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Author Topic: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3  (Read 19962 times)


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Offline HotRod

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Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #134 from previous page: August 30, 2011, 02:21:24 AM »
Quote from: haywirepc;656835
Hey I wish them the best, I simply think they've made major mistakes and continue to blunder what could have been a fantastic opportunity for them. I'm entitled to my opinion, and I'm sorry if you don't like it.
Your right AROS does not yet support multiple cores (but may soon) Still, my 3.4ghz box runs rings around anything aos has, including the x1000 which is still not here yet and thats not opinion, thats a fact.
Speed doesn't matter? Okay, then why aren't you still using your first 2mhz 8 bit computer? Of course speed matters, its the most important thing in a computer and determines what work the computer can do in reasonable timeframes.

I don't know if that was aimed at me but I didn't wrote that speed doesn't matter. There are always several things that matters. Just like there are different reasons for what OS someone use or prefer.

Regarding the X1000, I'm not sure if I will be able to afford it or if I will buy it but it's better than nothing. Compared to the Mac it will be able to take a PC graphicscard that is a lot more up to date than the Radeon 9600.

Anyway, I understand the frustration that is mainly about the price, right? I think that there are lots of people not being happy about the price but on the other hand there isn't much that can be done about that except for porting it to Mac. That would be a short-term solution too so no matter how I look a it there are no perfect solution. I think I'll take it easy, enjoy what I have and see what happens. If the X1000 turns out to be too expensive I wait.

If you want to try AOS 4 (if that's part of the frustration) you could buy second hand A1, Pegasos II, Sams...

Regarding MOS and AROS the hardware is cheap and available though.

Offline dreamcast270mhz

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Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #135 on: August 30, 2011, 02:25:51 AM »

Exactly my point, I wish people would stop complaining about it, and the fact its plenty fast leaves me miffed at why they insist on whining
My machines:
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Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #136 on: August 30, 2011, 02:54:52 AM »
Quote from: dreamcast270mhz;656841

Exactly my point, I wish people would stop complaining about it, and the fact its plenty fast leaves me miffed at why they insist on whining

I can understand the frustration sometimes but I agree, try and take it easy and enjoy what you have. If you look at the hardware available, AOS 4 just like MOS and AROS is light-weight and fast so I would say that it depends on what you want to do. Like I've written I would like to watch fullhd movies and my old A1 are too slow. Browsing is ok but can be on the slow side (800MHz CPU) but on the other hand OWBMUI looks pretty quick on the Pegasos 2. Except for that I'm happy with it speed wise since I don't render pictures or edit videos. For someone else this might be important (don't know if there are any video editing software available for any of the NG amigalike oses). However, if it isn't I think a second hand Pegasos II would make a nice machine. Most of the times it feels like a much faster PC.

Just making suggestions in case that's what's bothering you, trying to help.

That I could afford the A1 when in 2004 doesn't meen that I can afford the X1000 now. Not the Sam 460 either for that matter. Back then I had to choose between a Pegasos and the A1 G4 XE which was tough but I went with the A1 since the Frieden brothers had done a good impression on their mailinglist being very helpfull, friendly and trustworthy. I didn't have much to go on regarding MOS, from what I remember reading was that they caused lots of noice and trouble so that was pretty much it. I didn't know what to expect, if it would be good or bad and so on but I've been happy with it for the most part.

What I had before was a maxed out A4k that was feeling old and I was kind of tired of all the hacks and stuff.

Anyway I don't have any high hopes regarding any of the AOS solutions any more. With no new hardware for MOS in sight (don't know if there are a plan beyond porting it to Mac), AROS being open source and if the only option it seems to me it will be an OS for a very small group of people for a long time (10-20 years) untill it will get in a state where it can compete with Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and with AOS we got the expensive hardware.

None of them are up to date with the big OSs so you will be limited in some way no matter what you choose to do.

Anyway, a second hand computer to try it out is what I would go for if I wanted to try it out right now. It seems to always be a buyer available if you don't like it.

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Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #137 on: August 30, 2011, 02:59:54 AM »
Reinstalled u1, u2, u3.  Works fine now, SAM 440ep.  Only thing I can think that was jacking it up was something with the SDK that I had installed on 4.1 u2.

Just a heads up for anyone looking to upgrade!

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Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #138 on: August 30, 2011, 03:02:15 AM »
Quote from: HotRod;656839
Anyway, I understand the frustration that is mainly about the price, right? I think that there are lots of people not being happy about the price but on the other hand there isn't much that can be done about that except for porting it to Mac. That would be a short-term solution too so no matter how I look a it there are no perfect solution.
There might not be a perfect solution, but used hardware that's cheap, powerful, and available is sure a lot better solution than paying premium prices for custom hardware that's middling at best and has been delayed for...how long, now?
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Offline dreamcast270mhz

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Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #139 on: August 30, 2011, 03:05:45 AM »
WIth MorphOS, Beyond macs we will cross that bridge when we'll come to it. For the present, PPC Macs are more than fast enough, especially considering PC games right now suck compared to 360, Wii and PS3 counterparts, and games are about the only thing new PCs can do over a PPC Mac. I can edit and make HD video on my G4s, play UT2k4 on net servers and listen to my favorite tunes.
My machines:
PowerMac G4 MDD 1.5ghz 1.25GB 10.5.8 & MOS 2.7
Mac Mini C2D 10.6.8 2GHz 3GB 250GB HDD
MacBook Retina 16GB 256GB SSD 10.8
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Need a part for a PC or Mac? PM me, I\'ll let you know if I come across it.

OS X trumps Windows on every level.

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Offline ferrellsl

Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #140 on: August 30, 2011, 03:10:24 AM »
Quote from: haywirepc;656831
I am an aros guy for the record. I'm not sure why you expect me to go ra ra for a 2ghz powerpc computer. I had a powermac that beat that 5 years ago, and it could use all cores/processors, unlike this pile of outdated tech.
Just because someone is critical of something, don't hate on them. Especially when they are right. I simply think paying 2500$ for 5 year old speed computer is stupid, and I'm sure I'm not alone.
AOS will die a slow death because of lack of decent hardware unless they port to x86 or arm at least. BTW, Aros already runs on both.
My current AROS box is 3.4ghz and can run rings around this x1000 on just any ANY test imaginable. You can get one for 50 bucks on ebay.
Kinda beats 2500$ in my view, and the os is open, and not run by *******s with no vision and no sense of reality. And BTW you know AROS right? Thats the thing those AOS4 coders keep taking code from without sharing their own work or open sourcing their own developments so everyone can benefit.

I'm with you 100%, but watch out.  You'll get banned or threatened for being a voice of reason here in the midst of this asylum.

Offline HotRod

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Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #141 on: August 30, 2011, 03:15:07 AM »
Quote from: ferrellsl;656851
I'm with you 100%, but watch out.  You'll get banned or threatened for being a voice of reason here in the midst of this asylum.

Nah he won't, he had a valid point, you on the other hand are clearly trolling.

Offline ferrellsl

Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #142 on: August 30, 2011, 03:21:38 AM »
Quote from: HotRod;656852
Nah he won't, he had a valid point, you on the other hand are clearly trolling.

I'm not trolling one bit you jerk.  I've pointed out on more than one occasion that the X1000 is a turd based on price/performance ratio and provided benchmarks that showed the X1000 CPU performing on par with Pentium class CPUs dating from back in 2003-2005.  You'd have thought I insulted someones mother by providing those FACTS.  I got called all kinds of names, threatened by several users and a site moderator also told me that I was close to being banned.  You're the only troll in sight at the moment.

Offline dreamcast270mhz

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Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #143 on: August 30, 2011, 03:27:34 AM »

We all have differing opinions but you are going way too far. Trolling is wrong, and you are kind of being the jerk by saying the rest of us don't have reason. Its like ice cream, not everyone likes the same flavors. If you feel so determined to prove a point go to the AROS sites, they'll be more than happy to house another troll

You also use the Megahertz myth and manipulation of facts. The X1000 is something, its substance an you are being a disrespectful twit.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 03:30:35 AM by dreamcast270mhz »
My machines:
PowerMac G4 MDD 1.5ghz 1.25GB 10.5.8 & MOS 2.7
Mac Mini C2D 10.6.8 2GHz 3GB 250GB HDD
MacBook Retina 16GB 256GB SSD 10.8
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Need a part for a PC or Mac? PM me, I\'ll let you know if I come across it.

OS X trumps Windows on every level.

MorphOS, OS4 and Classic Amiga systems are the only ones who are real \'Amigas\', not that joke AROS or Amiga Forever.

Offline HotRod

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Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #144 on: August 30, 2011, 03:34:49 AM »
Quote from: ferrellsl;656854
I'm not trolling one bit you jerk.  I've pointed out on more than one occasion that the X1000 is a turd based on price/performance ratio and provided benchmarks that showed the X1000 CPU performing on par with Pentium class CPUs dating from back in 2003-2005.  You'd have thought I insulted someones mother by providing those FACTS.  I got called all kinds of names, threatened by several users and a site moderator also told me that I was close to being banned.  You're the only troll in sight at the moment.

Here you go *throws him his medicine*

Offline bbond007

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Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #145 on: August 30, 2011, 03:43:06 AM »
Quote from: Transition;656419
News from TrevorDick of A-Eon

Chris Follett, AmigaKit's lead technician, has produced a quick video of the AmigaOne X1000 booting to AmigaOS4.1 Update 3. Chris apologized for the quality, but he only had time to run off a quick video in between setting up and testing Nemo 2.1 motherboards. He has promised to produce another video showing AmigaOS4 running various demos when he has more time.

AmigaOS4.1 Update 3 booting on AmigaOne X1000

Trevor Dickinson

The problem with the X1000 is size. I just don't want a ATX size PC anymore. I'm going to be retired and living in a motorhome or old folks home by the time this thing comes out anyway and simply won't have the space.

Offline ferrellsl

Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #146 on: August 30, 2011, 03:43:59 AM »
Quote from: dreamcast270mhz;656855

We all have differing opinions but you are going way too far. Trolling is wrong, and you are kind of being the jerk by saying the rest of us don't have reason. Its like ice cream, not everyone likes the same flavors. If you feel so determined to prove a point go to the AROS sites, they'll be more than happy to house another troll

You also use the Megahertz myth and manipulation of facts. The X1000 is something, its substance an you are being a disrespectful twit.

How am I going too far or trolling by agreeing with someone who also feels just as I do, that the X1000 is out-dated, over-priced hardware?  Haywirepc also provided cost comparisons and facts as to why he feels the X1000 is such a poor performer, which is more than anyone can say about you.  He was objective and gave us FACTS.  He wasn't subjective and spouting drivel.  AROS currently stomps all over ANY of the Amiga variants out there.... in all areas, graphics, CPU performance, price, etc....And it will eventually have multi-core support and be more feature-rich than OS4......Your subjective drivel about ice cream and "substance" is utter bullsh@t.  Not a single fact or point brought to the table.  But hey, if you want to believe that $3000USD for a system with broken or no USB 2.0 support, opengl 1.3 graphics, and a CPU from 2005 is a wonderful bargain, then be my guest.  Even if Hyperion updates the graphics and fixes/adds USB 2.0 support, you're still looking at a hugely expensive system that will perform like a Pentium from 2005 or earlier, if it ever gets released.

It's laughable.....if you disagree with the X1000 fanboys, they immediately label you a troll....no facts, nothing objective......just a lot of BS about how they love the X1000 and that it's so wonderful and that we're not giving Hyperion and AEON a chance......oh please....

And I'm so hurt to be on dreamcast270mhz's ignore list.....NOT.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 03:56:21 AM by ferrellsl »

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Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #147 on: August 30, 2011, 03:50:37 AM »
Okay well since ferrellsl is now on my ignore list, the conversation is again relaxed.


I agree, its kind of big, and is taking its sweet time


I'm not an OS4 advocate by any means, my MOS systems are way better. People are worrying way too much. My thoughts? Shut it and buy a $100 USD Mac, its cheap, powerful and way better any OS4 system, except maybe a Pegasos.
My machines:
PowerMac G4 MDD 1.5ghz 1.25GB 10.5.8 & MOS 2.7
Mac Mini C2D 10.6.8 2GHz 3GB 250GB HDD
MacBook Retina 16GB 256GB SSD 10.8
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Need a part for a PC or Mac? PM me, I\'ll let you know if I come across it.

OS X trumps Windows on every level.

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Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #148 on: August 30, 2011, 03:58:58 AM »
Quote from: ferrellsl;656859
How am I going too far or trolling by agreeing with someone who also feels just as I do, that the X1000 is out-dated, over-priced hardware?  Haywirepc also provided cost comparisons and facts as to why he feels the X1000 is such a poor performer, which is more than anyone can say about you.  He was objective and gave us FACTS.  He wasn't subjective and spouting drivel.  AROS currently stomps all over ANY of the Amiga variants out there.... in all areas, graphics, CPU performance, price, etc....And it will eventually have multi-core support and be more feature-rich than OS4......Your subjective drivel about ice cream and "substance" is utter bullsh@t.  Not a single fact or point brought to the table.  But hey, if you want to believe that $3000USD for a system with broken or no USB 2.0 support, opengl 1.3 graphics, and a CPU from 2005 is a wonderful bargain, then be my guest.  Even if Hyperion updates the graphics and fixes/adds USB 2.0 support, you're still looking at a hugely expensive system that will perform like a Pentium from 2005 or earlier, if it ever gets released.

You can express your thoughts in a civil manner or you can be an ass. If you can't express your thought in a civil manner you got issues. If you really don't know the difference I feel sorry for you, you must be an adult and what you write could be written by an insecure teenager with a bad attitude to anything an deverything. That's is most likely the reason.

Try to write what you think without badmouthing people and things, it is possible.

Also I agreed with him but your cocky smart ass coment was uncalled for. You didn't add anything to it other than your negative trolling. If you agree with someone try writing "I agree". See the difference?

Offline bbond007

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Re: AmigaOne X1000 booting AmigaOS4.1 Update 3
« Reply #149 on: August 30, 2011, 04:01:46 AM »
Quote from: ferrellsl;656859
AROS currently stomps all over ANY of the Amiga variants out there.... in all areas, graphics, CPU performance, price, etc...

but can it run AMIGA (RTG friendly) software such as TVPaint?

That is like stating a CAR stomps all over ANY BOAT because it has a higher top speed.