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Author Topic: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA  (Read 19227 times)


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Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #74 on: April 04, 2012, 12:48:56 AM »
I was not trolling, nor spreading slander, Transition.  The claims of abuse, the instances of dodged questions, etc. can all be confirmed by anyone that's read these forums even once.

Anything I said, any claims I made against C-USA are well known.  Not a word of a lie, and any concerns I made about such an "interview" actually being anything more than a dog and pony show are something a number of people are also concerned about in this little scripted affair.

I don't think it was too much to suggest that if all questions are fair game that he consider going on ART in a live fashion, assuming Rich is up for that.  I suggested that because I love ART mainly, not to mention there's a hell of a lot of credibility involved in doing a "no holds barred" interview when there's not actually a script being provided.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 12:52:07 AM by Duce »

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Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #75 on: April 04, 2012, 12:56:03 AM »
I have withheld my responses in this thread until now.  CUSA simply holds NO INTEREST for me.  I won't be reading Barry Altman's responses so there's no point in my asking any questions at all.

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Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #76 on: April 04, 2012, 01:25:14 AM »
Quote from: Transition;686884
Please keep your questions professional and not slanderous. Off topic or trolling questions will be removed. Barry is taking time out of his valuable day to do this interview so don't waste his time on substandard questions.

I take it that's sarcasm?
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Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #77 on: April 04, 2012, 01:31:22 AM »
Quote from: Transition;686884
Barry is taking time out of his valuable day to do this interview so don't waste his time on substandard questions.

Barry has taken our valuable time for way too long already by being substandard - what did you expect? This interview is pointless, as is CUSA.
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Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #78 on: April 04, 2012, 02:19:45 AM »
Question: If I decide to waste some of my hard earned cash on your stickers, what percentage through royalties gets paid back to Amiga, Inc?

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Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #79 on: April 04, 2012, 02:20:46 AM »
It is not a sin to release amiga branded pcs.Its your money so you have the right.But if that's what your gonna do then say so.Don't make promises you can't keep.The core amiga community is small and thus a very niche market and i suppose there's not much profit in it.Do your thing make a profit but in doing so you can still appease the amiga community and perhaps release small runs of products or software to support it.What about a dual strategy?For example perhaps make a classic amiga style case.Put whatever components you want in there and sell it but make the case available seperately to classic or core amigans.If you promise to do something then do it.Don't make promises you cannot keep as this just pisses people off.I think it's possible to make money and connect with the amiga community.Granted you can't please everyone so don't expect to.

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Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #80 on: April 04, 2012, 07:16:07 AM »
Another question:

Do you have plans similar to Gateway in the past, to sell socks and boxershorts with Amiga logo? Or maybe there are some plans of selling also other products with Amiga logo (vacuum cleaners, fridges and so on)?

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Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #81 on: April 04, 2012, 07:18:11 AM »
Quote from: mailman;686917
Another question:

Do you have plans similar to Gateway in the past, to sell socks and boxershorts with Amiga logo? Or maybe there are some plans of selling also other products with Amiga logo (vacuum cleaners, fridges and so on)?
"Nuke the fridge!" but keep the socks ;)
to stay -on topic- No questions from me to this sillyness...

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Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #82 on: April 04, 2012, 07:35:40 AM »
Hi all,

As a CUSA forum regular, I will try to answer some of the questions that I know the answer to.

Quote from: mailman;686649
First batch of questions from PPA (Polish Amiga News Portal) readers:

1. Is there any chance for any kind of cooperation between CUSA and Team AROS?
2. Is it planned to have AROS supported by your system? Is it going to support all the build-in hardware?
3. Do you plan to begin some sort of a cooperation with the Amiga community that has nurtured the legend for so many years? What I mean is to convince (in a financial way) three Amiga teams (AmigaOS, MorphOS, AROS) to work on one operational system dedicated to one machine created by CUSA.
4. Do you plan to use the potential of Natami to create chip or card that could work with your motherboard under a new, common operational system?
5. Do you plan to create something like AppleStore and after coming to agreement with the publishers and owners of old classic Amiga games make them available to buy as ADF images or to create remakes of the most popular titles?

1) This has been discussed in the past. It was CUSA's original intention to have the new Intel Amigas bundled with AROS, only it was scuppered at the last minute by Hyperion's threat of a lawsuit if they did go ahead with this plan (because it was violating their IP and clause as AmigaOS property holders). This is why Commodore OS is currently Linux-based, and why emulation of the older systems was chosen instead. Also their current agreement with Amiga Inc. says they cannot have an 'Amiga OS' like system on their machines as their base OS if it has not been endorsed by Amiga Inc. (which says it all really).
2) Leo the CTO of CUSA has said before they will try to make all new Amiga hardware 'as compatible as can be for AROS', despite not bundling it with the system. The reason it is currently not bundled is all explained in the above answer.
3) That is a possible goal yes, if the current licensing issues are/can be cleared up between the various groups (which is rather complex).
4) I don't know to be honest
5) Yes they will be, as answered here by Leo > http://www.commodore-amiga.org/en/forum/9-commodore-os-gaming/13993-publishing-software-under-the-commodore-os-banner#14007

Quote from: mailman;686727
Second batch of questions from PPA readers:

1. Do you plan some sort of a help for UAE project in order to add support for PowerPC to this application?
2. Do you plan to initiate a new open project similar to Wine which is strictly dedicated for Amiga operational system?
3. Do you plan to add numbering system to computer models (like in case A500, A1200 etc.)?
4. Do you consider extending the offer for much cheaper models, models which will be custom made upon the user requests, desktop models, mobile models, etc.?
5. Do you plan to create your own BIOS in Amiga style?
6. Apart from the "Commodore" name, does CommodoreUSA have anything more in common with the old classic line of Commodore systems? (logos, stickers, labels, retro keyboards are not an answer here)
7. What is the purpose of 16 GB of Ram in your system?
8. Do you intend to introduce UEFI technology instead of BIOS (of course in Amiga way)?
9. Why should we ask any questions to a producer/assembler of a regular PC computer when the only connection between this system and Amiga is by UAE?
10. Why did you use name AMIGA for a PC computer that neither its operational system, architecture nor a case even in the smallest way has any connection with Amiga?
11. Wouldn't it be more reasonable to support a project like Natami or Minimig AGA than releasing a PC with Linux and the Amiga sticker?

1) I don't know
2) I don't know
3) Yes I think they will be.
4) I don't know yet but there may be such plans.
5) Probably I think. CUSA's Vic Slims already boot up with their own BIOS so yes I think it might happen.
6) CBM as a company has been defunct for almost 18 years, and CUSA is a new company that while has no connections to them directly, it has legally and rightfully obtained the use of the name from its rightful holders, namely Commodore Holdings B.V.. How they decide or plan to use the name is their choice and at their discretion. I can say there have been talks of more Commodore branded products and peripherals, including replica peripherals made by CUSA with modern equipment fitted, which may appeal to existing Commodore users with legacy equipment. Obviously this depends on the market reception. If it is good I can't see why CUSA wouldn't want to produce it for the market.
7) More memory lol? No seriously why would YOU want to put more memory into a system? To make it quicker yes? So there's your answer :)
8) See answer 5.
9 & 10) The current AMIGA from CUSA is a Linux-based system because it fits with most people's requirements and idea of a performance computer for today  - the current Commodore OS fulfills its requirements to provide a stable and exciting platform for all things fun and creative as a Commodore should be. Having the UAE interface in an AMIGA-branded case on a modern platform is just the icing on the cake. It is your choice whether you want to buy it (or not) for your needs, nobody is forcing you here.

That said, the real issue of using the Commodore and AMIGA brand-names (I am told) also has been to offer a refreshing alternative in the computing marketplace (i.e.. fun and creative machines vs boring corporate workhorses), AND to look at the historical issues/revival of the Commodore brand in a new light. Being x86/Linux based allows the future Commodore and AMIGA systems the best software and systems compatibility with what is on the market today (something the old systems can't do) - thus giving gamers and graphic artists something to think about again. :) And it also provides a proper basis for the various Commodore and AMIGA groups over the years to come together under one umbrella/platform as it were, so as to allow software/hardware development for Commodore/AMIGA to take place (if need be).

11) The AMIGA you are referring to is a legacy system with a very small existing software base. It would make no sense to make a system for the general public today based on out-dated technologies save for building them for a small group of hobby users. It would be better from a financial perspective to generate the necessary capital first by producing systems suitable to the general public, THEN work on specialized projects later on for the dedicated hobbyist (because they require lots of capital). It's just common-sense really...

Quote from: vox;686880
Surely, small to medium business with big representation. Hower A1200 look a like was promoted from very first ("scatchy") website and mentioned in licence purchase. Playing on MacMini is just lucky opportunity that it needs laser touch.

Quote from: vox;686880

They should keep better relations with Loriano to have nice A500 like cases, and next thing the community project might be some existing PowerPC board (that runs AmigaOS,AROS,Linux or MorphOS, AROS and Linux) + such case + laser engravement. Not much more effort would be expected if 500 people prepaid it. But the name would be Commodore Amiga 1200X.

While they have spoken about and are legally allowed to make proper Amiga-branded AIO keyboards I'm not involved or aware of what are their current plans for the AIO. In any case it is their choice to decide/choose the direction they see fit (for Amiga) including the naming scheme. I believe if the AIO does appear it will be something along the lines of A500X as this was the most popular unit.

Quote from: vox;686880

Triple boot was promised from first BigAussies videos with earlybird Phoenix.

To answer your question this is a video of my C64x running tripleboot:


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Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #83 on: April 04, 2012, 09:42:56 AM »
Quote from: Middleman;686920
Hi all,

To answer your question this is a video of my C64x running tripleboot:


Nice GRUB customization. But that is Ubuntu, Mint and Win.

What was ment was Win, Linux and AROS. But you answered the famous "blame Hyperion thing".
Hyperion did threatened publicly, but only to expose "no bundling" clause of court case settlement.
C=USA could still aid AROS coming out of Alpha stange and having it as optional download and install.

Commodore Phoenix Triple OS Boot

Serious Q:

"Were AROS Team and Hyperion approached for further negotiations of bundling and development of AROS
Broadway or IcarOS (now AEROS too) or is there any plan to do so?"
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 10:03:48 AM by vox »
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Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #84 on: April 04, 2012, 11:11:19 AM »
Quote from: Transition;686884
Please keep your questions professional and not slanderous. Off topic or trolling questions will be removed. Barry is taking time out of his valuable day to do this interview so don't waste his time on substandard questions.

Please define 'sub standard questions', in order that us members can define what constitutes 'sub standard answers' in return. We don't like our time being wasted either.

That's a double-edged sword you are waving around and your actions smack of pre-censorship, even though Barry said 'no holds barred'.

Offline Marcb

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Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #85 on: April 04, 2012, 12:22:57 PM »

Just out of curiosity, why did you feel compelled to answer questions posed to Barry?

Isn't the whole point of this thread to pose questions to Barry and then have Barry answer them?

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Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #86 on: April 04, 2012, 12:38:10 PM »
Quote from: Marcb;686942

Just out of curiosity, why did you feel compelled to answer questions posed to Barry?

Isn't the whole point of this thread to pose questions to Barry and then have Barry answer them?


Good point, well made.

Perhaps the 'Defenders of the CUSA Faith' can stand back and actually let Barry answer these questions.

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Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #87 on: April 04, 2012, 12:42:29 PM »
Quote from: Marcb;686942

Just out of curiosity, why did you feel compelled to answer questions posed to Barry?

Isn't the whole point of this thread to pose questions to Barry and then have Barry answer them?


That is what ya get when people are asking long answered questions.  IMO, it should have been up to the staff to select a number of questions to be submitted to Barry and allow Barry to answer a portion.

Unless otherwise noted, I speak only for myself.

Offline number6

Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #88 on: April 04, 2012, 12:57:14 PM »
Quote from: Middleman;686920
6) CBM as a company has been defunct for almost 18 years, and CUSA is a new company that while has no connections to them directly, it has legally and rightfully obtained the use of the name from its rightful holders, namely Commodore Holdings B.V.. How they decide or plan to use the name is their choice and at their discretion.

As you must surely know, Commodore Holdings B.V., the licensing arm of Asiarim, has been declared bankrupt.

It's a stretch, imo, to dismiss the issue of who can do what long term  until the lawsuit over the IP is resolved.


Offline number6

Re: Amiga.org Exclusive Interview with the CEO of CommodoreUSA
« Reply #89 from previous page: April 04, 2012, 01:01:16 PM »
Quote from: dammy;686946
That is what ya get when people are asking long answered questions.  IMO, it should have been up to the staff to select a number of questions to be submitted to Barry and allow Barry to answer a portion.

From post #1 stating the purpose, I don't see where anyone dismissed that idea.
"Please send over the questions. Include every possible topic you want."
To me this means staff would send to Barry what "they want".
That notion does not negate what Barry stated either.
"I will answer EVERY question submitted, no exceptions, and absolutely nothing is off the table."
This means all questions "sent by staff" will be answered.
