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Author Topic: Hey SCO, sue me! Petition online now  (Read 5868 times)


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Re: Hey SCO, sue me! Petition online now
« Reply #44 from previous page: June 15, 2003, 06:34:51 PM »

I have had my Amiga's for nigh on 15 years now, and I have NEVER had to format a hard drive because the OS keeps causing problems, yet this is ACCEPTED practice on Windows systems.

The same thing I see everywhere... Seems that people never heard of NTFS, they install the latest Windows XP using FAT32... And after having problems (how could you not have problems with a file system designed in 1983 for floppies if used on 200 GB hard disks?), "hei, Microsoft is so stupid, I never had to format my harddrive using my Amiga"...

But ok, I'm tired of these things.
For me, this discussion is over, it never lead anywhere. Seems that all that linux users now about Microsoft is the FAT file system and Windows 95/98 as OS.
I think it's like in Dostoievski's characters, happiness through suffering, this is the best what linux can do...
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Offline Cymric

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Re: Hey SCO, sue me! Petition online now
« Reply #45 on: June 15, 2003, 08:31:09 PM »
mpdox wrote:
sigh... I don't think you understand exactly why I hate linux. One of the reasons is the linux fanatics...

To which I say: there will always be fanboys without a healthy dose of common sense. Amiga has them. Apple has them. Windows has them. AMD has them. Intel has them. And so on, and so on. Don't hate the product because of the mentality of a minor, very vocal and quite often very immature part of the user base. However, you should realise that loudly proclaiming you want to see the OS die puts you on the same par as the Linux fanboys you so despise.

... PS I hate Microsoft myself for some reasons like: Trustworthy computing (this is number one ever in my list), business tactics, monopol industry, killing  OS/2 and home-computing market... But at least I give them the respect for creating a lot of things, and always pushing forward the computer industry, instead of living in 70s forever...

Regrettably, Microsoft are doing anything but pushing forward the computer industry. They deserve credit for one and only one thing, and that is creating a standardised mass market product which allows millions of people to use the computer. Whatever you may think of the company, the fact that they pulled it off in 20 years is nothing short of brilliant. As far as the rest is concerned, Microsoft never innovated or pioneered anything on their own, and the way the company buys, steals, borrows, licences and integrates other people's ideas into ever more complex and bug-ridden programs, means that the company is now in fact holding the industry back rather than propelling it forward.  To illustrate, you might find this link a worthwhile, if very lengthy read.

Mind, I am not saying that 'Linux Is The Best'. because it is not, or not yet. I don't know if it ever will be, and frankly, I don't really care. It would be nice to see it becoming more commonplace, yes. But for now, I'm happy with my setup, just as you are with yours.
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Re: Hey SCO, sue me! Petition online now
« Reply #46 on: June 15, 2003, 09:06:14 PM »
All operating systems have their issues and benefits, let's not pretend AmigaOS/MorphOS* haven't.

Linux distros have large installs due to the large amount of optional software that comes with them.  If you're going to talk about things on a level playing field, then talk about the absolute most minimal installs of the operating systems, and then things suddenly change dramatically, don't they.

Re: Mozilla being bloated.  Ok, so it takes longer to start up than most browsers.  But Firebird not bloated?  Has anyone checked the installation footprints of both?  I have on win32... Mozilla comes out at 19MB, Firebird comes out at 17MB.  Considering especially also Mozilla can currently do more than just be a browser.

* - ok, so I haven't used MorphOS, but I would place a large bet that at version 1.4 it isn't perfect.

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Re: Hey SCO, sue me! Petition online now
« Reply #47 on: June 15, 2003, 11:29:54 PM »

However, you should realise that loudly proclaiming you want to see the OS die puts you on the same par as the Linux fanboys you so despise.

I have to admit, my first statement wasn't mature at all... Just an example, linux is used more and more nowadays in embedded systems like video recorders and so on, and it's doing a very good job from what I hear from some of the friends working with it... So, my mistake, sorry.
It's just that... linux people are too arrogant for my taste. They tell me, "hei, I know how to save from vi, I know to use fdisk and set up a dial-up connection, I'm so smart and Microsoft is so stupid". Well, guess what, I know those things too and it's not a big deal at all. I don't know if you understand what I'm trying to say, but it's what you do with the computer what matters, not HOW you do it...
About Microsoft's innovation, there were times when I thought it's the worst in the world. Selling Windows 95 when Pentium Pro (a real 32 bit processor) was out there was so bad for what I wanted... But ok, finally they're only pushing NT now on the market, which (in my opinion) is indeed a good operating system. Anyway, we'll see what happens, I don't think I like too many things in Longhorn anyway...
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Offline csirac_

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Re: Hey SCO, sue me! Petition online now
« Reply #48 on: June 16, 2003, 12:58:10 AM »
They tell me, "hei, I know how to save from vi, I know to use fdisk and set up a dial-up connection, I'm so smart and Microsoft is so stupid".

I'm sorry the Linux users you've met are this way. You know I hear this stereotype a lot, but I've only really met one person who would match it in real life. Not that I get out much, though ;)

Note that I haven't put windows down (except that as far as a platform goes it possibly has less innovation relative to linux). For 10 weeks of the year I repair, service, and install Windows PCs and networks.