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Author Topic: Opinion Article : Amiga DE a Good Idea, Poor Execution  (Read 6821 times)


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Offline Hattig

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C- is very fast, relatively easy to learn, but relies heavy on the OS, but has the best proven track record and is stable.

... and applications developed using it are prone to bugs simply because of the language, compared to Java.

Java - Much easier to learn, but heavy overhead, slow as hell, and I don't see the mass of applications using it yet.

Yet another person basing their opinion of Java on some old early release of the language, or the Microsoft JVM.  Current Java releases from Sun, IBM, etc, are pretty damned fast compared to the older releases, and compare well to C++, especially when the extra stuff that the JVM is doing like garbage collection, etc is taken into consideration.

Problems with Java are Swing - the interface to bring nightmares to people, and some other old classes such as the old I/O system, etc.

Many of the latest cell phones run J2ME, which of course will not have problems with Swing as that isn't part of J2ME :) This means a steady supply of games and other applications, because Java is simple.


Now regarding AmigaDE / Amiga Anywhere - I agree with the story - there is nothing happening on the platform as far as outsiders can see. IT LOOKS DEAD. It is an odd platform that requires NDAs and stuff to be signed to develop for, - that really is going to make the platform popular ... NOT.  Amiga Inc need to put a lot more effort into publicising this product, and getting more applications and games developed.