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Author Topic: Is there any real use for 128MB on classic Amiga?  (Read 10278 times)


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Offline NovaCoder

Re: Is there any real use for 128MB on classic Amiga?
« Reply #104 from previous page: November 29, 2012, 11:02:33 PM »
Quote from: bloodline;716740
20 years of disappointment will do that to a guy! :(

Sounds like the Amiga scene then :)

You never know, maybe one day......
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Offline NovaCoder

Re: Is there any real use for 128MB on classic Amiga?
« Reply #105 on: November 29, 2012, 11:06:39 PM »
Quote from: Tripitaka;716897
I run Fallout with the Hi-res patch at 1024X600 on my netbook (it plays very well on a netbook) but of course the Hi-res patch is only really giving me a bigger window. I would love to see a release the way you said. I'de be happier still if it was an Amiga port. We can but dream.

I managed to get Quake running in 1280x200 in AGA on my 1200 but I was taking some strong meds at the time.

The C2P cannot be helping the speed much, maybe when it goes direct-chunky (Indy Mrk2) it will get another frame or two :)
Life begins at 100 MIPS!

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Offline mechy

Re: Is there any real use for 128MB on classic Amiga?
« Reply #106 on: November 30, 2012, 09:48:25 PM »
Quote from: commodorejohn;716481
Well, for starters, the better game artists actually understand the constraints of digital art and are willing to work within them. (Take a look at Adrian Carmack's magnificent models for DOOM sometime, and compare them with the little sprites that were the end result. Sure, the models are nicer, but the DOOM team did an amazing job of capturing the details in images only a hundred-plus pixels tall.) If, on the other hand, you're stuck with prima donnas like the ones you're describing, you can always have someone else do the job of adapting it to the target platform, for the sake of team harmony.

But seriously, the more you crank up the requirements, the smaller your potential target audience gets. Sure, I have a 50MHz 030 and 32MB RAM, but how many people don't? Very few people who've just pulled their old Amiga out of the attic to play with are going to be able to run a game that requires 32MB RAM, and are they willing to hunt down a couple hundred bucks' worth of accelerator just for that?

And as Thorham says, package size has very little to do with the quality of a game. Super Mario Bros. 3 is still a beloved classic to this day, and it's all of 384KB.

Its this kind of thinking that hinders us. Its ridiculous to code for the least common denominator when accelerators and ram expansions are plentiful.
If games had been coded for A3000/4000 spec instead of 500/600/1200 we might of had some much nicer games with way more levels and such.

Typical pc users in the day had no problem upgrading machine,but amiga users cry and whine if it does run on a bog standard 500/1200 and they have to spend some money.  think of accelerators of investments on amiga! its one of the few things you can play with 2,3,5,10 years and probably sell it and breakeven. Seems good value to me.

Offline desiv

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Re: Is there any real use for 128MB on classic Amiga?
« Reply #107 on: November 30, 2012, 10:30:07 PM »
Quote from: mechy;716987
If games had been coded for A3000/4000 spec instead of 500/600/1200 we might of had some much nicer games with way more levels and such.
Definitely something to that..
Back in the day, I bought a 512k expansion so I could play a game.
(Dragon's Lair.  Yes, I know a lot of people don't like that game, but I did and still do, so there!!! :razz: )

And there were more than a few games that used more than 512k, so it seemed like a good investment.

But I just didn't see many games out at the time that made me want to spend the kind of money it would have cost to upgrade.
And I'm sure game devs were looking at people like me saying "he doesn't have an accel so why bother putting the work in to have the game support it...

It would be easy to say the game devs just needed to write the games and I would have bought (as I did with the extra 512k).
But...  I can't think of a single game that would have made me spend Amiga Accelerator money...
There would have had to have been several games to justify that type of expense.
I pieced together my first PC for less money than it would have cost to buy an Amiga accel back in the day..
No, I'm not a cutting edge, pay hundreds of dollars for a video card, type of gamer.  ;-)

That being said, developers who push the limits and write huge games get my respect.  They know the market is smaller, but they do it anyway.

Yes, there's something to be said for cramming as much as you can into a small footprint.  That's an art in itself.  
But the other side of the spectrum is nice too....
I appreciate both types of DEVs..

(and at this point in time, I REALLY APPRECIATE ANY Amiga 68k dev!!!)
Amiga 1200 w/ ACA1230/28 - 4G CF, MAS Player, ext floppy, and 1084S.
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Re: Is there any real use for 128MB on classic Amiga?
« Reply #108 on: November 30, 2012, 10:46:32 PM »
Again, I'm not saying people shouldn't develop games for higher-end Amigas. I just don't care for this notion that developing for lower-end systems is "holding the Amiga back" or some such nonsense. Tons of bona fide classic games run on even a 1MB A500 - many were even developed for that spec. And it's still possible for quality games to be developed for that spec - and like it or not, they can potentially reach a wider audience than games that require an 040 and AGA, because any old schmoe who's just pulled his old A500 out of the attic can run it.

Amigans of all people should understand that a computer doesn't become less capable just because someone else introduces a newer computer with bigger numbers.
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Offline Thorham

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Re: Is there any real use for 128MB on classic Amiga?
« Reply #109 on: December 01, 2012, 02:37:19 AM »
Quote from: mechy;716987
Its this kind of thinking that hinders us. Its ridiculous to code for the least common denominator when accelerators and ram expansions are plentiful.

It depends on the game. For some games, high specs aren't needed. If a game truly requires higher specs, then it's obviously no problem, because it simply can't be done on lower specs anyway, and there's no reason at all to not make something just because it can't be done on low end machines.