I'm not sure, but don't you need a gfx card to run that... :confused:
Sure, but then again, you need a graphics card to do many interesting things on an Amiga that aren't really feasible on planar screens.
Emulating highcolour screens on AGA is extremely difficult. I've seen it done, of course, the SavageAGA EVD for ShapeShifter was capable of 15-bit RGB emulation via HAM, but it was pretty slow in all but the lowest resolutions.
Installing a graphics card actually made more difference to the everyday use and performance of my A1200 than the PPC card did.
A1200 Blizzard060/PPC 60Mhz/240Mhz
If that's your configuration, and you don't already have one, you really ought should consider getting an RTG solution for it...