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Author Topic: The Os 3.1.4 Thread  (Read 294903 times)


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Offline dschallock

Re: The Os 3.1.4 Thread
« on: December 29, 2018, 09:53:34 PM »
First a huge thanks to Thom and the team for making this upgrade.  Truly Amazing!

I think these questions may be very simple and perhaps already covered but I have been looking and I'm sorry I couldn't find the information I need so I will ask anyway:

1) I just received my 3.1.4 disks and Roms from AOTL (thanks guys)... I currently have 3.1 roms and OS installed, Can I/should I upgrade 3.1 to 3.1.4 or do I need to do a fresh install?

2) If I can upgrade, do I swap the roms first and then do the software upgrade?

3) I have a particular version of my 040 and 060 library installed in order to make my Cyberstorm accelerator work, Should I take precautions to copy those immediately over the new install to maintain functionality of that accelerator's 060?

Thanks ahead of time for anyone responding and helping me answer these questions!

Offline dschallock

Re: The Os 3.1.4 Thread
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2018, 11:07:36 PM »
Thanks Thomas for the reply!

So, Install Rom first.  Then install from disk.  It will do a fresh install (over the top of my 3.1 if I point it to that partition) and if that partition already has a libs directory with 040 and 060 libraries on it they would not be over written or erased.  Does that sound correct?

I don't have alot of hacks installed on the system but I do have toolsDaemon installed I think... Should I disable that before letting the install happen?



Offline dschallock

Re: The Os 3.1.4 Thread
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2019, 05:52:57 PM »
Ok, I have installed my 3.1.4 ROMS (bought from AOTL) and the software via the disks provided.
My system is an Amiga 3000 with a cyberstorm MK II 060 installed.
I purchased the Amiga 3000 3.1.4 ROMS and disks from Amiga On The Lake.

Everything seems to be working great.  I have noticed a few issues but they may have nothing to do with 3.1.4.

1) I have been getting checksum errors on my HD seemingly randomly.  I took the HD out of the equation and installed a scsi to micro sd adapter from Amiga Kit and did a fresh install of 3.1.4 on that flash media.  Everything works fine, but if I play around long enough and copy lots of data onto the drive then I was able to get some checksum errors too.  I went back to the spinning scsi HD and it seems to work fine for quote a while then I eventually get some errors. This "working fine for a while and then errors" makes me suspect something else like a heat related issue rather than 3.1.4.  I should mention that I have 3 partition on the HD.  I reformatted the "Workbench" partition before installing 3.1.4 using the standard format command from workbench.  However the drive has 2 other partitions (work and work2) that have all the years of personal data collected... those partitions were formatted PFS II back in the late 90s.  I haven't had a technological opportunity to back all that data up and reformat those partitions yet.  I mention that because I don't know if the PFS II format is mucking up the issue.

2) I use Dopus 4 as my "go to" file browser for years.  I have an external scsi cd rom drive plugged into the Amiga 3000's external scsi port.  After the install of 3.1.4 I copied the CD0 driver from storage into the devs directory and modified the icon tool type to the ID number of my drive.  rebooted.  Everything working great!  I noticed when I run DOPus and click on the shortcut "CD0" on the bottom it consistently crashes the system.  Alternately if I type the name of the cd inserted into DOPUS (like; AmigaFiles: ) it loads the contents into the DOpus window just fine... no crashes.

3) Since the installation of 3.1.4 Roms and software there seems to be some games that don't want to run that ran before with 3.1 .  One notable example of a game that does not work (although in all fairness I didn't test it before) is the new Amiga game "Worthy".  I purchased the boxed edition and it comes with a CD Rom and a floppy you can boot from.  I have searched the message forums and the game seems to run for everyone but I just get a grey screen.  Now, this of course in all likely hood has nothing to do with 3.1.4... but I thought I would mention it in case it was somehow a clue to something common going on with my installation. 
