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Author Topic: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders  (Read 10951 times)


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Offline KennyR

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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« on: March 23, 2002, 02:39:51 PM »
ARGH! The same old tired flames!

Flame #1: "Stop dreaming, OS4 will never come out."

Kenny Says: Huh? Whaaa? OS4 is a certainty now. I think people that say this need dragged kicking an screaming into the 21st century.

Flame #2: A1 is just a reused board, Pegasos is redesigned from scratch.

Kenny Says: Who the f*ck cares? It works, doesn't it?

Flame #3: PegaSOS isn't an Amiga!

Kenny Says: Isn't it? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... If it has the ability to natively run an Amiga OS, it's an Amiga. Period. End of conversation.

Flame #4: I really need that CPU slot on the pegasos...A1 is just crap because it doesn't have one.

Kenny Says: The A1200 has no (dedicated) CPU slot and is still by far the most popular Amiga. A cpu card could be fitted on a PCI board or attached in another way. As well as the fact that you ain't likely to get many CPU boards in the future, things being as they are. Why don't you just hang a cow bell on your machine and say how great it is? If you think you need the CPU slot, go and buy the Pegasos. No-one will physically stop you. Well, maybe. ;)

Flame #5: Pegasos is being made by people who really know about the Amiga. A1 is just an old board being made by some Chinese people.

Kenny Says: My taste in computers is like my taste in women. I don't need a a pedigree and a list of their past. It really, really, doesn't matter. I don't care. It's certainly no basis to flame the A1, and you know it!

Flame #6: Your OS sucks, mine rules!

Kenny Says: Erm, maybe you should get out more often, maybe meet a nice girl and have picnics in the sun. People who say the above should really stop masturbating in darkened rooms and eating junk food - not that there's anything wrong in that, of course ;) (in moderation) ;)

The Amiga community needs more of these reality checks. You're starting to sound like kids arguing over a lump of playdough ("Its a rocket ship!" "No, its a horsey!" - punch).

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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2002, 05:15:03 PM »
Thanks  :-D

Offline KennyR

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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2002, 08:03:03 PM »
Oops, then apparently I forgot another commonly used flame.

Flame #7: "The Pegasos is done by real Amiga people!"

Kenny says: Real amiga people? Just how is this defined? Aren't we all Amiga people, or are Amiga people physically different in some way? Do they have halos? Do their brains bulge out of their ears? I think what you mean is that some of the people designing the Pegasos were involved with the original construction of the Amiga. As I had mentioned above, pedigree doesn't really matter to me. Functionality does.

And, judging from the reponses in this thread, some people should actually *read through the whole comment* before flaming parts of it.

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Re: Vesalia are taking Pegasos preorders
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2002, 04:58:22 PM »
Ah, this is more like it. People are now reading, doing some good research, bringing up sensible points and exploring them in a civil and logical manner. This is what forums are about, not lame trolling!

My congratulations and thanks go to those people who have behaved themselves, no matter what side of the pegasos/A1 divide.

My utter contempt and dirty underpants to whiners.  :-P

PS: Yes Ivan, I agree that MorphOS followers are on the whole less civil and much more likely to begin flames. I have noticed this myself many, many times. Perhaps I can understand them a little. I believe that they think that the pegasos is in real danger against the A1, which they view as just a cheap ppc board hammered together in a few months.

Whatever, they may be right, they may be wrong, but if they're not civil they do their cause more harm than good. That goes for the other side too.