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Author Topic: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"  (Read 43917 times)


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Offline ronniebeck

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I read the latest court papers and I am wondering why anyone thought this was close to being settled.  Seems in the eyes of the courts it is anything but.

I like AROS.  I have been testing the vampire focused pre-made AROS image and it is a really nice environment to use and feels very feature rich.  A built-in TCP stack and a very tidy desktop.  In many respects, it feels like a step up from WB3.9.  I really like it.  As a user, I don't see why I couldn't use it for my Amiga.  I can understand it isn't everyone's cup of tea.  Heck there are those refuse to move past WB 1.3!

I suspect that some of the resistance to an Open Source Amiga OS might just simply be fear of the unknown.  It is really hard to substatiate any claim about what would happen because the Amiga past has been so closed source and there is little precident.  I am personally for Open Source.  Companies come and go.  Developers too.  And when they go, the knowledge and source code sometimes go with them.  Ope source could preserve that.  The Amiga is most alive in those who love using it and contributing to it.  Let it be kept alive openly by those who care for it the most.  And many of those people are writting pationately in this thread.

@Thomas Richter:  embrass the trolls! They are your biggest fans.  In the end, you love them as much as they love you.  Else you would have left this thread long ago.

Offline ronniebeck

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Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2020, 03:32:56 PM »
Yes, but "closed source" does not mean "companies".
Correct.  It is a licensing standard.  Nothing to do with the organisation of developers be they employees of a company or freelancers working from home in their spare time.  Nothing to do with development models.  Or trolls.  Just the rights granted to users/developers/recipiants/etc of the software.

I believe this is an ideal compromize: The sources are kept together, decisions can be made openly and transparently, the thing can be funded.
Sources kept together and decisions made openly and transparently.  Music to my ears.  Sounds like you are warming to the idea of open source.
But no need to compromise!  You need not stop at the halfway point.  Make the full journey to openness!

Actually, this is not at all so different from the "ISO" or "IETF" model I know. It may be a bit slow (especially on the ISO side with all its overhead), but it is workable.
Where is Kolla?  This is where he writes something like: Yes, because that's exactly what the Amiga needs.  More slow development.

And when they go, the knowledge and source code sometimes go with them.  Ope source could preserve that.
Open Source does not preserve knowledge. Documentation does.
Correct.  Because Open Source is a licensing standard.  You need to write documentation independently of your License and development model.  A task not at all prevented by Open (or closed) Source.
But the act of open sourcing software allows people to legally keep copies of the software source code AND documentation.  Thus preserving it!  And a good programmer keeps good comments with their code to allow others to pickup where they left off.  Again, not at all something hindered by Open (or closed) Source.  Just simple good developer discipline.

Thus, I strongly believe that the whole thing requires more organization than an open source model could deliver.
Thus, I strongly believe that the whole thing is about organisation (and possibly control) and not about open source.

Nothing you have said is prevented by open source.  In fact, you sound quite open yourself in many respects.  Keep it up!  It gives me hope.

Offline ronniebeck

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Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2020, 12:20:50 PM »
I thought you are working for free now

Quote from: BozzerBigD
@Thomas Richter
Not really sure why you've become this public mouthpiece for Hyperion's Classic Development team to be honest.

Hyperion got a great deal on Thomas.  Free software and publicity to boot.  Did he get an invite to the Hyperion Christmas party at least?

Offline ronniebeck

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Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2020, 08:57:08 AM »
I f I were mod, I would ban Kolla forever just like mods on eab did. That would be good start.
Hi Utri007!
Yes, I totally agree! Unfortunately, there is no moderation here right now, short of contacting directly Trevor when things really go too far :-\

I like the questions he has been posting in recent times.  Through his challanges to Thomas Richter..............ah he calls himself guest11527 now (LOL)..........we have had a little insight into how OS 3.1.4/3.2 is being developed.  We have also learned that some, if not all, of the developers don't seem to understand (accept?) the wishes of the wider Amiga user base.  The FPGA phenomenon and Open Source seem somewhat lost of them.  Kolla has shone a light on this.  And I have found the responses from guest11527 and his collaborators ..................well disappointing.  Kolla earned the title "troll" long before this thread but his questions are often on the minds of others including myself.  Kolla isn't wrong to push the question when developers give questionable/wrong answers. 

I have observed however there are some rules to not being labelled a "troll" and earmarked for expulsion by the absentee admins.

Ask difficult questions =>  You troll!
Want to know why device XY won't be supported anymore => You troll!
Want Amiga OS as an Open Source OS => You just want to open it up to more trolls.  You troll!
Want to know about OS3.2 development => Sorry, too many trolls.
Want to use AROS => You hippy.........troll!
Blindy accept the gospel according to Hyperion sanctioned devs => Acceptable.

The settlement is just step one in this sad story.  How/if developers and the community at large will accept this settlement will be almost as influential.

Offline ronniebeck

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Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2020, 04:49:08 PM »
No, this is right version :

Ask difficult questions 1000x and don't accept the answer =>  You troll!

No no.  I had it right.  Really I did.  ;D

Quote from: ppcamiga1
classic hardware are old most of them has 25 and more years, fragile, hard to get, very expensive with really insane prices.
So yes it is hard for Hyperion to provide it. It is ok.  It's understandable.

Really? fragile and expensive?  If I recall correctly, the hardware in question was similar to (if not actually):


Brand new for 50€.  And there are plenty of Amigas around to be bought.  Look at ebay. An A500, A600, A1200, A2000 are easy to find.  A3000 and A4000 less so.  And people have even been producing brand new motherboards for A500, A1200, A3000 and A4000 using NOS chips and brand new components.  But somehow it was impossible to get hardware?  No, they were just to lazy, more likely.

So if we sum up:

- Seemingly, the developers of OS3.1.4/3.2 are unpaid
- Seemingly, the developers of OS3.1.4/3.2 have to supply their own hardware
- Seemingly, the developers of OS3.1.4/3.2 have lost touch with the Amiga community
- Seemingly, the developers of OS3.1.4/3.2 don't know the answer to technical questions
- And Hyperion is being sued.

<queue Benny Hill theme song>
« Last Edit: March 22, 2020, 04:49:59 PM by ronniebeck »