Great suggestion! Somehow this worked!!
The sequence of events as I remember it is as follows...
1. I moved the jumper from disable to 4Mb
2. I removed the Amiga A1200 CF card hard drive.
3. I turned on the Amiga A1200 and the purple insert floppy disk animation was displayed
4. I turned off the Amiga A1200 and inserted my older CF hard drive card which I bought in 2015 from Amigakit.
5. I turned on the Amiga again and it booted up from the five year old CF card!
6. I turned off the Amiga and inserted the CF hard drive card I bought last year.
7. I turned on the Amiga again and it booted up from this latest CF hard drive card!
8. After booting up, I found a new icon on my Scalos/Workbench screen. It looked like a floppy disk, but its name was a number with a dash in the middle of it. After clicking on it, I found that the capacity of this new disk was about 2Gb! This meant that the CF card inserted in an apaptor in my PCMCIA slot was finally recognised!!
9. I soon found that I was able to copy my Deluxe Paint graphics files from my Amiga CF hard drive card onto the FAT32 hard drive card in my PCMCIA slot!
10. Just after this, I loaded these same Deluxe Paint graphics files into Personal Paint which was preinstalled onto my Amiga CF card hard drive, converted them all into PNG format, then saved them onto the CF card in the PCMCIA slot.
11. I turned off my Amiga and removed the CF card from the PCMCIA slot.
12 I inserted this FAT32 formatted CF card into a USB CF card reader and plugged it into a Toshiba Satellite C60 laptop, which has both KDE Neon Linux and Elementary OS Linux installed.
13. I found that using a combination of Elementary OS and KDE Neon Linux (both Debian based) I was able to mount my CF card, read the files and copy them onto my laptop hard drive. I can't remember the sequence of events here, but each of these Linux distros has access to the other distro's partition. I feel that KDE Neon Linux is more powerful than Elementary OS.
14. I was able to copy the files from the CF card onto my laptop hard drive!
15. I was able to view the PNG format graphic files using the Gwenvew file viewer under KDE Neon Linux.
So, that's it! I can now take my Amiga artwork further, although my Amiga still isn't on the Internet! I think that the whole attitude behind the Amiga is more creative and quite different from other computers, running Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. I stopped using Mictosoft Windows some time ago. At the moment, apart from Amiga OS I use Linux on my laptop, Android OS on my mobile phone and tablet, and only a couple of days ago I bought a Macbook Air (2014) from eBay, running the latest version of Mac OS, called Big Sur. I now plan to take my Amiga artwork further, posting it online, as well as using my newly installed FAT32 CF card to transfer a lot of amazing Amiga programs onto my Amiga fron anywhere online where I can find them.
For now, I'll try to upload some artwork for a music album of my own music which I'm designing with a friend. Apart from Deluxe Paint, we've been using Ibis Paint and Adobe Draw to help put it alll together. The album is called "Decay". This is a kind of protest about lack of fashion connected with music, as well as a lack of progress in certain technologies, including space exploration. Unfortunately, although I tried, I wasn't able to upload the DECAY logo into this message!
If you disconnect the CF drive and set the memory to 4 or 5.5 mb - do you get the purple Kickstart screen with a disk going into a drive?
That would indicate the problem with less memory isn't the memory card, it's your hard drive setup needing at least 6MB of fast RAM to boot up properly.
One way to further test that is to reconnect the CF card, hold down both mouse buttons, and turn on. Wait for a prompt to type at.
Then type
Pressing the reurn key each time. That would give you a very minimalist Workbench.
EDIT: One particularly hoggy program is Poseidon. It's for usb. If that's in your user-startup drawer (automatically loaded on start). It would cause this sort of problem (and it's completely pointless unless you have a usb interface on a clockport or similar). I don't think you do, otherwise you wouldn't be bothered about PCMCIA or serial solutions to transfer files.