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Author Topic: PPC is bad bad bad  (Read 35249 times)


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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #89 from previous page: May 04, 2002, 07:47:50 AM »
I rest my case....


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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #90 on: May 04, 2002, 07:48:52 AM »
Typical terrorist behavior, you gonna try and eliminate all amiga users now? People like you sicken me.

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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #91 on: May 04, 2002, 07:54:01 AM »
Lets face it the amiga is a peace of junk. All you little amiga people ever talk about is how the amiga is so much better than pc’s. You people are always saying that windows is a bad os and stuff like that. But the truth is all amiga freaks run windows. I know this because there is no way in hell the amiga computers could ever have enough power to run a web browser. My little calculator can out render an amiga and go on the Internet at the same time. Why is it that when somebody makes fun of the amiga’s crapyness you always replay buy saying you don't understand the architecture. The truth is you people probably don't even know the architecture of your jelly donut.  

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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #92 on: May 04, 2002, 07:57:13 AM »
a sad when its either troll's to the left...or troll's to the right...noone seems to be in the middle trying to figure out the truth.....bias bias bias.....

maybe im just a naysayer..

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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #93 on: May 04, 2002, 08:08:33 AM »

greenday5000 wrote:
Lets face it the amiga is a peace of junk. All you little amiga people ever talk about is how the amiga is so much better than pc’s. You people are always saying that windows is a bad os and stuff like that. But the truth is all amiga freaks run windows. I know this because there is no way in hell the amiga computers could ever have enough power to run a web browser. My little calculator can out render an amiga and go on the Internet at the same time. Why is it that when somebody makes fun of the amiga’s crapyness you always replay buy saying you don't understand the architecture. The truth is you people probably don't even know the architecture of your jelly donut.  

I really don't care if you like Amigas or not, but at least realize that if we have both PCs and Amigas and still favor our 10 year old Amigas then they must do something right.  And btw my Amiga surfs the web perfectly on my cable modem and I prefer Voyager 3.3 to IE 6.  My PC @500mhz is slightly faster on bringing up pages than my 50mhz Amiga.  But Voyager crashes a lot less than IE does, and it is far more configurable.  But again you are entitled to your opinion and I to mine.  Why must everyone buy the same computer and OS to be considered intelligent?  I have compared Windows and Amiga.  I'll take the Amiga!

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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #94 on: May 04, 2002, 08:48:16 AM »
Admittedly, MOSTof the capabilities of the classic Amiga are now junk.
That is why we are awaiting an upgrade to the H/W and S/W.

I use Lightwave all day, everyday on a PC yet it has been held back by the loss of decent AmigaOS and H/W. I have never seen a benchmark where the fastest PPC machine can out perform the fastest Intel machine at 3D rendering.

But PPC is the quickest way we will get decent H/W.

In my view the ideal is promised in AmigaOS5.
Let's get the H/W decent first, with PPC, then allow people the option to go with the CPU of their choice.

I look forward to when we talk about AmigaOS rather then spoiling talk about CPUs.


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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #95 on: May 04, 2002, 08:51:54 AM »
so you feel that lightwave of today is somehow 'held back' because it isnt running on Amiga?....
pfff.....LW 7.5 with SSE2 opt's....a good gforce3/4(or quadro thereof)..FireGL 2/3/4/ 8800...on 'admittadly windows isnt the best' windows...is fine....i dont see hardware as the issue...lightwave runs plenty smooth on my system.... :-x

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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #96 on: May 04, 2002, 08:55:09 AM »
Move along, nothing to read here.
Please don't feed the Trolls, They'll only come back for more.

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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #97 on: May 04, 2002, 09:32:17 AM »
Throw Win2K on a 2Ghz P4 and throw OS4.0 on a 600Mhz PPC system.

1)Time bootup time.
2)Get a seat of your pants feeling.

We will be able to do this comparison soon.

Your point, I take it, being that OS 4 will scream vs. 'Doze on the superior hardware.  Good point that.   But why don't we just save a step and run the superior OS on the superior (and much cheaper!) hardware?  Seems the way to do it to me.
\\"For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these: \\\'It might have been!\\\'\\"
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Amiga.  Wish the world could have known.

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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #98 on: May 04, 2002, 09:34:02 AM »
I simply don't understand why so many on this forum seem to think that by using a PPC they magicaly no longer compete with M$, but if they use an x86 Amiga, evil Micros0ft would come along and automatically install windoze on it!!!!

Why would Microsoft need to install Windows on it? Most store bought PCs still come with it preinstalled.

Truthfully, a personal operating system like AmigaOS isn't going to bother Microsoft one bit. That isn't where the big money comes from. They get more off site licenses and other products.

Heck, they wouldn't have bothered to respond to Linux at all if it weren't for all the issues being raised about the security flaws in their products.


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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #99 on: May 04, 2002, 09:50:11 AM »
I have access to 4 channel 16bit audio...

What's that? an old SB16?
Y'know... Most stereo output computers can play Dolby surround (with a decoder). My SNES could, my SB pro could, my PC can, don't understand why it should be a problem on Amiga, thoug I've never tried it, and if one don't use a SOUND CARD (ever heard of those, or are you running with a PC-speaker) you will only get 14-bit sound.

Who cares? I bought my first miggy to play games and that have been the main purpose ever since then. However the A1 discussions on this site got me interested, made me realize that there is life beyond Windows...

I won't buy the 600 Mhz version of A1. Mainly because it's a DEVELOPER BOARD. And I ain't no good programmer.
I'll buy the  thing when OS4 hit the shelves, assuming that I can afford it. I love AmigaOS, and I would love to use it as the first choise. And heck!! If everything else fails, it can still run linux...
Beating the dead horse since 2002.

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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #100 on: May 04, 2002, 10:35:43 AM »
This is more a less a repeat of the post I made on another thread.. but here goes..

When one of those Atari ST users comes on this site to trash Amigas and their users, when we reply we simply give them what they want, the knowledge their comments have wound us up.

So let's just ignore the posts, and remember that only people with inadequately small genitalia would have the need for this kind of self-gratification..

And I thought all those Atari users were dead and buried with the company that spawned them..

How do I know this is an ST user.. isn't that what PCs really are?  Just Atari STs with crappier operating systems.. I mean look at the name MultiTos.. anyone from the UK knows the correct interpretation, and I doubt this usergroup's language regulations would allow me to explain to those that don't get what I mean.. but without meaning to offend, it means multi - w*nk or in American multi-j*rking off.  Again, apologies to all if these comments offend..
GPF (the famous Blue Screen of Death) honest version :-

The system has become busy or unstable.
Actually, we say \\"system\\" but what we really mean is \\"Windows\\".
If you like, you can wait and see if the \\"system\\" recovers.
It won\\\'t, but it will give yo

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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #101 on: May 04, 2002, 11:37:11 AM »
They believe that because company x is on top now and for some time, this will always be that way.

I wrote this superlong post earlier about this but my IE HANGED UP!! #R%¤E&%R/(&(/)(/=)(=)=)(=? IE.

Crap browser.

And I lost it all.

Lets see if I can recreate it.

This guy knows a lot about P4 and its flaws etc.

The PPC versus x86 architecture discussion is basically the same discussion as the several decades old CICS versus RISC(I am old an senile I might have gotten the abreviations wrong).  It started the same time as the two systems were compared for the first time.

This discussion was pointless then and it hasn't become more important.

The quote above says it all. Throughout the two past decades CICS and RISC have taken turns at being the best cpu core. One thing that history has proven is that no matter how much better one system is, the other one WILL get back. This is like Yin and Yang. Black and white. Good and evil.

Moving on.

An advantage the PPC has over the x86, is that programs tend to be written better for it.
The x86's biggest problem is that there are millions of different standards. SSE, MMX, SSE2, 3DNOW! etc.
This plethora of instruction sets makes it impossible for the programmers to know what the hell to do. ( the guy at www.emulators.com trashes this pretty well).
The Advantage the Amiga had was that it had set H/W (kind of like a gaming console such as PS1 or whatever). This ment that the programmers learnt how to squeze more power out of what they had instead of trusting that the users will waste more money to make it easier for them.

The PC did the opposit of this. And we all know the price of it. It creates huge holes in our wallets.

Because the programmers programming PC software don't specialize their code for a processor because there are several, and the don't bother to write it as effectively as possible because they know that if their program runs slow for the user, he´ll buy better H/W.
Is this the right way to go?

I say NO!
The responsibility should lie on the programmers to utilize the power that exist, instead of relieing on the user to cough up more dough.

Dunno if I am the only one that is tired of having worthless equipment after a year or so(PC).
Not only the games demand more. The OS'es do so to. Try running millenium on a pentium. I think I need a breath.

Oh another problem for PC users.
As the guy at www.emulators.com point out, there are no good compilers that optimize the code to the new processors, and as the programmers are to lazy to write in machine code, (and it the fact that it sux when it comes to math) we'll again have to settle for lesser code. This was the p4's biggest problem when it first came out.

Ins Out.

[ Edited by Insanity on 2002/5/4 10:39:36 ]

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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #102 on: May 04, 2002, 02:06:17 PM »
I'd be more impressed if the trolls learned how to spell.  Misspelling words and using the wrong
words altogether detracts greatly from their credibility.  Trolls frequently mix words
interchangably.  For example:

"your" with "you're",
"there" for "their" for "they're",
"its" for "it's",
"here" for "hear",
"then" for "than",

...and so on.  It's as if they believe that any homonym is equally as suitable as another.  Futher, I
see apostrophies placed where they don't belong, -such as for the plural, which is incorrect- or
missing altogether.  And of course, there are barbarisms such as:

"different than" instead of "different from",
"people that" instead of "people who"

And on and on.  And don't get me started on punctuation.

Really now, Greenday5000, Mips_Proc.  Are the degreed engineers at Amiga, Hyperion and Eyetech
supposed to defer to your superior wisdom when you haven't even mastered your own native language
sufficently to convey your ideas to others?

Take care...


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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #103 on: May 04, 2002, 02:15:16 PM »

"your" with "you're",
"there" for "their" for "they're",
"its" for "it's",
"here" for "hear",
"then" for "than",


They are 1337 h4xx0Rz ja know.
Beating the dead horse since 2002.

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Re: PPC is bad bad bad
« Reply #104 on: May 04, 2002, 02:19:05 PM »
I'd be more impressed if the trolls learned how to spell.

So everyone who hasn't learned english as his/hers native language is a troll ?

A troll is someone who only post to insult or spreads false information.

The pro-x86 people aren't trolls, they just have a different oppinon.
1. Make an announcment.
2. Wait a while.
3. Check if it can actually be done.
4. Wait for someone else to do it.
5. Start working on it while giving out hillarious progress-reports.
6. Deny that you have ever announced it
7. Blame someone else