« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2018, 02:58:02 AM »
What's great about this, versus using the PLCC socket adapter, is that you don't have any interference from the megachip when using a 68000 socket-based accelerator. With the ACE2 and other Megachip variants, you'll have to use a CPU relocator to use both it AND an accelerator.
Great point! I have that problem with one of A500's now. I have an HC533 socket-based accelerator with no way to use it with a MegaChip (keyboard won't fit). But I also have an Indie ECS (the Indie ECS you can raise up though). I have NOT seen any CPU re-locator that gets around the MegaChip and in between the Indie ECS. Have you Kirk? I've been on the hunt for that.
Adding to the physical complexity, I also have an 8M/B ram module under my CPU.
Actually, I can't remember the reason why now, but I don't think I've even tried the HC533 stacked on top of the ram module (or vice-versa).
I haven't messed with any of my stuff since the "great lights out".
« Last Edit: September 18, 2018, 04:01:07 AM by giZmo350 »
A500: 2MB Chip, 8MB Fast, IndiECS, MiniMegi, IDE4ZorroII on Z-500, KS1.3/KS3.1, WB3.1&BWB
A2000HD: 2MB Chip, 128MB Fast, P5:Blizz 2060@50MHz, PCD-50B/4GBCF, XSurf100, RapidRoad, IndiECS, Matze RTG, MiniMegi, CD-RW, SunRize AD516, WB3.9
A1200: 2MB Chip, 64MB Fast, 4GBCF, GVP Typhoon 030 @40MHz w/FPU, Subway USB, EasyNet Ethernet, Indi AGA MKI, FastATA MK-IV, Internal Slim CD/DVD-RW, WB3.5
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