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Author Topic: A sad day  (Read 5355 times)


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Offline BozzerBigD

Re: A sad day
« Reply #89 from previous page: May 31, 2017, 12:26:57 PM »
Quote from: nicholas;826481
No idea where you've got Pakistani from but then again to a Little Englander "all Muslims are Pakis" eh? ;)

I'll celebrate when we get rid of our unelected Prime Minister for sure and do a double celebration if/when we get rid of that benefit scrounging family that lord it over us too. ;)
Sorry it's an Iranian flag isn't it? My bad. I suppose the Engli-stan bit threw me off and I thought of Paki-stan. Maybe saying your from Eran (England / Iran) would be more accurate? ;-)

And also we are not voting for a Prime Minister in the General Election (we aren't American as already discussed) we are voting for an MP to represent us in Parliament. I don't think Theresa May or Jeremy Corbyn are fit to be our Prime Minister and I question Theresa May's reasons for calling it early. It won't change my voting pattern however as I have a good MP who has done a good job and has also stood up for marriage being between a man and woman in spite of the rabid liberal media trying to outlaw such opinions. If she can stand against peer pressure and stick to some moral convictions she's the MP my area needs irrespective of her party allegiance.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2017, 12:43:16 PM by BozzerBigD »
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Offline BozzerBigD

Re: A sad day
« Reply #90 on: May 31, 2017, 12:32:24 PM »

You sir are a un-educated tit
I'll think you'll find that the European Commission are made up of cronies put forward as representatives by Member State leaders i.e. Theresa May. They are not elected by the people and are the very definition of a quango. What part of that is misinformed? If you want to live in a slightly richer but subservient, passive and increasingly undemocratic nanny state then I guess staying in the EU was a great idea.

... or is that you simply can't understand how anyone could disagree with your enlightened opinion that we should just accept EU hand outs (our own money given back to us with stipulations on what it can be spent on) and keep quiet?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2017, 12:34:26 PM by BozzerBigD »
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Re: A sad day
« Reply #91 on: May 31, 2017, 12:49:02 PM »
Quote from: BozzerBigD;826499

I'll think you'll find that the European Commission are made up of cronies put forward as representatives by Member State leaders i.e. Theresa May. They are not elected by the people and are the very definition of a quango. What part of that is misinformed? If you want to live in a slightly richer but subservient, passive and increasingly undemocratic nanny state then I guess staying in the EU was a great idea.

... or is that you simply can't understand how anyone could disagree with your enlightened opinion that we should just accept EU hand outs (our own money given back to us with stipulations on what it can be spent on) and keep quiet?

Whilst I was not just refereeing to EU part , your assertion of the ethnicity of someone else we will ignore for now.
 Being in Europe was not just about what we get out of it, that is a very Tory attitude.  Us being in Europe was benefit to lots of outer countries.  But everybody is too busy caring about imaginary borders on pieces of paper to care about their fellow man
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Offline kolla

Re: A sad day
« Reply #92 on: May 31, 2017, 12:50:56 PM »
Quote from: Iggy;826415

I'm just not interested in using a cpu with a crippled fpu.

So no Vampire then :roflmao:
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Re: A sad day
« Reply #93 on: May 31, 2017, 12:55:40 PM »
Quote from: BozzerBigD;826499

I'll think you'll find that the European Commission are made up of cronies put forward as representatives by Member State leaders i.e. Theresa May. They are not elected by the people
 I didn't vote in this government so what is the difference ? You do realise that we will be just accepting all of the EU laws as British laws on bulck on when we leave EU, so again what is the difference.
 People are obsessed by the notion of governing oursleves,  most laws and regulations that have come from the EU have been a positive and not a negative like the Daily mail would have you believe
 I for one,  am generally conce3erned about how we are about to  be F in the a by the tories.  They are already eroding our freedoms, and the EU would have stopped a lot of the shister stuff they bring in.
 But yeah,
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Offline kolla

Re: A sad day
« Reply #94 on: May 31, 2017, 01:05:13 PM »
Quote from: BozzerBigD;826472
The Scottish, Welsh and Irish are  primarily from Celtic ancestry while the English are Anglo-Saxon. They  each speak different languages though English is now the common  language. They have different traditions and yet we have a common  history going back hundreds of years.

And the vikings? When are you going to mention the vikings? Why have you not mentioned the vikings? Don't you think it is about time you mention the vikings? What would the British islands and language been without the vikings? You know... the vikings? :laughing:

Yes, Wales isn't directly  represented on the Union Flag

Because Wales is as much part of the union as Gibraltar is - the Kingdoms that are united are those of Scotland and England.


Does that make more sense?

You don't make much sense on this issue, no, sorry. Hopefully the UK is soon a thing of the past - good riddance.
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Offline kolla

Re: A sad day
« Reply #95 on: May 31, 2017, 01:07:31 PM »
Quote from: BozzerBigD;826474

A conflicted Pakistani/Englishman by the look of your logo.

??? :roflmao:
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Offline kolla

Re: A sad day
« Reply #96 on: May 31, 2017, 01:09:28 PM »
Quote from: BozzerBigD;826498
I suppose the Engli-stan bit threw me off and I thought of Paki-stan.

Quiz - what does "stan" mean? :hammer:
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Offline kolla

Re: A sad day
« Reply #97 on: May 31, 2017, 01:11:20 PM »
Quote from: yssing;826492
Okay, please stop this now.

Why? Finally a fun thread!
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Offline BozzerBigD

Re: A sad day
« Reply #98 on: May 31, 2017, 01:22:06 PM »

People are obsessed by the notion of governing oursleves,
It's called democracy!! It's served us well up to now and if you don't like the way your country is being governed you can write to or visit your MPs surgery. You can't travel to Brussels and give them what for (unless your Nigel Farage ;-)).

I didn't vote in this government so what is the difference ?
No you didn't you voted for an MP and here's the rub. A dodgy and corrupt Labour/Lib Dem/UKIP/ Green / "insert minority party here" MP is just as bad as a dodgy Tory MP. Why not make sure these public servant that get paid £70,000+ out of the public purse are actually worthy of the position? There's an idea. Maybe make sure they have the correct life experience to serve in this office. Or you could just sit back and trust party politics and end up with a daft 70s throwback like Jeremy Corbyn :-)
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Offline LoadWB

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Re: A sad day
« Reply #99 on: May 31, 2017, 01:25:33 PM »
What's funniest from this side of the Pond is that with all of the anti-hurt-my-feelings laws we read about coming from over there (yeah, we have our share of stupidity, too) one gets the idea that ya'll are a bunch of stuck-up tw@ts.  So watching this thread unfold has been refreshing.

Offline Kremlar

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Re: A sad day
« Reply #100 on: May 31, 2017, 02:09:02 PM »
Trying to get back on topic, that article linked makes sense.  Trevor has been very vocal that they are looking to sell the hardware at what they consider "cost" or very close to it, and hope to make profit through software (AMIstore, etc.).  This business model makes it difficult to have a reseller channel - you can't expect a reseller to not expect some kind of margin for something you want them to sell and support.  I believe A-Eon expects resellers to tack on profit by selling accessories, assembling complete systems, etc., but I'm not sure what the potential is there.

What I don't understand is how this wasn't clear to begin with.  Was AOTL expecting something different?  I'd be interested in hearing their side of things.  

The reality, though, is if they are committed to the market they need to work within the structure that's in place.  Yes, it's pretty crappy that AmigaKit and A-Eon are basically one and the same, but they can't change that.

Offline David Wright

Re: A sad day
« Reply #101 on: May 31, 2017, 02:34:49 PM »
What kind of person are you? Getting back on topic, that's nuts.

When a local business goes under here there is never a lack of speculation on why, who's fault, family problems, you name it. I suppose it's seeking drama in mundane matters.

Offline nicholas

Re: A sad day
« Reply #102 on: May 31, 2017, 02:57:25 PM »
Quote from: BozzerBigD;826498
Sorry it's an Iranian flag isn't it? My bad. I suppose the Engli-stan bit threw me off and I thought of Paki-stan. Maybe saying your from Eran (England / Iran) would be more accurate? ;-)

Yes it's an Iranian flag, but I'm not Iranian nor are my parents. I'm as English as you or anyone else on this island of mongrels. Englistan is just the Farsi word for "Land of the Angles". Play on words. :)

And also we are not voting for a Prime Minister in the General Election (we aren't American as already discussed) we are voting for an MP to represent us in Parliament. I don't think Theresa May or Jeremy Corbyn are fit to be our Prime Minister and I question Theresa May's reasons for calling it early. It won't change my voting pattern however as I have a good MP who has done a good job and has also stood up for marriage being between a man and woman in spite of the rabid liberal media trying to outlaw such opinions. If she can stand against peer pressure and stick to some moral convictions she's the MP my area needs irrespective of her party allegiance.

See now, my local mp is a complete arse and I can't stand him however due to our crappy implementation of pseudo-democracy I have to put a cross next to his name for any chance of Mr Corbyn becoming Prime Minister. I don't agree with half of his liberal policies but he's the best of a bad bunch by far.

I already have a pre-written letter i shall be sending to my local MP informing him that I didn't vote FOR him despite crossing the box next to his name come election day lol


Can you split this off into a CH thread please? Ta!
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: A sad day
« Reply #103 on: May 31, 2017, 03:09:26 PM »
Quote from: LoadWB;826510
What's funniest from this side of the Pond is that with all of the anti-hurt-my-feelings laws we read about coming from over there (yeah, we have our share of stupidity, too) one gets the idea that ya'll are a bunch of stuck-up tw@ts.  So watching this thread unfold has been refreshing.

Haha, you think we are being stuck up? We are behaving extremely low class, quite the opposite lol (Stuck up means the same over there as over here I guess yeah?)

It's very few and far between when a USAian understands us but some of y'all do. ;) @Methusalus, Iggy, where are you dudes?

To all those complaining, do you forget the glory days of this forum under Wayne when pretty much every thread was full of light hearted banter like this? It's only recently this place has gotten so aspie-like.
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: A sad day
« Reply #104 on: May 31, 2017, 03:13:21 PM »
I never thought it would be me saying this first but BRING BACK FRANKO! :)

Plenty of nuts for his squirrels here lol
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini