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Author Topic: Just bought Amiga Forever and Have an iBook G4 and I've gotten myself turned around in all sorts of  (Read 4230 times)


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Offline Oliver

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Re: Just bought Amiga Forever and Have an iBook G4 and I've gotten myself turned around in all sorts
« Reply #14 from previous page: February 06, 2006, 04:39:49 PM »
You only need to use the Workbench .adf file when first installing the workbench under UAE.  I think WinUAE will be a lot easier for you.  I think the installer works well, and I think the documentation is fine (at least I can't remember any major problems).  You would need to install and use Workbench if you want to use (Amiga) hard drive installed games.  Once everything is installed, it's more convenient than swapping .adf files in the UAE requester.

Here are some links to configured Workbench set-ups with most of the handy utilz etc:
Amig In A Box (AIAB)

Check out the link to the old website on the AIAB page.  I think there is some help on setting up WinUAE there as well.

Of the above, AmiKit is the most recent, and has received good reviews from users here.

Have fun.

edit- Never used Hi-Toro, but it looks similar to the WinUAE interface.  I believe WinUAE is still a more developed program though.

HD should be 880K High Density (floppy), and DD should be 1760K Double Density.

To get games running, I suggest you first try just using floppy based games on WinUAE.  This should get you started easily enough.  Then once you've had some fun, you can take a look at some tutorials for installing Workbench (try the AIAB site).  I think there are some others around too.  I don't think it should be too tricky.  I think you just need to re-familiarize yourself with the old hardware.  You can also look around the net for info on the Amiga architecture, which will help you to design your UAE configurations.  However, just try to use some pre-made configurations to start with.

edit edit- Sorry, I mixed up the sizes for the HD and DD floppies.  They should be the other way around.  Also, you probably only need to use the DD option (880K).
Good good study, day day up!

Offline MacG4GalTopic starter

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So, what is Amikit? Does it take the place of the many workbench files that I already have on cd. I have many workbench files on cd but have not figured out how to implement them. So if there is a particular workbench version number that works with a particular game then I can do a search through all of those. That reminds me, is there a list of all of the games online that also states which type of workbench &/or Amiga 500, 2000, 4000 computer to plug in? Are those all of the correct Amigas? Mainly I want to explore all of the games world and am curious where the boundaries are. Has anyone seen the amiga games for the "vs Mario Bros" and other "vs." Nintendo arcade classics ive been looking for that series? I totally grew up on the Mario bros, nintendo family. Thanks, MacG4Gal :roll:
I would like to have it spelled out like its a Christmas Tree and all of the \\\'Workbench, Kickstart and .adf files are like bulbs on the tree. How do they all work together and why do they need each other? I will change this signature once these teeny ...

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AmiKit is an installation configuration of many freely available or shareware Amiga programs to enhance the performance and appearance of the Amiga emulation using WinUAE and the AmigaForever CD you bought.  Download it on your Windows2000 machine and run it with your AmigaForever available for it to copy files from and very soon you will have a beautiful, modern (as it can be) Amiga emulated on your PC.

I suggest you play with the Amiga emulation to gain an understanding of it and then move on to emulating on your iBook.

Good luck and let us know how well you succeed.

How are you helping the Amiga community? :)

Offline MacG4GalTopic starter

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Gotcha. Ok so if there was a checklist of things to get the amiga up and running for .adf game files like lemmings what would it be (since I have Amiga Forever)?

1) WinUAE (double click-it will display fields for...)
2) Workbench version- #?
3) AmiKit- Placed where within the Windows 2000 / on the Amiga #?
4) Kick.rom is where on the Amiga Forever place it in which field?
5) Anything else need to be done to get a game working? For instance, if i simply copy & paste the games from my games cd to the PC harddrive and then simply paste the file name in the corresponding D0:, D1:, D2: etc.?

Anything more I missed to get WinUAE and .adf games working. Audio/Resolution adjustment?

P.S. What is UAE Kaillera? Is that to improve game performance?

Eagerly awaiting Amiga success MacG4Gal  :lol:
I would like to have it spelled out like its a Christmas Tree and all of the \\\'Workbench, Kickstart and .adf files are like bulbs on the tree. How do they all work together and why do they need each other? I will change this signature once these teeny ...

Offline TjLaZer

MacG4Gal, just curious, have you ever used a real Amiga before?  If not why are you trying to get into the Emulation?  Just wondering.  Most of us do it because we used/use real Amigas.
Going Bananas over AMIGAs since 1987...

Looking for Fusion Fourty PNG ROMs V3.4?

:flame: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Offline Tomas

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MacG4Gal wrote:
directions. I'm reading all kinds of different things about how to install UAE on a mac ibook G4. My searchs on the internet have led me here. I need help on how to make sense of all of the files on the Amiga Forever CD Plus Edition. I've tried to unstuff things and apply files to the MaxUAE app. It keeps telling me I need the df0 file? Where is that on the Amiga Forever CD? Also, where is the kick.rom file and how do I extract it with the stuffit software? And how do I apply all of those together so I can get up and running. Is there anything I'm missing with the install process on a mac? Help truly needed here please? All is appreciated thanks guys.

Sincerely, ConfusedKitten :roll:

I am not sure where the kick.rom image is located, but it should be enough to copy it to the roms directory of whatever uae version you run or just point it to where it is located using the preferences/config if there is any. I personally have only experience with Winuae, uae and e-uae.

The df0 file is the disk image ".adf" Just point it to the game/software in adf format that you want to run. You can download a bunch of games in adf format from back2roots

Offline Tomas

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Also I will try to seach for individual .adf files and .rom files, but everything is in .zip format with a "stuffit" icon attached to most, except for some .exe files and a "blank (black) screen" as its icon.

Also, in order to get MaxUAE running and ready to accept game files, all i have to do is click and drag the (so far unknown to me so far) .adf and .rom files to the MaxUAE app.?

That is basicly what you need to do. I dont know if Maxuae supports drag and drop, but it shouldnt be hard to select the path to the adf and rom file if it is anything like winuae or e-uae. In winuae/e-uae you just press the browse button and select the adf file and rom file.. press ok and you are ready to go  :-)

Thanks Oli. In HiToro i can find the DF0: and many other tabs. My question would be, is the DF0:, DF1:, DF2:, DF3:, DF4: fields the places where I plug in the subsequent Disks 1 thru 4 for say the 1-4 disc names of the lemmings game I want to play?

That is exactly what you do! You put the first lemmings adf disk file into df0, the second into df1 and so on..
It feels that once I plug in the subsequent files in the DF0:, 1,2,3,4 fields of the hitoro that I would need to put in an .ahi, workbench, .rom, or something else to simply get a game to run.

I believe all you need is the rom file, which you set under the kickstart rom tab/field. You do not need the workbench disks/adf files for using lemmings or virtually any other game out there. So all you need to do is setup the path to the rom file and set the path to the game you want to run"in this instance lemmings" into the df0, df1 tabs and so on..

Offline Macman

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You might find some useful info at emacdome.blogspot.com

Offline InTheSand

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Nice guide! Even as a non-Mac user (aside from via Basilisk II!), I can appreciate the effort you've put in!

 - Ali

Offline Narayan

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Hi MacG4Gal,

I'll try write a short summary.

DF0: is for disk floppy 0. In this you have to insert the disk of Lemmings. THe disquette of Lemmings is compressed into and something.adf (wheras something probably spells Lemmmings). You should find and field, or a blank field in what you get when you start WinUAE and find it with a requester - that Lemmings.adf (presumably) and put it there. This means that you also have a .rom file pinned down like this in it, and this will mean that you will have to get the system booted. So you put (you must have the following) the Workbench disk (the adf) into where the lemmings should have originally gone and try something like start or run in the window in which you are doing this. After, when the system boots, you come back to this and try the first version with the lemmings.

After you have done that, now in the Amiga screen you should be must have the lemmings icon. Now either it will start automatically, or if it doesn't you try doubleclicking the Lemmings disquette icon and doubleclicking (left mouse button) the Lemmings big icon.

If all this fails, eeeekkkk, you can't play Lemmings. You probably will when you get yourself an Amiga.

These upper probably plain and simple won't work. Not because I said something false, but it's just that the whole stigma around the UAE and playing with Amiga on this jonsonj is a bit out of proportion for my taste. Comeon guys, we're seeing empty spaces here, ever so more often.

Offline Macman

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InTheSand wrote:
Nice guide! Even as a non-Mac user (aside from via Basilisk II!), I can appreciate the effort you've put in!

 - Ali

Thanks for your kind comment ;) Is it pitched Ok? Is it too complicated for the new Mac user?

I think one of the biggest problem is when the Amiga itself is new to someone trying to emulate it. So I would like to add a few links to Amiga sites that explain a few Amiga basics really well.

For instance, how to boot an Amiga. All about Roms, Amiga HD's. etc.

Many thanks for looking at the guide, especially since you are a non Mac user ;). I'm just starting out using Linux for the first time on a PC laptop, and will try setting up EUAE on that as well.
