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Author Topic: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread  (Read 32691 times)


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Offline 10MARCTopic starter

Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« on: April 02, 2019, 09:45:58 PM »
I purchased Personal Paint 7.3 when it was released, and found a myriad of issues with it. I want to start a thread to see if others have similar issues so we can get them fixed. Please don't interpret this as a PPaint bashing thread, because it is awesome software. Here is what I have found so far.
1. It does not run at all on 68000 CPU's. Even in emulation with WINUAE - I have it on my A500 with an ACA500+ and it refuses to work.  (It is advertised to work on 68000 Amiga's, and previous versions did)
2. There is no install routine, even though it is mentioned multiple times in the FAQ and guides included on the CD. This also means you have to set your assigns manually, yet this is not covered anywhere in the docs.
3. Fonts do not always work. On my WINUAE session, they work ok, on a real A1200 with an '040 and 64 MB of RAM and an MKII flicker fixer, if you type on the screen the text might appear to the upper right or bottom left... Tested in all resolutions. Before the MKII is blamed, old PPaint works, and 20 year old DeluxePaint text works fine on all screens.
4. The documentation is all over the place, and has not been edited since 1997. It talks about utilities drawers that don't exist and modules that are nowhere to be seen. It might take two or three days to clean up the documents, but it is silly that it was not done.
5. The Spline tool (To make a curved line) behaves like the fonts - It does not appear where you click the pointer, but sometimes far above, sometimes far below
6. The solid line drawing tool behaves the same way as #5

Have any of you had the same experiences, or bugs of your own that should be cleaned up? Add them here! And I will add more as I find them.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 12:12:04 AM by Dynamic_Computing »

Offline 10MARCTopic starter

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2019, 07:27:50 AM »
I tested all the strange graphical issues such as the fonts issue and line issue on my Amiga 4000 using standard AGA, and they worked ok. I am pretty sure it is an incompatibility with the MKII board causing the problems. It is a brand new installation if AmigaOS 3.1.4, and all the graphics modes are customized properly. I know it should work, because all of the other and much older graphics software I use works fine on the MKII.
Any help I can give to the Devs, just let me know. I want the product to be a success (and also want it to work)

Offline 10MARCTopic starter

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2019, 06:53:34 PM »
Same here with the intuition. Standard version on 3.1.4 - but I use the new version on my A4000 with AmigaOS 3.1.4 (this one is 3.9 with the 3.1.4 upgrade script run).
I have tried in resolutions ranging from 320x200 up to some of the more extreme resolutions available to the Indivision. I don't doubt it could be an issue with working with the MKII. My point is the old version works fine with it, And DPaont works fine with it, so there is a reason the new version of PPaint fails with it.
So PPaint modifies my user startup when I Iaunch it and adds and assign? Huh...

Offline 10MARCTopic starter

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2019, 05:51:40 PM »
Several of is were talking about this new PPaint during a live stream of a DPaint tutorial - and many of us are having the same issues, and so far not even a "We aknowledge it and we are working on it". I was told a few weeks ago that one of the devs would contact me, but nothing... I was excited to do a review of the software on my YouTube channel, but I really, really don't want to do a negative review. I really hope someone is listening and helps fix this software. I would have gladly paid three or four times the price they are selling it for if it will make it work right.

Offline 10MARCTopic starter

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2019, 06:26:29 PM »
Several of is were talking about this new PPaint during a live stream of a DPaint tutorial - and many of us are having the same issues, and so far not even a "We aknowledge it and we are working on it". I was told a few weeks ago that one of the devs would contact me, but nothing... I was excited to do a review of the software on my YouTube channel, but I really, really don't want to do a negative review. I really hope someone is listening and helps fix this software. I would have gladly paid three or four times the price they are selling it for if it will make it work right.

I got no specific message to contact you, although I don't know who you might be outside of the forums.  But this is the second or third time I've talked about PPaint on forums and people of have "insulted" me behind my back without realising they are talking to my face!

I just spent some considerable effort fixing a bunh of bugs for the recent release, I've no more time for PPaint just at the moment, many prjects to work on, but will inevitably come back to it.

From this thread so far as I can tell this issue only occurs on 3.1.4 so which could mean two things:

Bug in some component of 3.1.4 (gfx lib or intuition I'd guess)

Obscure bug in ppaint only reavealed by 3.1.4

I hope you did not think I was insulting you. I just want some aknowledgment that the problems exist and are being addressed. This is Doug from 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast, and I have been wanting to do a review of the new software since I heard a new version was being released. I pre ordered it and was terribly excited about new software for the Amiga in 2019. When I received it, I realized it does not seem to work on any 68000 CPU, even though the old version did, and all of the promotional materials say it works on any Amiga including A500 and A600. Now, I own plenty of Amiga's, so it is not the end of the world, but it is a HUGE issue to advertise a product to work on a platform that it does not work on. Even if the solution is spending 10 minutes changing your PPaint.net page to say "New version requires '020 or better" is a actually a solution to the problem. Of course, I would rather be able to use it on my 68000 based Amiga like I do the old version.
I have had several conversations with Matthew Leaman whom I purchased the software through - at least three via messenger and email - and he assured me he would contact the devs and have them get back to me. This is what I was saying above - it was over a month, and I heard nothing, and PPaint is useless to use for me.
My A500 won't run it at all on my ACA500+, yet works fine if I plugged my '040 card from my A1200 on it. My A1200 exhibits the above symptoms that renders the software totally unuseable. I literally cannot use a single pixel brush. My A4000 mostly works, but with at least 3 or 4 times as many crashes as version 7.1. Yes, all my machines currently have AmigaOS 3.1.4, but I tested the 68000 issue on WinUAE and it fails there too when emulating a 68000.
My point of saying I would have spent several times more money on this product is accurate - I am hoping that you guys see that you could have a viable, sellable and hopefully profitable product if you can get it to work reliably. If the attitude is "It's only $15, so we won't bother to fix it", then we will all just go back to the free 7.1 version that works fine (even on 3.1.4, so it is hard to blame  3.1.4 for the issues) and also continue to use DeluxePaint.
I only have about 750 subscribers to my weekly YouTube channel, but I also know and work with several other fairly well known people in the Amiga Community - and all of us communicate. I want to be able to say "Buy PPaint! It's worth every penny" to everyone I know in the community, but I cannot, as it does not work with the software and hardware we are using today.
For heaven's sake - I even offered to re-write the 22 year old AmigaGuide that comes with the new software - It still does nothing but talk about Cloanto and has no reference at all to the new features.
I get that you guys are busy, and respect that, and I hope you understand this long winded message comes from someone who wants you to succeed . My direct email address is douglas@dctechaz.com if you want to communicate directly.

Offline 10MARCTopic starter

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2019, 05:10:04 PM »
I am glad you are fixing the documentation. I know that you are aware of this, but Amiga Forever is like $30 and will run fine on a cheap little throw-away netbook or any PC from the last 15 years. It literally took me about 25 seconds to find and launch a 68000 emulated A600, and another minute to transfer over PPaint 7.3 and test it. I will gift you a darn Amiga Forever if you want.
I am sorry that the 68k stuff is just not important enough to support. I may be looking at it from the wrong angle, but I really suspect the 68k software would be a larger market than the OS4.1 market today. I would recommend taking a second look at that potential income stream - it may even help fund the OS 4.1 software.
Yesterday I spent a few hours with a local guy helping him get his "New" Amiga 1200 set up with Amiga OS 3.1.4 and getting some great software installed. I put the free version of PPaint on there and explained how it works - he was thrilled. He has spent about $300 on hardware and software for his new A1200, much of it based on what he watched on my channel.  I was sad that I could not even mention that there is a new, paid version available, as I can't guarantee it would work properly. That sucks, my friend.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2019, 05:17:42 PM by Dynamic_Computing »

Offline 10MARCTopic starter

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2019, 02:27:07 AM »
Hey, Rob! Great to see you here. Thanks for chiming in. The more people we report on the problem, the sooner something will get done, I am sure!
I have great plans to create some 16 color Hi Res images from 24 bit files, and I really want to test them on my A500. Deluxe Paint works fine, but if I can use a currently supported and sold package to do it, that is MUCH better! 

Offline 10MARCTopic starter

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2019, 01:53:25 AM »
I will check on this tonight. It sure would make it much more useable, although that single pixel brush is pretty important!

Offline 10MARCTopic starter

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2019, 07:44:43 AM »
Well, changing between agnus and the CPU certainly helped. When I tried to change it within the program it made things worse and caused a Guru, but when I changed it in the prefs file it fixed the issues you mentioned.
You mentioned putting a "12" in the line, and I think it is supposed to be "1"

"Or you can look at the line

   BLITLIBS = "personal_agnus_blit.library", "personal_cpu_blit.library", 0

if there is 0 there the first lib is used.  if 12 the second"

Error message if I put 12, works ok with 1.

The biggest stumbling blocks for me are the single pixel brush now and the inability to use it on my 68000 based machine. Thanks for the troubleshooting help!

For everyone else, edit the "startup_1.set" file in PPaint_Prefs folder as noted above to fix some of the 3.1.4 related issues.

Offline 10MARCTopic starter

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2019, 03:25:07 PM »
Message has been sent! I am looking forward to trying this out on my A500. Thanks for your continued hard work!

Offline 10MARCTopic starter

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2019, 08:47:38 PM »
Great news! I received the patched version, and it launched and ran fine on my A500 with my ACA500+ card and Amiga OS 3.1.4. I tested with a HAM image which it converted to 16 color like a champ. I also tested single pixel drawing, spline and text entry, and so far so good.
I will do more testing in the next day or so, but it is looking great!
Being that is only my Amiga 1200 that is showing that "single pixel brush" problem with 3.1.4 and not on my ECS machine, maybe that will give you one more clue where the problem lies

Offline 10MARCTopic starter

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2019, 06:53:36 AM »
Just an update - everything seems to be OK on a ECS 68000 based Amiga OS 3.1.4 machine. All features appear to work.
RTG Mode on my Amiga 2000 with Picasso96 drivers  - all features seem to work
Amiga 1200 with Amiga OS 3.1.4 - most features work ok, but the single pixel brush tool in the upper left corner still does not work. I tried both the fblit and Picasso96 tricks, nothing helps.

Any progress on getting this working?

Offline 10MARCTopic starter

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2020, 04:47:23 AM »
Just made a bug report in MantisBT regarding the A1200 graphic bugs.

I would love to get involved in that Mantis BT Beta Testing - I find new bugs all the time in Personal Paint.

Offline 10MARCTopic starter

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2020, 05:28:19 PM »



Hey, learn how to do certificate handling already - the certificate for amiga.org is only valid for forum.amiga.org.

I appreciate the link, Kolla, but it is broken.

Offline 10MARCTopic starter

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2021, 03:01:08 PM »
Goodness! The working 68000 version is not available as a download when you go to their site? Email them and ask for it. I have been using it for well over a year now and it works fine on a 68000 machine.