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Author Topic: Problem with shadoweffects on my workbench, both texts, icons and windows  (Read 345 times)


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Offline jonssonjTopic starter

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Hello all!

My setup is as follows:
Amiga 1200 rev2.x
BPPC 603e with 060
Mediator PCI 1200TX
Voodoo 5 5500 PCI Graphics card
network pci card
spider USB pci card

I'm running picasso96 V3.40 and voodoo/Warp3d drivers from the elbox MMCD and MMCD UP2.6

I'm having a shadow effect on everything on my workbench and all programs that is running in workbench. I'm getting shadow effects on all my icons, on all text both in title bars and on plain text. I also have shadow effects to the right of all windows. The shadow effect disappears if I'm using a plain Amiga screenmode such as PAL hires, so I guess the problem is somewhere in my setup, either in my voodoo driver or somewhere in my Picasso96 settings. Anyone that knows what setting this can be and how I turn it off? is it a mask somewhere?


Offline Thomas

I would suspect the cable used to connect the Voodoo to the monitor or some component in between. It's probably not properly shielded for high frequencies.

Do you have a monitor switch? It can create bad output, too. Try to connect the monitor directly to the Voodoo.

What resolution do you run on the Voodoo? Does it happen with low resolutions, too, for example 640x480 or 800x600?

You could try to reduce the vertical frequency in Picasso96Mode. 60Hz is usually enough for flat screen displays.

Offline Boing-ball

I would suspect the cable used to connect the Voodoo to the monitor or some component in between. It's probably not properly shielded for high frequencies.

Do you have a monitor switch? It can create bad output, too. Try to connect the monitor directly to the Voodoo.

What resolution do you run on the Voodoo? Does it happen with low resolutions, too, for example 640x480 or 800x600?

You could try to reduce the vertical frequency in Picasso96Mode. 60Hz is usually enough for flat screen displays.

To echo Thomas’s response above plus:

Have similar situations with a few of my setups. Always attribute this to signal interference from electrical cables. The other to try is a thicker VGA cable and /or try things called Ferrite rings/Chokes around the cables to help with shielding. Most quality VGA cables should already have these fitted to the ends of each of the cable.

Have seen a lot of ghosting as you describe on my Mediator/Prometheus and standard classic setups.