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Author Topic: Amiga Future Issues 45 (german) online  (Read 989 times)


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Offline AndreasMTopic starter

Amiga Future Issues 45 (german) online
« on: October 04, 2008, 09:36:43 PM »
The german issues 45 of the Amiga Future are out of stock.

Because of that you can read the magazines (amongst many other issues) online at http://www.amigafuture.de/kb.php?mode=cat&cat=10 .

The issue 74 has been released recently and is available in our online shop. Just now we work hard on issue 75.

You can order the german and english Issue 74 of Amiga Future in our online shop.

Amiga Future needs your support

We are looking for editors for the magazine. You should own a classic Amiga or Pegasos and know it's workings. Furthermore you should have some experience in writing reviews. As well as that, your native language has to be either German or English which you should be fluent in.

Please don't forget: The Amiga Future is a community project.

In addition we are still looking for translators for the magazine. Again your native language should be German or English and you should be fluent in reading/writing both of them.

Interested? Please contact us via mail at: Andreas@amigafuture.de

Andreas Magerl
APC&TCP - Home of Amiga Future
Publisher for Amiga Software, Merchandising and many more.
