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Author Topic: How will a USB Blu Ray drive work with MorphOS?  (Read 2684 times)


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Offline arnljotTopic starter

How will a USB Blu Ray drive work with MorphOS?
« on: April 18, 2012, 03:37:21 PM »
I've tried to ask this at MorphZone, but it seems that noone knows or cares to share.

Do you guys know?



You can't use bluraydiscs if I understand it well. But I do wonder: does it read DVD and CD's under MorphOS a bluray drive ?

You can buy an USB Bluray drive ?

I'm wondering about the exact same thing. I'm considering picking up a Samsung ODD external USB blu ray player, and want to use it on my mac, pc and as CD/DVD drive on the efika.

Can a USB Blu Ray player work as a CD/DVD drive with MorphOS?
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Offline Thomas

Re: How will a USB Blu Ray drive work with MorphOS?
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2012, 03:59:49 PM »
I am quite sure that every optical drive can be used as CD drive on an Amigaoid operating system.

I think that no UDF file system exists for MorphOS, so you won't be able to extract files from BD disks. But it should recognise that a disk is inserted and show a CD0:Unformatted icon on the desktop.

CDs and DVDs with ISO9660 file system should work fine.

Offline arnljotTopic starter

Re: How will a USB Blu Ray drive work with MorphOS?
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2012, 06:18:53 PM »
Thanks for a fast reply Thomas!
A posting a day keeps the sanity away...