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Author Topic: Online Amiga troubleshooting - your help needed!  (Read 3482 times)


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Offline alxTopic starter

Online Amiga troubleshooting - your help needed!
« on: May 29, 2005, 01:19:35 PM »
I've set up sections on my site for troubleshooting "Classic" Amiga problems and AmigaOne problems - the idea being that a hierarchical list of questions is produced for easily working out hardware/software problems (kind of like the windows troubleshooters, but hopefully a lot more useful :-D )

If you know anything about Amiga problems and would like to get involved then great - the pages are all editable and there's a quick guide to writing troubleshooters here.  If this becomes a decent resource then it wouldn't be too hard to convert it to AmigaGuide format for offline reading and distribution - although there haven't been any contributers yet :-(

Offline Thomas

Re: Online Amiga troubleshooting - your help needed!
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2005, 04:15:14 PM »

Nice Idea. But you should respect that Amiga browsers currently don't support style sheets. So you should at least add color information to the body tag. Not every browser uses white as default background.


Offline alxTopic starter

Re: Online Amiga troubleshooting - your help needed!
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2005, 04:30:11 PM »
I realise that :-(  The site's been tested in IBrowse and rendered the page background grey, which I thought was OK (after all, OS programs like MEmacs and Multiview use black on grey).  As you can see from this page, I've been reluctant to implement hacks to make formatting appear on non-CSS browsers, since doing so would mean an awful lot of changes to perl code that I'd rather leave untouched (I learned a bit of perl so I could write my own extension to force the "sidebar" to appear at the bottom of pages under non-CSS browsers, but that didn't require wholesale changes to the script itself).  I suppose that I could modify it to add a "bgcolor="white"" if you think it makes the pages better?

Unfortunately, I can only see this becoming more and more of a problem, as CSS becomes a standard (I'm sure that Wayne must have had a headache getting A.org running nicely on Amiga browsers) - I wonder how Amizilla is getting on?  If it makes it seem any better, the Wiki originally didn't have any CSS at all - the addition off a CSS stylesheet hasn't made things worse for AOS users.