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Author Topic: a shaky/flaky video of aros68k on aga  (Read 10744 times)


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Offline Gulliver

Re: a shaky/flaky video of aros68k on aga
« Reply #14 from previous page: February 16, 2016, 11:00:05 AM »
Quote from: OlafS3;804114
the more people will use it, give feedback and even contribute to the development the faster it will improve

in this sense... it can only (and will) improve

Certainly one of the benefits of being open source :)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 11:03:44 AM by Gulliver »

Offline wawrzonTopic starter

Re: a shaky/flaky video of aros68k on aga
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2016, 12:53:04 PM »
Quote from: Gulliver;804103
holly crap, it took 1 minute to boot!

my improved 3.9 ++ setup with the neccesarry boing bags and modules, like those you propose (+powerwindows and so on) has originally booted on my a4000 within a minute or a bit longer. it was booting from ssd and from the csppc tuned up to almost 40mb/s throughput. i have read of many people having similar boot times. dont even ask how long does os4 boots not only on amigas but on dedicated hardware.

now, once i have got deneb and put kickstart and all the modules in its flash, and the machine didnt need to reboot my bootup time went down to something around half a minute. note that i had a bridge on internal ide to prevent boot wait there.

so, it think aros soft booting from an internal ide of an amiga, which is 10-20 times slower than cyberstorm scsi and with a lot of debug output to serial as you see isnt that bad in comparison? no doubt the boot speed as well as overall responsiveness is not good enough, and needs to improve. but this involves work. and i am showing the current state of what im working on.

Offline Gulliver

Re: a shaky/flaky video of aros68k on aga
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2016, 07:37:25 PM »

Please dont compare it with OS4, as it is totally unrelated and bloated compared to original AmigaOS. For example, you need at least 32MB of ram just to boot!

On my 3.1 setup, which includes a custom built rom, my boot time is about 15 seconds or so, and it is an A1200 with a 68030, nothing too fancy, and using just its internal IDE port.

There is certainly something wrong (or highly inefficient) with your current 3.9 setup. Watch the video (he is not using a rom based kickstart, so your times should be even better)

Offline wawrzonTopic starter

Re: a shaky/flaky video of aros68k on aga
« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2016, 10:30:22 PM »
Please dont compare it with OS4, as it is totally unrelated and bloated compared to original AmigaOS. For example, you need at least 32MB of ram just to boot!

as you see aros brings features at much lower memory footprint;).

On my 3.1 setup, which includes a custom built rom, my boot time is about 15 seconds or so, and it is an A1200 with a 68030, nothing too fancy, and using just its internal IDE port.

There is certainly something wrong (or highly inefficient) with your current 3.9 setup. Watch the video (he is not using a rom based kickstart, so your times should be even better)

i pretty certain i have done what have been possible and am not going to fiddle with this again any soon. especially as system was pretty stable and i didnt need to reboot it much. a4k+cs060+mediator+rtg(voodoo3)+updated rom with boingbags just needs so much. you can rather expect me to put some effort in making aros installation more efficient.