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Author Topic: New iMac  (Read 5986 times)


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Offline Wilse

Re: New iMac
« Reply #14 on: October 30, 2014, 12:28:20 PM »
Quote from: Duce;776156

I imagine the X1's hold their value far better....

I've been meaning to try flogging my A1XE for awhile now but haven't got around to it.
Now that I know I'll be able to upgrade it to 4.1 for about 30 quid *and* the tantalising prospect of a potential OctaMED port, I finally have a "compelling-enough" reason to hang on to the old warhorse. No need to flog an undead horse. :)

Back on topic:
Yes, the new iMac looks like a lovely piece of kit.

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Re: New iMac
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2014, 02:00:33 PM »
1. Yeah that new iMac is really nice

2. The only intel Mac I have around here is a 2010 base model iMac that I bought 2nd hand in 2011, still going strong and would still sell for a real sum today

3. OS4 HW (and I'll just assume you mean NG here as the market for CS/BPPC is a collectors one with different rules) only holds it value so good because there is relativly low supply with new HW neither really improving over the last one nor getting much cheaper.
Prices would drop to rockbottom once someone somehow manages to offer G5-class performance at a price that is actually inline with it's computing value (just look up some ARM based stuff like the AmazonTV-box or the ODROID-U3+ to get an idea).
« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 02:02:54 PM by Kronos »
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Re: New iMac
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2014, 02:30:44 PM »
Quote from: Duce;776156
Guess I missed the value train last time I price checked my SAM 440ep complete machine.  Paid a grand for the mobo/ram and OS 4.1 back in 2008 and earlier this year the best offer I got on it was 200 euros if I was willing to cover shipping to England for the whole machine, including case, PSU, and the 2 SSD's and 1 SATA DVD-RW that are in it.

I resigned myself into simply using it as a doorstop a few years down the road versus taking such a financial beating on what still is a a pretty fun little machine.  Couldn't even find anyone to trade me a decent "legacy" Amiga like an A3000 or A4000 for it :/

I imagine the X1's hold their value far better, but I've seen the SAM boards at basically giveaway prices compared to what people paid for them new.

yes the 440ep is not as desired as the flex boards due to not being able to upgrade the video card if i recall & that reflects its resell value; however, I used my old Samflex@800 for 2 years before buying my X1000 & sold it for basically what I paid for it as at that time the 460 had yet ton be released so its also about supply & demand in the market with NG stuff & resell pricing.

let's not even try to guess classic prices especially for accellerator cards as the market has always been insane!
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Re: New iMac
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2014, 03:26:53 PM »
Quote from: koaftder;776140
Pretty sure this new iMac's screen is delicious, but I'd have some reservations about whether or not it has enough GPU horse power to really do it justice. When Apple first released iMacs with 2560x1440px IPS panels, they looked great but the performance of the first iteration was meh.

5K display paired with a GPU with 2GB.... what a joke... thanks apple

In my experience, to run 5760x1024 (for gaming) sometimes a single r9 290x can't get the job done and you need two....

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Re: New iMac
« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2014, 04:58:16 PM »
a) who buys a Mac for gaming

b) if you run FPS-based games there is 0 point at useing the native resolution even if your eyesight 100%
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Re: New iMac
« Reply #19 on: October 30, 2014, 07:22:25 PM »
Quote from: bbond007;776178
5K display paired with a GPU with 2GB.... what a joke... thanks apple

In my experience, to run 5760x1024 (for gaming) sometimes a single r9 290x can't get the job done and you need two....

Uhm, a single 280x isn't even close to playable framerates at 4k even.
The spanking new fast Geforce GTX 980 can't handle 4K good enough on it's own either and it's a lot faster then the 280x, near 70% faster overall in gaming performance (also the 280x is basically just a 7970).

Also the 280x in crossfire ain't enough to pull off 4K in modern games even, 2x GTX 980 in SLI is starting to get close to a steady acceptable framerate in 4K.

Don't forget that 5K (5120x2880) resolution is a staggering 67% more pixels then 4K (3840×2160).

And since not the top gaming cards in SLI/CF can handle 4K yet there is no chance in hell that iMacs can even come close to handle 5K in games with the mobility graphics circuits (Mobility Radeon R9 M290X and M295X).

So the iMacs god awful to slow GPU's can't even get close to handle gaming in 5K.

Also please explain "in my experience" since the 280x don't even come close to 60fps as maximum FPS in 4K. So what games are you talking about that 2x 280x can handle in 5K and a single one can since not even 2x 280x can handle most tiles in 4K?

Nah, if anyone want's the new iMac it ain't for gaming in 5K, it will play in way lower resolutions then 5K.

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Re: New iMac
« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2014, 11:14:29 PM »
Quote from: esc;776141
Macs may or may not hold value well, but they certainly hold UP very well. I had an iBook last four tough Iraq deployments whereas PCs were dying left and right. My friends that had Macs were in similar situations to me.

Well even if the hardware survives, Apple will make a door stop out of it soon enough.  often well before the hardware's useful life.

I'm running Win 8 on a circa 2006 Portege M400 with a Core Duo and 2 Gb ram.  It flies.  I do everything on it-net, email, office, media playback, youtube, streaming etc

I doubt any circa 2006 Apple product can even run a current we browser.

PC for me all the way.

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Re: New iMac
« Reply #21 on: October 31, 2014, 07:23:29 AM »
Played WoW for about an hour on a new iMac tonight and it was a stunning experience.

Not that WoW is a particularly taxing game, but the machine didn't skip a beat and the display is glorious.

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Re: New iMac
« Reply #22 on: October 31, 2014, 08:04:34 AM »
I don't understand how people can't grasp the idea that you can get better results with a PC by paying less money, a lot less. It happens at work as well, it drives me nuts. :)

The iMac doesn't give you anything special, it's the hardware. The hardware found in an iMac is nothing more than PC hardware and usually the graphics card in a iMac is a cut down version of the PC equivalent.

The iMac has no magic or special sorcery chip inside. I can assemble a much more powerful machine by just buying parts and a decent monitor for a lot less.

For example, when Apple talk of retina display for its phones and computers everyone starts drooling over them when in actual fact my Chinese phone has had a higher pixel density than "Retina" for almost two years. Iphone 6 Plus (2014) = 401 PPI vs my 2012 Chinese phone = 480 PPI.

It seems that brand names still have the desired effect! ;)

Oh and you can't upgrade the bloody things... :)

The reason why people are attracted to Apple products is the "sex appeal", the aluminium, the "thinness", the all-in-one factor, the "exclusivity" but a properly specced PC smashes an iMac any time.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 08:11:33 AM by TheDaddy »

Offline kamelito

Re: New iMac
« Reply #23 on: October 31, 2014, 08:30:15 AM »
I suppose that you better understand Amigans :)

Offline Duce

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Re: New iMac
« Reply #24 on: October 31, 2014, 09:21:05 AM »
Apple stays in business not for their superior hardware, which quite frankly on the PC end of things is just commodity hardware that's in any other PC stuffed into a slickly designed case, but for the whole experience.  Owning a Mac is a real smooth ride, the hardware and software combined make for a real nice out of the box experience for people not into Windows, and said people are willing to pay the premium for the experience.

The people I know who buy Mac's buy them because they prefer OSX.  That's not to say one cannot make a Hackintosh, because you can with very little trouble.  These people know that a similarly equipped Windows PC would be much cheaper, but millions of people a year keep buying Mac's.  This being said, the new 5k display on the iMac is really, really impressive when you use it.  I spent more money on my 4k capable gaming PC than I would have versus buying a new 5k iMac.  I'm not a Mac user, so on a personal level the things really don't interest me, but they are just gorgeous display wise.  Said Mac wouldn't run the games I would require it to, so even if it was $1500 cheaper, it still wouldn't be an option for me.  I'd recommend everyone try one of the new iMac's, even if you have no interest in owning one.  They are really, really nice to use, and the display will stun you.

Same goes for iPhone's and iPad's.  The hardware is nothing special, specs wise.  The cheap Android phone I am currently using (Alcatel Idol X+) has a display that rivals the iphone.  My Android tablets were half the price of an ipad, etc.  People but the Apple products for the full experience, and in the case of iOS devices, for the ecosystem and OS itself.  The Android apps ecosystem still pales in comparison to the iOS one, and I say that as a happy, fulltime Android user that owns several Android devices.

I've always found the Apple hate ironic within the Amiga community, really.

People gripe constantly about overpriced Mac's, but have no qualms about shelling out $3000+ for an X1 :)

My SAM, after I ended up building it, with OS, mobo, HD's, case and everything else it needed components wise cost me more new when I bought it in 2008 that an iMac would have.  Friends IRL told me that I was a lunatic for spending that much money on this "godforsaken" platform, but I don't ever regret buying it.

It's fun, and that's all I expect out of a computer.  That to me is the great thing about modern computing - choice.

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Re: New iMac
« Reply #25 on: October 31, 2014, 10:56:30 AM »
Does it come with a DVD/Blu-ray drive? Apple products are for idiots who have more money than sense. I can understand when there was a difference between CPUs one could argue that a PowerPC was better than a Intel equivalent. But macs of today are just PC crap packed in a Apple box!
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Re: New iMac
« Reply #26 on: October 31, 2014, 10:59:52 AM »
Quote from: Duce;776237
People gripe constantly about overpriced Mac's, but have no qualms about shelling out $3000+ for an X1 :)

Yeah the X1 is at least unique in some way. It is not some load of common PC generic parts in a apple case with a premium price tag attached to it.
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Re: New iMac
« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2014, 11:12:53 AM »
>>Apple stays in business not for their superior hardware, which quite frankly on the PC end of things is just commodity hardware

No. They are both commodity hardware. It's just that being Apple's products less common they mantain an aura of exclusivity. It's all the marketing and hype built over the years...it's still working although I don't know how much long for. Also Apple have managed to cut themselves a niche market (DTP, Graphic Design) but wanting to do DTP+Graphic Design on any PC+Windows there would be no problem at all at achieving the same results.

>>Owning a Mac is a real smooth ride

Nope. I have 3 at home and they are not a smooth ride at all. I work with about 200 iMacs every day and they are a pain in the neck in a network environment. They freeze often, the multicoloured ball comes up and you can't do much. They are not well supported...I could go on.

>>The hardware and software combined make for a real nice out of the box experience for people not into Windows, and said people are willing to pay the premium for the experience.

True but isn't that much different than with Windows 7.

>>The people I know who buy Mac's buy them because they prefer OSX.  

Good on them... :)

>>Millions of people a year keep buying Mac's.

Many more millions buy PCs with Windows 7 etc...installed so?

>>This being said, the new 5k display on the iMac is really, really impressive when you use it.

Again...it's made for them by Samsung?!

>>Same goes for iPhone's and iPad's.  The hardware is nothing special, specs wise.  


>>The Android apps ecosystem still pales in comparison to the iOS one

True. 88% of Smartphones run Android so you're never going to have a tidy, controlled ecosystem, it's based on Linux after all... :D

>>I've always found the Apple hate ironic within the Amiga community, really.

Nope. No hate. Just facts. :)

>>People gripe constantly about overpriced Mac's, but have no qualms about shelling out $3000+ for an X1 :)

A completely different thing. Different economies, different users, different market, apples and oranges indeed. :D

Freedom of choice...absolutely, it swings both ways though. ;)
« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 11:14:58 AM by TheDaddy »

Offline kamelito

Re: New iMac
« Reply #28 on: October 31, 2014, 11:16:24 AM »
Quote from: Megamig;776242
Does it come with a DVD/Blu-ray drive? Apple products are for idiots who have more money than sense. I can understand when there was a difference between CPUs one could argue that a PowerPC was better than a Intel equivalent. But macs of today are just PC crap packed in a Apple box!

If you don't like it don't buy it but don't write that those who bought Mac are idiots.
I've a Mac laptop from 2008 and I haven't had any issues with it software and HW wise since. I bought my wife a VAIO in 2009, the motherboard has been changed twice, the DVD drive once, and the trackpad twice too. Now it has a problem with the power adaptor so she barely use it and it was just 200euros less that the Mac with half the RAM.


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Re: New iMac
« Reply #29 from previous page: October 31, 2014, 11:17:08 AM »
Quote from: gertsy;776119
Any commodity tech is the same. I'd bet a Mac would hold its value way better than a similarly spec'd generic PC.

Absolutely.  The last few Macs I've sold have sold for about 70-80% of the price I bought them for new.

My last Macbook Pro I paid about £900 for and sold for £650.  The Macbook I had before that was £899, I sold that for £700.  

My last desktop PC cost around £800, 3 years later I swapped it for a crate of beer, the one before that I gave away.  There is no money in selling used-PCs, but Macs certainly keep their value.