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Author Topic: Amiga Kickstart Hidden Files  (Read 1386 times)


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Offline scuzzb494Topic starter

Amiga Kickstart Hidden Files
« on: September 27, 2019, 06:40:20 PM »

So I finally got round to running DiskSalv on an early Amiga 1000 Kickstart disk V1.1 and using Salvage I came across all those wonderful hidden files and demo stuff that I had read about. It is amazing that they shipped the disks with all this extra stuff on and never thought to delete it first. So odd.

The Kickstart is not visible when you insert although it is initialised. You just can't open it. And so along comes Dave Haynie and says... hey guys I can open that for you, just give me a sec. And like magic out pops all these files. Isn't that just fantastic.

Now all I have to do is work out how to use them.


Offline psxphill

Re: Amiga Kickstart Hidden Files
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2019, 10:52:55 AM »
Now all I have to do is work out how to use them.

I'm not sure there is much use for them, but there is a comprehensive right up
