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Author Topic: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!  (Read 5213 times)


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Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« Reply #14 from previous page: October 26, 2012, 12:53:40 PM »
Quote from: Iggy;712649
Well, you've sold me. The trick will be finding a PATA SSD. I still intend to keep most files on an SATA drive, but those boot times are pretty convincing.

We got a great web store here in Sweden but they do not ship world wide.

How much do decent PATA SSD's cost where you live?

They sell 64GB 2,5" MLC PATA SSD for 90$, if you can't get hold of a decent one I could buy one and ship for you and you can pay me when you get it :)

Offline matt3k

Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2012, 01:04:56 PM »
Quote from: Fab;712666
Safari is more capable at what, exactly?

Hi Fab

About 1/4 of the websites I visit lock owb .  Either lock it tight or meditates it.

It is a great browser and thanks for the making it.  Perhaps capable was the wrong description.

Take care


Offline ferrellsl

Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2012, 01:58:26 PM »
Quote from: smerf;712542

Been playing with a mini mac for about 3 months now, took morphos off because it just suxxed. Installed a useful OS called Ubuntu Linux. Works great and didn't have to pay a cent for it.

Morphos is like playing with cpm, it works but what can you do with it. Who is programming for it, and how many new programs come out for it each month. Would be more interesting if they had a network of programmers programming for it, or how about a rag mag that had programming listing in it  for morphos. Could be interesting.


I agree with you.  I had the same experience with MorphOS.  Back in 2007 I bought one of the last PegIIs in production and then paid another $250 for MOS.  Total investment was $1000 at that point.  As an OS, MOS was outstanding but there simply weren't any applications for it.  After OS4 for the PegII was released, I also purchased OS4 and installed that too.  The situation there wasn't much better and the performance of OS4 on the PegII was disappointing.  It was much slower and it didn't look or feel as polished as MOS.  But at least I could run AmigaCygnix and do some real work with it.  By 2011, my PegII was so outdated compared to other systems out there that I sold it all and I can't say that I miss it nor do I miss MOS or OS4.  Playing with antiques and trying to get work done on severely limited systems gets old quickly.  Afterwards I started playing with AROS for x86 systems and I've been quite pleased with it.  You just have to carefully check the hardware specs before installing.

Offline Fab

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Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2012, 02:00:30 PM »
Quote from: matt3k;712679
Hi Fab

About 1/4 of the websites I visit lock owb .  Either lock it tight or meditates it.


Err, it's totally abnormal behaviour. For the record, i have 4 months uptime on my macmini, and i run OWB every day on it (i have to quit it sometimes to get back some memory).

About your issues, i have a couple ideas.

If you installed the Flash plugin, make sure to use the OWB version on my site at: http://fabportnawak.free.fr/owb/owb-morphos-1.17.lha
The ISO version supplied with MorphOS 3.1 can't work with the Flash plugin, and may explain that you crash everytime you encounter Flash.

If that's not it, then you might heavily suspect your hardware and your memory in particular. OWB is good at stressing memory.

Another possibility could just be that you run out of memory, but then, there's an explicit message telling about it, and you can even quit (most of the time).

And about Safari, i have it installed on an intel imac at work (safari 5 or so, on snow leopard), and it crashes much more often than Odyssey, actually. Most of the time, it suddenly locks up after browsing a couple sites (wheel of death).
« Last Edit: October 26, 2012, 02:07:14 PM by Fab »

Offline takemehomegrandma

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Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2012, 02:24:33 PM »
Quote from: matt3k;712679
Hi Fab

About 1/4 of the websites I visit lock owb .  Either lock it tight or meditates it.

Hmm, are you sure you are using *Odyssey*, and not some other "OWB"? :p ;) <-Smileys

I honestly think something in your system is borked! Either HW or some SW/System configuration. You should really research this, because this is not a normal behavior.

MorphOS is Amiga done right! :)

Offline matt3k

Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2012, 02:39:30 PM »
Quote from: Fab;712689
Err, it's totally abnormal behaviour. For the record, i have 4 months uptime on my macmini, and i run OWB every day on it (i have to quit it sometimes to get back some memory).

About your issues, i have a couple ideas.

If you installed the Flash plugin, make sure to use the OWB version on my site at: http://fabportnawak.free.fr/owb/owb-morphos-1.17.lha
The ISO version supplied with MorphOS 3.1 can't work with the Flash plugin, and may explain that you crash everytime you encounter Flash.

If that's not it, then you might heavily suspect your hardware and your memory in particular. OWB is good at stressing memory.

Another possibility could just be that you run out of memory, but then, there's an explicit message telling about it, and you can even quit (most of the time).

And about Safari, i have it installed on an intel imac at work (safari 5 or so, on snow leopard), and it crashes much more often than Odyssey, actually. Most of the time, it suddenly locks up after browsing a couple sites (wheel of death).

Thanks Fab!  I bet it is Flash that is the problem.  I will make the changes and report pack.

Please retract my statement on Odyssey, appears I have an issue to resolve.

I doubt that is is memory related, Have 2 gigs and the 2 sticks have been stable under osx.   OSX/PB have been brutal on memory.  You have to match the pairs or you will get panics and other strange behavior.

Again Thanks Fab, and apologies for misrepresenting the truth.

Offline rzookol

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Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2012, 02:53:33 PM »
Quote from: matt3k;712694
Thanks Fab!  I bet it is Flash that is the problem.  I will make the changes and report pack.

i suggest setting global plugin support to OFF, and turn it on only for particular websites in URL prefs

Offline smerf

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Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2012, 04:47:30 PM »

There are good points about MorphOS, like it has the fastest bootup time of any OS I have seen, it also has a just about up to date internet browser which I like, but after that it was shear boredom. One thing I would recommend to MorphOS programmers is maybe an Amiga Basic language system so you could try programming. To tell you the truth I have Amiga Basic but didn't try it, anyone know if it works on MorphOS, couldn't really try becasue mine are all disks, so I didn't get to try any real Amiga programs, maybe that is why I gave it such a poor rating.

Ubuntu PPC works good on the mini mac, and at least it has a whole bunch of programs that you can download and try, but then again it is just a stupid mac, maybe I will take it fishing and use it for a fishing weight, it is so old and slow I don't see why I wasted $10 bucks on it.

I have no idea what your talking about, so here is a doggy with a small pancake on his head.

MorphOS is a MAC done a little better

Offline Iggy

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Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« Reply #22 on: October 26, 2012, 07:04:21 PM »
Quote from: smerf;712705

There are good points about MorphOS, like it has the fastest bootup time of any OS I have seen, it also has a just about up to date internet browser which I like, but after that it was shear boredom. One thing I would recommend to MorphOS programmers is maybe an Amiga Basic language system so you could try programming. To tell you the truth I have Amiga Basic but didn't try it, anyone know if it works on MorphOS, couldn't really try becasue mine are all disks, so I didn't get to try any real Amiga programs, maybe that is why I gave it such a poor rating.

Ubuntu PPC works good on the mini mac, and at least it has a whole bunch of programs that you can download and try, but then again it is just a stupid mac, maybe I will take it fishing and use it for a fishing weight, it is so old and slow I don't see why I wasted $10 bucks on it.


You got a Mac Mini  for $10?
How much do you want for it?
BTW - I forgot that you live in the State right next to mine.
Batten down the hatches Smerf old boy.
Looks like Sunday thru Tuesday is really going to suck (weather wise).

Funny 'cause its sunny and warm here right now.

Oh, as an afterthought, Smerf's right (OMG - did I say that?). MorphOS needs more applications. With that in mind Papiosaur, AmigaDave, and myself have been offering to help would be developers obtain hardware to run MorphOS on. If you've got any creative ideas, drop a line to any one of us.

« Last Edit: October 26, 2012, 07:07:33 PM by Iggy »
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Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2012, 10:20:14 PM »


Yep, picked it up for $10 at a yard sale, the girl said she wanted a newer bigger mac and got some kind of apple laptop, so I told her don't really know what to do with a mini mac but I would give her $10 just to see what it could do, so she sold it to me.

OK so now I broke down, and after throwing up a lot the first day, I finally got the nerve to download MorphOS and install it on the mini mac, it took me about 4 hours because I would insert the disk and then nothing. I put the another CD in my PC, burned 3 copies of MorphOS and still nothing wouldn't boot up at all. Then I tried like on my PC hold down a key to boot from a cd. That worked fine. Started MorphOS right up and installed it, but the mini mac I bought is flakey, when I installed Ubuntu PPC, it took me about serveral tries to get it to start up, used up three cd's, and held down a key to initialize cd boot up, but I guess I got a bad batch of cd's, anyhow the third cd burned correctly off of my PC and it installed Ubuntu. Now all I have to do is figure out what is wrong with which computer, is it my LG dvd burner, which worked alright all these years or is it the mini mac dvd player, after all it is an old unit, but it plays movies ok on ubuntu, they start right up with no problem, and the DVD's seem to be recognized whenever I insert a new CD or DVD. Anyhow just ordered a new 15khz to VGA card for the A1200, ordered some new 23 pin plugs to build the VGA card up when they arrive. Thought I had a problem with my Amiga 4000, after turn on. and 5 minutes the screen would go black, turn off the Amiga for 5 minutes and it would come back on and then go black again, well it turned out to be my old NEC multi sync monitor. I guess it is giving up the ghost.

Anyhow in order to support something in Amiga, why not develope a mag on MorphOS, or AROS, or both. You know back when Commodore first started out the C64 they brought out Ahoy! which had programming in both basic and C. Maybe if we could get Amiga Basic working on MorphOS we could start a rag, with MorphOS and Aros programs, you know bring back the fun in computing, and help support both systems.

Sandy will probably give us the cold shoulder and maybe some windy gusty days with temp drops, but my PC that uses about 800 watts of power, will keep me toasty and warm, and actually works better in the winter.

I have no idea what your talking about, so here is a doggy with a small pancake on his head.

MorphOS is a MAC done a little better

Offline Iggy

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Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2012, 10:28:49 PM »
Quote from: smerf;712736
... my PC that uses about 800 watts of power, will keep me toasty and warm, and actually works better in the winter.


Yep, I know hat feeling. I just broke down and sold my 125watt PhenomII based system with the 600 watt power supply. Made a nice space heater for the bedroom, but it cost too much to run.
Typing on an Intel Atom based netbook right now. Its got an itty bitty power supply.
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Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2012, 01:06:50 PM »
Quote from: amigasociety;712526
Been on the fench for years and finally did the deed.

Purchased MorphOS today and can't wait for my license to arrive.

Been an Amiga owner and user since late 2009 early 2010 and a happy AmigaOne X1000, Amiga A1000, and Relec The Red One SAM 440ep owner today.

Own a Mac Mini G4 1.5GHz with 3 external stacking LacIe style drives so have a nice little MorphOS system now next to my X1000. Connected to it is a Logitech Solar Wireless Keyboard and Logitech Wireless Mouse.

Both the X1000 and new Mac Mini MorphOS system are connected to my Samsung 27" SyncMaster SA950 Display and will share it for now.

I have tinkered with MorphOS over the last 2 to 3 years but decided in 2013 I will get much more into Amiga so will use both my Amiga OS 4.1u5 X1000 and now the Mac Mini running MorphOS for more day to day work in my home business.


Wish I still had my Mac... It stopped working. I'd be running MorphOS too if I still had the thing! :( - Oh well, atleast I have Debian w/ Amiwm and Virtualbox running ICAROS.
-- Joshua E. Horn

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