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Author Topic: NTSC Amiga 500 Motherboards  (Read 1088 times)


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Offline efrenmgpTopic starter

NTSC Amiga 500 Motherboards
« on: May 19, 2022, 03:54:40 AM »
Hello everyone!

Like 3 or 4 years ago I got my hands on a batch of non-working NTSC Amiga 500s with varying degrees of damage (missing keyboard / floppy, did not turn on, scratched / broken case, etc.)

So... instead of trying to diagnose the problem of each one, I cleaned them all and replaced all electrolytic capacitors and all chip sockets. I also removed any obvious modification made to them (jumpers, memory chips, broken / cut motherboard traces / solder blobs)

Long story short... they all work!  ;D

Now I have 5 extra motherboards (2 Rev. 5 / OCS Agnus / 1.2 Kickstart, 3 Rev. 6A / ECS Agnus / 1.3 Kickstart) and I don't have use or space for them so they are for sale.

Ping me if you are interested. I can take photos and/or videos of them. Let me know if you want a Rev 5 1.2 or a Rev 6A 1.3

« Last Edit: May 19, 2022, 04:27:31 AM by efrenmgp »