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Author Topic: ARGH! Help!  (Read 4988 times)


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Offline Ilwrath

Re: ARGH! Help!
« on: October 24, 2002, 06:18:22 PM »
Hahaha!  (Sorry...  I just find these amusing!)

Ok, now, to remove them, simply switch operating systems.  ;-)  For example, Amiga, Linux, and MacOS don't suffer anything like this.

That's probably impractical, though....

What it is is a very dispicible new form of spam, which is delivered to you by NetBIOS and Microsoft's Windows Messaging Service.  

Wired has an article all about it.

Your best solution to removing them (and locking down your box!) is a good firewall software.  Might I recommend Zone Alarm, from Zone Labs.

They have a free (for personal use) firewall that is one of the best for Windows.  

Really, these alert boxes are the least of your worries, with all the security problems Windows has.  Get yourself a good firewall.  You won't regret it.

Offline Ilwrath

Re: ARGH! Help!
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2002, 07:28:56 PM »

I have now disabled the Services:
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service

Will this do the trick?
What does NetBIOS do, besides spam me?

Hmm... I *think* that should do the trick, but I'm not sure.  I'm much better at building (corporate level) firewalls than securing individual boxes.  If you page through your TCP/IP settings, make sure you do NOT have "Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP" checked, and if you can check your "bindings", make sure that Windows Networking or File and Printer Sharing are NOT bound to TCP/IP, either.  For standard browsing and FTP, IRC, etc, you don't actually need ANYTHING bound to TCP/IP (which seems counter-intuitive, but it's the truth)

NetBIOS itself is part of Microsoft's networking setup.  As I understand it, it's the stuff that lets the OS enable File/Printer sharing, automatic computer locating/naming on LAN/WAN, and some other functionality, including messaging.  It contains the sharing that SAMBA connects to, plus more stuff.
Not a great technical explaination, but Microsoft never quite gives you the whole story, and you have to kind fill in the blanks on your own.

Windows Messenger service is a 'service' for adminstrators to send administrative messages to other users on a computer or local network (I think).

Correct you are on this.  And it is quite different from MSN messenger.  

The security risk, is that if someone can get to your NetBIOS enough to send messages, they can also get into your file and printer sharing, and lord knows how many other security holes.  Pop-Up messages are annoying, but not nearly as annoying as if someone steals (copies) a private data file, or deletes a key file windows needs.  Both of which are trivial, if you have that level of access to a remote machine...  Be careful.  Firewalls can be a pain, but they're a lot less painful than the alternative.  Ok, I'm done preaching, now.