snap and say "Oh so, it looks and plays better on your Amoeba, does it? huh does it? ahh schoolkids back then. lol! I guess being spoilt on Amiga gfx had its problems too, yeah like arguements with PC diehards and being generally perceived as being too fussy of gfx.

Suffice to say, growing up with Amigas in the 80s, was like stumbling across a conspiracy in keeping the world ignorant to sublime computing, heh the bgates conspiracy. It was like discovering some Pentagon files proving there was intelligent life on Mars, but not being able to tell anyone, without risking ridicule. Of course it was a relief when discovering other Amigans, and being able to share the experience together.  

It wasn't until 3D games and more sophisticated h/w came out, that PC gamers finally became aware of the deficiencies to their software rendered low res gfx. Now PC gamers pride themselves on how THEIR games outshine the competition. PeeCee gamers are the new spoilt kids, were gfx are concerned. lol! And now these same people are the ones crying out why they should adopt AmigaOnes, if their h/w outclasses AmigaOne on every level.

Its ironic isn't it? That these very same people couldn't think this way when Amigas outclassed their POS x86 on every level back in 1985, not only that but it kept the lead for almost a decade. Yet now they would have you know who has the higher specced machine and make it their quest to point out OUR deficiencies. lol!

PeeCee gamer geeks lol! You gotta love 'em. They really are a funny bunch!

I bet us Amigans have a million experiences of this (what i like to call) PeeCee gamers conundrum, I'm sure they would make for many an interesting post
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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2003, 01:32:08 AM »
PC gamers are funny, because they always speak like this:
HELLO WAS UP LOL!!!!!11 w00t WTF !!!!!
They even speak like that in real life (I've heard it myself).

This is why we should taunt them at all times ;^)
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Offline poweramiga2002

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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2003, 01:39:21 AM »
I happened to have a few friends over a while ago, and all the talked about was how fast there pee cee,s were and how good the games were how fast they surfed the net Etc.
One of them said your still in the dark ages in computing arnt you, and i replied what are you on about he said you still use an A1200 they died years ago .
So i asked him did he ever use one he laught out loud not a chance in hell he said how can you even call it a computer !so i didnt say too much and briskly said ow well not worth aruing over .
After a while i said to the guys how about we have a look around on the net
so off we went into the comp room (now my A1200 is in a tower and is a 603e+210/060/50 grex voodoo3/3000 128 meg ram has usual pc speakers and diamond view monitor) i promptly went on the net using ib 2.3 and after a while the same person who was bagging out my 1200 .
Asked what version of windows are you running i looked at him and was lost for words ,i ignored him and just carried on all of the guys were commenting how fast it was displaying the pages and that it was way faster than their pee cee,s .
then the amiga bagger asked me what pentium speed was it i said what do you think ? he said ive got a p3 @ 900mhz and its not as quick as yours on the net .
I burst out laughing and blerted out this is one of those A1200,s you recon isnt a computer he called me a liar and stated thats not possible !
so i showed him the work bench as i run in dopus magellan .
But still he completely dimissed that there was any chance it could be an Amiga  .
sSo i pulled the tower appart and showed him that it was but he still wouldent beleive me he just kept saying where have you got the pc hidden theres no way the amiga could ever be that good .
So after many hours trying to prove it was the 1200 he still called my a liar and just walked out on me and so did the other guys
now they wont even talk to me as they recon i set it all up and i used a pc embedded somwhere in the house ,They told me if i admit that i set them up they woul talk to me again
I now realize that they must be so pee cee brain washed they cant even see reality
I lost 5 friends and all i did was show them how my 1200 worked  

Offline KingTuttTopic starter

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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2003, 02:42:56 AM »

Man that was the funniest post in a while, that I've seen.

L M A O!


Yeah, I know how overbearing PeeCee nerds can be. I had to deal with them on a daily basis in Amiga's heyday! And they were still as stubborn then as they are now. Except now they have less to feel protective about. Still, doesn't stop them from seeing an opportunity to deride a once proud system. (what am i saying, a still proud system!)

PS: Apparently John Carmack (Doom 3 creator) is the biggest anti-Amiga bigot around. hehe. RexxMast makes an excellent case in this thread[/url]. I hadn't laughed that loud in ages, man o man! RexxMast REALLY is one funny bugger.
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Offline jeffimix

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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2003, 03:33:29 AM »
ME, I use a DOS/WIN 3.1 computer for most of games nowadays.... mostly DOS. DOS is a decent OS, very limited but pretty flexible (/me loves  the *.bat and wildcards) . Considering most fo the games I play are DOS games, I wonder if getting an old Amiga would be a good move, I mean, could I get the same (mostly) games for it? Like Fury of the Furries, or Lemmings? ( I think I heard Lemmings mentioned on this thread)  or mmm.... Monkey Treasure Island? I'm typing on a windows Xp machine, as its whats set up to use the net (text only DOS browsing? yuck)  I could always put DOS on my PalmPilot (I heard it exists somewhere). Or how about, dum dee dee dum!, can it play Keen4? Still, theres things like wordperfect for DOS... or WordPerfect...
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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2003, 03:33:52 AM »

And for many years resented Commodore for allowing the greatest travesty in computing to happen in such a way.

One should also blame Motorola's part in dumping 68k as their leading edge CPU.

As a CPU partner, Motorola doesn’t seems to have the same level of support as with Intel (or with AMD) in regards to legacy support and speed upgrade pace.….

What IF the original creators of Amiga had selected Intel (or AMD) as it’s CPU partner?

HW setup of i386 + 32bit OS + auto-config (plug and play) + custom chip (custom co-processors**) powered platform should sound familiar to the modern PC setups.

**chips which reduces the CPU’s burden.

Running on AROS on i386 (with similar level gfx and audio add-on card) box is closest to this “What IF” scenario.  

Amiga 1200 PiStorm32-Emu68-RPI 4B 4GB.
Ryzen 9 7900X, DDR5-6000 64 GB, RTX 4080 16 GB PC.

Offline Atheist

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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2003, 04:02:30 AM »
Hello poweramiga2002,

If only, imagine that story with a 68060 @ 1 GHz, or 1.8 GHz!!!!

What could have been?

After using a winbux for 8 months (w98se, never used windows before then (regularly/owned), but bad mouthed it at every opportunity. Now I know I was right to do so.) It only occurred to me about 2 months ago, that the BOGUS registry is just COPY PROTECTION, which is what grinds it to a halt and hinders it's use. Not to mention the myriad of "incompatable standards" (there's an oxymoron for you.)

Thanks for relaying that experience.

AmigaOne! poweramiga2002 Rulleezzz!
\\"Which would you buy? The Crappy A1200, 15 years out of date... or the Mobile Phone that I have?\\" -- bloodline
So I guess that A500, 600, 1000, 2000, CDTV, CD32, are pure garbage then? Thanks for posting here.

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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2003, 04:49:39 AM »
In the early 90's I upgraded my computer to a 2000 with an 030 - 8m of ram (IIRC) and 60meg HD.
I got this for around 2,000 aus.
Comparitively this isn't terribly unreasonable compared to buying the latest PC and accessories at the time.
You couldn't even compare games at the time - platformers on the PC were jerky and chunky (Duke Nukem 1). In the 3d arena you had Flight Sim, which you could put up against F18A flight interceptor, which was getting dated even then, and compare them very favorably.

With Wolfenstein I watched people throw money hand over fist for 486 dx 100's, and again to upgrade when DOOM came out.
You think the fervor for OS4 is high -- nothing compared to the slavering masses upgrading their PC's to play DOOM.

Again later - the onslaught of upgrades to play QUAKE, and the quest for max screen rate for Duke Nukem 3D.

My belwilderment was that people had upgraded two to three times - spent many thousands of dollars - to essentially play the same game three times. It continues to this day.

My 2000 lasted me till 97-98 (when leaving the country also meant leaving the platform - and all things computer for a while). 2000 bucks well spent. Never broke down - never needed an upgrade - and it filled my every need.

The upgrade syndrome continues - I put together an edit suit for commecial quality video production. It has cost a pretty penny to put together, and yet when I'm asked the specs on it by gamers, I get:
"uR b0x3n SuX0Rz!!!!"
Apparently I'm not up to standard to play the latest FPS game in it's full glory....  We may have waited nearly a decade for a new OS, but these guys have been playing the same game for as long!

I don't get it.....

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Offline KingTuttTopic starter

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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2003, 05:02:41 AM »
Haha, Siggy.

Good story mate. So the irony continues for PeeCee gamer geeks abound, yes?

I await more funny stories at the hands of my Amigan brothers, can I get an Alleluyah!
If I said I was the best you would think I am boasting. But if I said I was not, then you KNOW I am lying! ~Bruce Lee.

Offline Siggy

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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2003, 06:06:21 AM »
Not so much a gaming story per se, and will probably date me... but it's amusing, and does show how even the humble 1000 was ahead of it's time.

When the Amiga had it's first showing at the Austrialian PC Show in Sydney I took the day off my work from my first job and went down... At the beginning of that day I didn't know what an Amiga was - and nor did many other people.
Thanks to the values instilled from my dear Mum, I had been made my first steps into the adult world with a savings account and a sound budget. I'd given myself the kingly sum of $20 to go to the show, have lunch, and see a movie (and still have some change).
I watched the 'boing ball' bounce in it's window, along with the 'lines' being drawn and the 'boxes' filling and was mesmerized.
I RAN (not walked - RAN) to the nearest bank and plundered my bank account. That day I pre-ordered my first Ami.
 On returning home I was asked if I had a good day I replied 'Yes' - I was asked 'did you spend all your money' - my best friend started busting up... I had to smack him upside the head to shut him up.

Set the clock forward a bit - Same city - same show.. several years and a stint of military service later. I see a demonstration of Windows (3.1?) going on.  Amoungst the 'oohs' and 'ahhhhs' of the crowd there is a single unimpressed ex-soldier sitting there... 'That ain't no big deal' He says.
'That ain't no big deal - Does it multi task?'
Man clicks open Word and a clock - 'There, need any more proof?' (crowd nods it's approval)
'Did the clock stop when you clicked in word?'
'Ahm ahhh'
'Can you run word, unpack a disk, connect to a bbs, run a paint program, and assemble 300k of assem code at the same time?'
In a flurry of mouse clicks the demonstrator tries to open everything he possibly can, before being met with a 'general protection fault'
He then waves over to a few security guys who kindly ask the ex-soldier to leave.

I've had to use Win3.1 to 95 at work through differing jobs, I never had a problem with the x86 per se - but I never liked the Win interface.. it was never a joy to use.
Even now when I *have* to have Windows running at home, it's never that 'fun' experience that I used to look forward too. That machine is a tool, it's not 'my computer' nor will it ever be.

If programming assem on the Ami was like whittling (where you enjoy passing the time and then look on in wonderment afterwards at what you've created), then assem on the x86 is like masturbating with a cheesegrater.

The TV business is uglier than most things.
 It is normally perceived as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench through the heart of the Journalism industry, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs,

Offline KingTuttTopic starter

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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2003, 06:44:37 AM »

Siggy wrote:
If programming assem on the Ami was like whittling (where you enjoy passing the time and then look on in wonderment afterwards at what you've created), then assem on the x86 is like masturbating with a cheesegrater.


I couldn't of put it more succinctly myself. Good to see you have the objectiveness that many people lack these days. Although being a past Amiga user would denote that in the eyes of Winblows diehards.

Although alot of Linux and mac zealots would probably argue that Amiga faithfuls would say just about anything to promote their beloved system. I like to think that we really had something special and lost a major contributer to the computing scene, when C= went under. Hell I still consider Atari going under, a detriment to computer users everywhere, despite the fierce rivalry we once shared.

Being an avid Amigan, I'm saying alot when I say this: I would prefer an Atari user anyday than 1000 winblows users. At least their platform was more akin to Amiga's dream of multimedia/games/entertainment powerhouse. And both systems were less prone to inferior programming and bloatware than what we see today on our intel or amd workstations. Ugh.
If I said I was the best you would think I am boasting. But if I said I was not, then you KNOW I am lying! ~Bruce Lee.

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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2003, 07:45:13 AM »
Hi KingTutt,

Gfx, sound, joystick+mouse, screens and multitasking.

I used to show these functions to pc followers back then.

I remember showing to a friend big animation demos. Starting the first one, going back to the workbench with lamiga+m, starting the next 2 or so.
After this I pulled the workbench screen down and  of the animations running I pulled their screens halfway down so that my friend could see al animations still running!
Everybody knows what a pain it was to use pc-joysticks. So I showed those friends Sensible Soccer, Lotus and other games.

Yes, those were very nice times, but if I look at the present. I bought a Peg and showed it to again a pc friend and he was immediately impressed by the speed (and especially when I told him it was only 600 MHz). Ofcourse hopefully this will be also true for OS4 when it finishes.

The pc's are dominating the pc market. There's only one other major computer for general public, the Mac.
But because of the supremacy of the pc, Mac has to adjust to pc world.
People of now don't know anything about efficiency anymore. They only see the pc world (and Mac, ofcourse more efficient than a pc).

I really think that OS4 and MorphOS will be an eyeopener in the world of today if the companies behind these 2 OS's will make them compatible with the standard of what we are used now (like everything related to internet - plug-ins, etc, main office standards, etc).


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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2003, 08:02:07 AM »

Set the clock forward a bit - Same city - same show.. several years and a stint of military service later. I see a demonstration of Windows (3.1?) going on. Amoungst the 'oohs' and 'ahhhhs' of the crowd there is a single unimpressed ex-soldier sitting there... 'That ain't no big deal' He says.
'That ain't no big deal - Does it multi task?'
Man clicks open Word and a clock - 'There, need any more proof?' (crowd nods it's approval)
'Did the clock stop when you clicked in word?'
'Ahm ahhh'
'Can you run word, unpack a disk, connect to a bbs, run a paint program, and assemble 300k of assem code at the same time?'
In a flurry of mouse clicks the demonstrator tries to open everything he possibly can, before being met with a 'general protection fault'
He then waves over to a few security guys who kindly ask the ex-soldier to leave.

The one I used to like was starting a floppy formatting, then drop a few files onto it while amusing myself with other parts of Workbench. The PC (l)users would stand agape!

What's more, formatting a floppy under Win2kPro these days still kills everything else.
Cache Ya,

Busy playing with my Trainz and loving it!

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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2003, 08:09:26 AM »
Hello Desmon,

What's more, formatting a floppy under Win2kPro these days still kills everything else.


This whole multitasking of the pc's wouldn't be possible with 386 40 MHz. Pc's need cpu speed to let the user believe it has multitasking capabillities.
(my opinion)
Hence my remark about efficiency :-)


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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2003, 08:38:05 AM »


I DO agree with you dude!
Those were the time when micro-computing WAS fun AND efficient!
And sorry, but I do not think raw power means efficiency...

/me is looking for a good time machine to go back in time...

Be funky

:afro: AMIGA :afro:
- The Computer With A Soul-