I am getting back into using my amaigas and have now built the A4000D of my dreams and keeping my 1200 in its original from factor.
The plan was to have the A1200 for all the classic gaming (with a TF1260 and a Gotec and CF card in the PRMICIA slot for transferring stuff to it). While the A4000D with its graphics card, sound card and 060 and USB for some more serious stuff.
The problem is, with even a basic OS 3.2 install I have problems on both machines from gettin the USB to work to games not crashing all the time. Should I go back to the 3.1 roms and just work from there as thats what most of the HD images online seem to be?
I seem to be good at building my amigas, but its seems to be nothing but software issues for me, and any time I ask for help, the answer seems to be to go back to 3.1 and remove all the upgrades