"Acube's primary market is embedded customer and that is what those boards are designed for."
People keep saying that, but its just not true. No way embedded customers are using these boards. There are hundreds of embedded solutions that are a tenth (or less) of the cost of these boards, and even at a tenth of the
price those other embedded boards have modern specs, not 10 year old specs.
Maybe they were originally designed with that purpose in mind but there is no way embedded customers are buying up these boards or providing acube with any significant customer base. These boards are just WAY under powered, WAY outdated, and WAY overpriced boards for amigaOS - and now AROS PPC, and MORPHOS.
Well I guess all those people who complain about used hardware can shut up now, if you really want brand new hardware for morphOS there it is.
Me? I'd rather buy a good condition powermac g4 for a tenth of the price.