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Author Topic: Is Hyperion the new Amiga Inc.?  (Read 15674 times)


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Offline AmigaNG

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Re: Is Hyperion the new Amiga Inc.?
« on: February 22, 2011, 07:01:46 PM »
I find it funny that a lot of people are surprised that the official AmigaOS developers (weather you like it or not) moaned and complied about the unofficial AmigaOS 'very inspired' releases, it is after all their main competition, it would have been nice if they had been a bit more friendly and tried to work together but I think partly because there is money involved and lawyers (what is it about the Amiga that attracts lawyer, they must like the legal mess, maybe its a nice challenge for them)  rather than see it as evil competition scam braking coyright laws as I'm sure they could of worked something out and work together more, at the very least on the hardware side supporting the same hardware to bost sales (peg2 port was nice to see but would of been nicer a few year earlyier, but I guess amiga inc might of stop that)(ps I on about MorpthOs and AmigaOS here) threatening legal action is I think they are starting to realise is only going to annoy the community who like all the options and just want the best Amiga experiences they can have weather it MorpthOS, Aros, or maybe in some people eyes BeOS, I think Tever being in charge of Aeon was a wise call, because he said it before, he just like OS4 more but loves all the other efforts and supports them, just he support his main interest more by hopefully bring us the best ppc amiga you can buy and I really wish there was a way to to get MorpthOS and Aros on the machine so we could finally have a all in one Amiga to support but there are still people who live in the past and dont let bygone be bygone, and I'm on about OS4 and MorthOS team. Aros guys just seem to do their own thing and I think have keep out of the trolling and dirt a lot more than the rest of the community.

Like this very thread have proved again.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 07:05:37 PM by AmigaNG »

Offline AmigaNG

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Re: Is Hyperion the new Amiga Inc.?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2011, 07:12:50 PM »
I got a E in GCSE English :banana:  (thank god for spell checker on the computer other wise you would have a lot more to laugh at.)

Plan to take a english course up very soon to improve, so no offense taken, as I know I'm bad. :(