Also I will try to seach for individual .adf files and .rom files, but everything is in .zip format with a "stuffit" icon attached to most, except for some .exe files and a "blank (black) screen" as its icon.
Also, in order to get MaxUAE running and ready to accept game files, all i have to do is click and drag the (so far unknown to me so far) .adf and .rom files to the MaxUAE app.?
That is basicly what you need to do. I dont know if Maxuae supports drag and drop, but it shouldnt be hard to select the path to the adf and rom file if it is anything like winuae or e-uae. In winuae/e-uae you just press the browse button and select the adf file and rom file.. press ok and you are ready to go :-)
Thanks Oli. In HiToro i can find the DF0: and many other tabs. My question would be, is the DF0:, DF1:, DF2:, DF3:, DF4: fields the places where I plug in the subsequent Disks 1 thru 4 for say the 1-4 disc names of the lemmings game I want to play?
That is exactly what you do! You put the first lemmings adf disk file into df0, the second into df1 and so on..
It feels that once I plug in the subsequent files in the DF0:, 1,2,3,4 fields of the hitoro that I would need to put in an .ahi, workbench, .rom, or something else to simply get a game to run.
I believe all you need is the rom file, which you set under the kickstart rom tab/field. You do not need the workbench disks/adf files for using lemmings or virtually any other game out there. So all you need to do is setup the path to the rom file and set the path to the game you want to run"in this instance lemmings" into the df0, df1 tabs and so on..