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Author Topic: Amiga Inc answers your questions (updated)  (Read 39865 times)


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Re: Petro, India, and $75000
« Reply #179 from previous page: September 19, 2006, 05:49:33 PM »
finaly sombody with a spine and some knowlage!  Mods, if you delete this mans works are just censoring what many true amiga fans think!

Offline SystemTopic starter

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Re: Amiga Inc answers your questions
« Reply #180 on: September 19, 2006, 06:07:21 PM »

It's because you just had to jump out here with an agenda.  Trust me, I understand because I too have been fscked over by a Bill (not McEwen) and yes, I have trouble holding my tongue some times, but your post was inappropriate and -- as usual -- out of place in this thread, not to mention it violated several of the site (and thread) posting guidelines.

Also, you might want to rethink that whole "Attack Wayne" philosophy as well, because while I have a moderate amount of sympathy for your plight, traditionally it doesn't play well with me.


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Re: Petro, India, and $75000
« Reply #181 on: September 19, 2006, 06:17:41 PM »

No one was censored.  His post -- though inappropriate -- still exists.  It has simply been removed from public viewing for legal reasons that I won't go into.  

The community asked a question, it was answered.  This is not the place nor time for Mr. Peck to -- yet again -- attack Mr. McEwen on a personal level.   We all know he's pissed because he feels he is owed something, so him speaking out in the fashion he did is no more valid than when I point out that I (and the entire US team) was fscked over by Bill Buck and Genesi.

That being said, if Mr. Peck wishes to contest the assertion by McEwen that he was, in fact, offered a settlement and refused to take it, then that's a different story.  The fact is however that Amiga (Washington state) no longer exists as a corporate or other entity and therefore no longer owes anything to anyone.

If Mr. Peck wishes to contest that, he can easily and rightfully do that in a court of law.  He'll lose, but he can try.  Anything else is just bordering on libel and subject to retaliation by Amiga Inc.

I'm sorry that you're so closed-minded as to consider that "censorship", but I personally don't want to be placed in the middle of a battle between Peck and McEwen.  I've given up expecting my $12 grand from Buck.  It's time he gets over whatever he thinks he's owed by a company that no longer exists.

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Re: Petro, India, and $75000
« Reply #182 on: September 19, 2006, 09:34:26 PM »
Well O.k..

wayne if I where you I would not stand so close to amiga inc., not only does it smell funny overthere it's not legal and I would be not be suprised if that house of cards fell.  

That being said, if Mr. Peck wishes to contest the assertion by McEwen that he was, in fact, offered a settlement and refused to take it, then that's a different story. The fact is however that Amiga (Washington state) no longer exists as a corporate or other entity and therefore no longer owes anything to anyone.

If Mr. Peck wishes to contest that, he can easily and rightfully do that in a court of law. He'll lose, but he can try. Anything else is just bordering on libel and subject to retaliation by Amiga Inc.

yeah well amiga inc is disolved so I don't think you can still commit "libel"  or be retaliated by "Amiga Inc."

sounds like Amiga Inc is one step away from becomming the local Enron.
Also accepting a settelment means they may not have offered him all of his money.  Would you have accepted the settlement?
Why hold back info, if you have it speak, remeber Amiga inc staged there own death to avoid all this legal mess. IMO Bill McEwen has (if nothing else) some serious hutzba for suggesting that he is going to to anything amiga, and if we ignore OS4 and OS5 we may finaly be able to shake those people for good.  

My new stament:
Is that Amiga Inc. or is it just Elvis?
"amiga inc is dead, long live amiga inc."

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Re: Petro, India, and $75000
« Reply #183 on: September 19, 2006, 10:07:17 PM »
Again, I ask you why you are in this thread with such a crappy attitude when you should just ignore it?

> yeah well amiga inc is disolved so I don't think
> you can still commit "libel" or be retaliated by
> "Amiga Inc."

Good thing you're not a lawyer, but for the fact, the personal attack was against Bill McEwen, not specifically Amiga Inc.

Again, Mr. Peck has done nothing to challenge the assertation that he was offered a settlement and declined it.  How I feel or what I'd do is completely irrelevant since no one knows the terms of that offer.

Suffice to say that if I were offered a reasonable settlement from Buck, I probably would have taken it and moved on.   Happy?  No, but I would have had closure and been able to chalk it up to his bad management, and my bad choices.  

Closure is obviously what Bolten is missing and needs from this.


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Re: Petro, India, and $75000
« Reply #184 on: September 20, 2006, 02:42:55 AM »
Again, Mr. Peck has done nothing to challenge the assertation that he was offered a settlement and declined it. How I feel or what I'd do is completely irrelevant since no one knows the terms of that offer.

Why should he "challenge the assertion"? It's his business how he wants to deal with any offer that, one would suppose, falls significantly short of what he is legally owed.

Suffice to say that if I were offered a reasonable settlement from Buck, I probably would have taken it and moved on.

A settlement?? Doesn't that imply a legal proceding? I wasn't aware that you took Genesi to court. I had thought what makes Amiga, Inc.'s situation different is that the people whose claims have been recognized by the court aren't simply individuals claiming they are owed by a former employer who thinks they aren't; rather, an outside authority has weighed in on the case.

-- gary_c

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Re: Petro, India, and $75000
« Reply #185 on: September 20, 2006, 08:29:12 AM »
Any chance Bill will answer any of the alternate questions you forwarded to him or another batch of questions? :-?

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Re: Petro, India, and $75000
« Reply #186 on: September 20, 2006, 04:12:10 PM »
I've asked him for a few answers, yes.  I haven't exactly gotten around to "round 2" yet.


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Re: Its moderation if no one can see it, censorship if you will..
« Reply #187 on: September 22, 2006, 06:30:51 AM »
"His post still exists, but no one can see it' That's called moderation Wayne. My post was moderated. Censored, if you will.

Wayne, I have not, until pretty much yesterday, been offered any concrete numbers, stock options or anything else. Garry Hare told my attorney in April 2003 that we'd be paid with money by the end of the month. Then, nothing. For three more years. Is there any ambiguity here? There was NO OFFER MADE.

Then there was some talk about Bill paying his share over time, which I was down with, but then of course he couldn't do it, legal reasons, blah blah blah, not his fault, and so on. Again, I was happy to accept that cash offer but it didn't happen either. Maybe it really wasn't Bill's fault he couldn't come through.

A few months later his attorney was talking about settling us out for like ten grand. Uhh, no. Also, nothing in writing.

Yesterday, I got an email with a very legitimate sounding offer from Bill. This is the first real, positive note in this whole thing, pretty much ever. It will be 'for real' when it's faxed to my attorney and my collections agency with a cover letter from his/Amiga's legal firm.

I think Bill wants to get past this, I know I do.  After this I'm gonna keep quiet, I hope my next post will be like 'Hey, Amiga paid me!  YAAAYYYY!!!'

This is good progress, and I'm actually happy with it so far. But, this is the farthest things have ever gone in terms of Amiga settling up, and so far it is an email only. I wish Bill would have responded to my email from last week, before this thread came out.  Bygones..

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Re: Amiga Inc answers your questions
« Reply #188 on: September 22, 2006, 07:00:36 AM »
I'd just like to thank Bill for agreeing to chat and answer question and being so transparent. Over the years I have seen the community trash efforts being made to move foward and be negative way too often even in the original Commodore days of the platform. There are always setbacks in business. It's really how you deal with them that shows your leadership.

I really have to respect someone who continually walks in-front of the firing line of a very negative community that has had to deal with setback after setback.

Not everyone in the community is negative and there are some shining stars still out there.  In general, even reading through the comments after this posting, I really have to appreciate Bill McEwan. He is not only very brave but very commited to this business and this platform.

There's a very old book that starts with "It was the best of times it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom it ... it was the epoch of belief it was the epoch of incredulity"..

I have to say Bill has weathered it all with style and class.
Don Burnett Developer

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Re: Amiga Inc answers your questions (updated)
« Reply #189 on: September 29, 2006, 10:53:32 PM »

Thanks for facilitating the q/a session. I also have mixed feelings about all this and like many others am very frustrated about the lack of feeling of progress in any real discernible manner.

One question I had that was not at all addressed but was hinted at was what about the couple thousand PPC accelerated OS4 compatible-classics out there. It sounds like even if they wanted to sell OS4 to those users there are legal issues.

What are the chances of a q/a session with Hyperion? I know at this point it's almost as bad as say a group of teenagers trying to fix a high school relationship between a couple but nonetheless its all we have right now.

Showing even some features as a list of the OS5 progress Bill claims the team has made would probably sate (as much as is possible in this community) many of the Amigans here.

Thats all for now while I collect my thoughts.
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Re: Amiga Inc answers your questions (updated)
« Reply #190 on: October 28, 2006, 06:07:59 PM »
All I want to hear / see from Bill, per my emails..

#1 There are more of us out there that might spend less than 500 to explore a new generation of amiga.  That being said Eyetech, dead, peg not allowed to run aos(anything), Troika not accepted ?? No board??

So where is it? :madashell:

Bill work with the people (aka us) and the people making hardware(pegs, troikas, anyone but eyetech), no one can port, write etc for amiga if there isn't a large number of low cost systems available..
If it is the ppc arch in the way fine, go amd, ia64 something..

As for another AOS? Where is the last one, a new one, arguments fine but we all still just want to see something now,, think a1000/500/1200  entry level like that little thing peg is trying to make.. Simple just enough power to start working on bigger things..

I swear I don't even know why I rejoined / posted, I guess I just keep wishing, dreaming of a day like the day I got my first a500..

The closest Ive gotten to that in years was when I tried e17live lately..

No rumors, vague plans etc guys HARD FACTS, Prices, options, Vendors dates.. and do it, don't wrangle, debate and for gods sake the days of $1-3k desktops are goooooonnnnneeeee...

Even apple gets it,,, dang it all to heck  :rtfm:

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Re: Amiga Inc answers your questions (updated)
« Reply #191 on: November 03, 2006, 09:56:35 PM »
A little late on posting, but oh well, so was Auzieman :)

So, Auzieman, the reason why you rejoined/posted is because you're hopeful. Fortunately not as naive as the rest of the people here. First of all, to those that are calling a lot of other people negative, realize this: we're not negative, you're just gullible and naive and we're trying to open up your eyes. Most "negative" people here have NO direct benefit from making you open your eyes. No, our only benefit is making the Amiga community better, which, guess what? Is good for you too! Now, there are some other people, who try to sell you stuff. Those are a different bunch, but they seem to hold sway over many of you... Sad. Personally, I feel that NOTHING of what was "answered" here would have been regarded as the truth by normal human beings. Seriously. I challenge you. Take a NON-Amigan (friend or family member), and ask him or her to read the Q and A. Then ask them a simple question: bull or not bull? I'm certain you'll get the same answer over and over and over again.

Before we continue, please be aware: this will be long, but I've tried to make as meaningful comments as possible (aka used my brain, proof read, spellchecked, etc), so as not to waste your time. Despite this, you might not like what you hear. That isn't my goal though. Making everyone, including myself, think is my main goal.

Now, I personally don't know Mr. Bill, or any of the other cronies involved, and I mean good and bad guys too. Like many of you, I'm an Amiga fan because I fell in love with the machine, the software, the vision, and whole bunch of intangible fluff back when I was not even a teenager and since that day I was drooling to have an Amiga. Didn't happen... for a while. Had to buy an Amstard, no, not the one with the floppy, but with the tape drive! (464), and satiate my boyhood dream of having a computer of my own. And it was literally my own. I put up most of the money. Anyhow, then on to PCs. Yuck, I know. DOS, Windoze. Finally was able to get an Amiga, and as for the PC hell, I was finally saved by Linux. Never looked back and now I'm happy with my Macs, Linuxized PCs, and of course with my ample collection of lovely, yet dying, Amigas.

Anyways, nostalgia aside, my point is: I don't get involved with rumors and the community often, as I lurk and muck with stuff on my own, but yet I see a very depressing state of affairs. The Amiga community being fooled left and right, with vacant hopes and dreams and a whole bunch of {bleep} frankly. And another thing that's rather disturbing is that a big part of the community is average users even when it comes to the Amiga, basically not real technoids. Scary.  For example, a lot of the people here are not technical in any sense, more so programmers. When did move.l #4,a6 last make sense to you? Perhaps I'm biased from knowing people from the demoscene. Forgive me, it just scares me. What I'm trying to say is: the ones that keep the Amiga alive are those out there that are making or patching/preserving software.

So look around you, and listen to what Mr. Bill and a whole slew of others say, but in the end, look also at WHO HAS GOT SOMETHING RUNNING? I only see AmigaOS 4 from Hyperion, in beta of course. But it's out there. Secondly, look at the track record of these guys (this includes you allhail).  I cannot believe I hear people talking badly about them, and granted, I don't know them or anyone from their crew, but as a developer I really don't see them spending tons of time and money, and then trying to sabotage their own products. But back to the point, look at their track record! Who's made PC games such as Quake and others a fscking REALITY on the Amiga? Did Mr. Bill? Or God forbid, C= itself? No. These guys did, so you all could frag each other. What? When was the last time you saw this page: http://www.hyperion-entertainment.biz:8080/amiga/frameset_html?func=projects  Who's been keeping your precious PPC Amiga busy with code? These guys. These things to me, and should to you too, speak LARGE WORDS: commitment, dedication, results, deliverables.

There's one more issue I'd like to approach from the technical side again. Some person (I really want to name him dolt, idiot, twit, etc, but let's not), said something about Hyperion having problems or refusing to port AmigaOS 4 to a non-PPC platform. I don't know if they've publicly said something to this end, but once again reason says: these guys have ported MUCH non-PPC software (ex: Quake) to the AmigaPPC. What makes you think they'll have a hard time doing the opposite? Sure, it won't be easy, but being a developer I can say that developers of their caliber will not really sweat too much over it. Also, since we're in the year 2006 it'd be a safe enough assumption to make that most of the code for AmigaOS 4 is not pure assembly, therefore portability is very easy, baring the last 5-10% of platform specific implementation (dealing with locks/semaphores, interrupts and hardware stuff like throwing the CPU in/out of supervisor mode, etc). So, once again, is it really Hyperion that's having a problem/reason for not porting AmigaOS 4 if they were so asked? I highly doubt it. These guys have more than proved their meddle, IMVHO (in my VERY honest opinion).

But just to be impartial, and since I don't know the Hyperion crew, I'm not saying there's no better team to write AmigaOS 4. Perhaps there is, perhaps as suggested by someone the MorphOS guys could do a better job. I don't know. What I certainly can say though is that I've seen NOTHING from Amiga Inc that would even tempt me to assume they could. Not a thing. Of course this void maybe be reflective in their choosing Hyperion... but that's highly illogical and improbable.

But just so I don't sound one sided, I'll give some other thoughts, based on actually reading and trying to understand the answers. When Mr. Bill talks about companies making 500,000$, I don't think he's necessarily referring to companies selling Amiga-only gear. Perhaps he is, but I think what he might have meant is that the company has got to be making (net?) profits of at least that much, on ANY gear/items/goods, to be able to make the contract with Amiga Inc. I understand it, if that's so, but frankly, as some other readers have noted, who the heck does he think he or his company is? All it ends up doing in the end is prolonging the suffering death of our beloved Amigas and our community.

Related to this, I have to say that I met Mr. Jens Schoenfeld (sorry for the spelling if it's wrong) and his partner Oliver at AmiWest this year (PS. More of you loud mouths should come next time, just so we can make more noise). It was a great opportunity, because I'd never met such hardcore and true Amiga engineers and fans before. All I can say is that this guy keeps our gear and machines running, and also moving forwards. Of course with Mr. Bills attitude he'd have no chance to help en-masse the entire Amigadom. But such are the sad affairs of the Amiga. These are the heroes that keep the Amiga spirit (and body, aka chips) alive, and yet very few thank or even help these guys. Even the pungent smell of the rotting corpse of the once great Amiga community around you cannot wake up some of you poor souls, so that you to realize that we're SOL: $hit out of luck. We're on our own. There's no messiah in the form of a big (Amiga/Commodore) company to help us out. We have to help ourselves out, and we can very well start by supporting fellows like Jens and others making REAL, TANGIBLE effort and products. One more great guy I met there: Matthew of AmigaKit. I met the guy, what a fantastic chap, as you Brits would say. True Amigan. Thanks to all these guys for coming all the way to this side of the world. And a local: Carl Sassenrath. This guy is THE MAN. Certified, guaranteed, registered, whatever have you! Period. And many if not all of us guys left our girlfriends and wives (you know... family...) at home and spent the night there. Finally and just in case you didn't know, or hear, Mr. Bill never showed up. You know... Family... issues...

One more thought I had, and I know the words "conspiracy theory" have been brainwashed into everyone's head as an inseparable couple, but really, not every conspiracy IS a theory. Just because you and I don't know it's true or false, doesn't make it theoretical. Anyhow, from reading all this mumbo-jumbo, it seems very certain that Amiga Inc tried changing "identities" because it had legal troubles. Either with former Amiga Inc members (Bolten Peck) or even with current "partners" (Hyperion). Anyhow, so here's a thought that popped into my mind, especially after reading amigadave's diacritical view on the affairs: Amiga Inc might be purposely making the "finding PPC hardware" situation hard, because after having clashed heads with Hyperion, figures out: this is how I will force Hyperion into submission: make it so that no hardware will exist for their product, thus no sales possible for Hyperion. Now think about it. If Hyperion did all the work, why wouldn't they want to release it? What is their reason, their rationale? Of course getting (more?) money from Amiga Inc is one reason to keep it back, but from the looks of things, they're never going to get any of that money. At least that's how I would be seeing it, if I was them. So perhaps they're thinking of releasing it and making that money back on their own. On the other hand Amiga Inc never created the OS, so they aren't feeling the "pain of stunting their newborn", but are unhappy (I don't know the exact reasons for this, Mr. Bill never mentioned them), and so they might have to decided that if they can't take it from Hyperion, at least they won't let them have any piece of the cake! Sounds very plausible.

Thanks for reading. May I end with a wish, that all that I thought and assumed are totally wrong, and that there's a new future for the Amiga out there.


Thanks for your efforts Wayne. Sad to see the desperation for hope, but it's not like I'm not hoping either... We all are, that's the problem many times. We're just hoping, not helping.

Pierre: In general the comments rhyme with me, but please learn how to spell or use a Mac :) It hurts when reading! Also, I can sympathize with your aggravation when you're trying to explain to people (like Legerdemain, what a head-case...) that Amiga Inc's LACK OF DOING (or hindering) has not helped but further weakened the Amiga community by offering false hope, at which point many members just "move along", or basically give up. He and others don't see the connection, but I'm certain deep down inside they feel the Amigadom shrinking like a shriveling organ of an old person (perhaps their brain?). I also like to say the "after some thought" list was well constructed. Loved the part about "When was the last to time you fired up a classic amiga just to check it out? watched a demo or ran a game?". Too bad we won't be getting any answers for those questions. Interesting thoughts on AmigaOS going open source... Perhaps someone on the inside would care to leak it on our behalf? Love the "HUGE NEWS!" post as well.

Argus: Love the "If I ever think in the future my toaster or coffee maker needs 'digital convergence', then I guess we could talk about your AmigaAnywhere/OS5 (dumb name though imho)" comment!!!!! (among others)

Plaz: agreed with you: Mr. Bill show us the screenshots, or anything! Give us a real bone... As for pulling the plug, if you don't have a Plan B, you don't pull the plug after investing time and money, and even so, AmigaOS 4 is still there, real, tangible, even if not fully completed. Makes no sense logistically or from a business perspective. Now, from a "I've got a bone to pick with you" perspective, then I can see pulling the plug as an alternate option...

Jahc: Make it easy on yourself: Mac OS X and Linux. They're the closest to the Amiga that I've found.

Dammy: Ram it in (to them)! :)

narcea: "same old regurgitated junk" - same feeling here, as well as your other paragraphs.

weirdami: "It's a little unusual that there had been no leaks or even rumors of OS5 being worked on at all. They must be a dedicated crew that keeps at it instead of going" - Dedicated crew? My dear fellow human being, isn't it obvious? Do you prefer a sledgehammer for beating it into you? I'm sorry to snap you out of the dream, but there is no OS5, that's why there aren't rumors about it. Look at Apple. One of the most tight-lipped companies, ever, about their products. I have many friends that work at Apple, and honestly guys, they don't tell me jack! But yet rumors can always be found on the net, and most of them are spot on. You know why? Because the products EXIST. When you have to send off a certain product so that it will be photographed or whatever, because they're preparing the printing material and what not, that's how the rumor mongers find out about these things... With AmigaOS 5, well, there won't be any rumors as it's vaporware. I'd even go as far as saying that it's inside someone's demented head... As for Petro selling off $75k of inventory... I really like how the response was: "when I learned that...". How do you MISS something like that? Incompetence is not even close to the right word here.

gary_c: There's not reason at all. I was hoping as well nobody's hopes went up, but it seems apparent that many had...

Desler: Great points, well said. We should buy their (Amiga Inc) corpse out and get this mess over with.

Turrican: I agree with your list, except 3). Amiga Inc is moving forward into lunacy, not having anything to do with Amigas or AmigaOS, not in any real, tangible sense at least. PS. awesome game patrioti :)

cpfuture: Definitely not in our reality :)

Trezzer: Fully pardoned :)

fjudde: Interesting point. So Mr. Bill was forced more or less to answer the questions, else refusing to deal with someone from amiga.org would have been PR-suicide, of sorts.

Srbin: He gives a fsck about old ROMS because he's not yet done milking the cow (the Amiga community, me, you, yeah you the reader!)

Wayne: I mentioned the same issue to some of the people at AmiWest: let's have it for 2 days. And one more thought of mine was: to shake off this "dead feeling" that Amigans seem to have, why not invite Atari (ha!), C64/128 and pre, old Apple, TRS80, Spectrum, BBC, etc communities, so as to have a larger "fair" type event for the first day, or the first hours of each day, and then focus more the actual "meat" of the event on Amiga, since we, the Amigans, would be the instigators and organizers. I'm trying to say that if it was a fair like the ones I used to go back in the east coast, where there would be hundreds to thousands of people, it'd be more lively and perhaps we'd have even greater Amiga attendance (and of course try to get the rest Amigy-fied, muhahaha!).  As for "Bill is aiming higher than this tiny hobbyist market", what would you call me if I told you that I aim to have a rocketship built in my back yard that can reach Alpha-Centauri (you know, the star system), powered only by my garbage? Perhaps "delusional" would be the first word that'd come to your mind. Or maybe "mad" would be the first? Also as to the "he was a marketeer before this" comment, I think he's shown very well that he still is to this day :(  Finally about the "lawyer" stuff, let's be honest: if the guy was honest, he'd ignore his lawyers and he'd speak straight forth. Not the case.

Tomas: He (Mr. Bill) can expect these things if he's delusional. Wait, someone already pointed this out. From your second post: No one would. You're right. What made you change your tune further down? We're open minded, but we won't also bend over backwards and wait for the humping to begin. No thanks!

redrumloa: Well said. Too bad I wasn't aware of Anachronism Industries at the time :(

uncleted: Agreed. Allow licensing, and stimulate growth in the already dwindling Amiga world. But alas, no! Lawyers and their cronies want to make more cash...

snowman040: So it seems... How else can these guys make money? They obviously don't have any Amiga product, or had one for the past 7+ years now...

amije: I think he's an alien... oh wait, extreme capitalist, that's what their planet is called...

Fats: VERY interesting comment about Amiga Inc shooting themselves on the foot as they switched identities to get rid of (annoying or deserving pay promised) employees, and thus opening the door to Hyperion taking back their own work, for righteous or selfish reasons, I don't know. Excellent insight Fats. I truly wonder what's true...

amigarules2k: Right on brother! Yeah, I love how all these claims about working with the community and building things together, but then there's never any "showing the community what's going on behind the scenes". If that doesn't smell fishy, then I don't know what does... I'll give you my paycheck too, if he proves something is true about this OS5 and other mumbo-jumbo.

Jose: These are not even wishes. People, nerds, want to give them money for a product. We've not even gotten to what we WISH for in that product, because if you ask me, what I want (something beyond OS X), they can't even FANTASIZE in their full-of-bs marketing brains, that's how far ahead or wishful my nerdy thinking is.

JKD: Hahaha, I love it! "low flying time wrap"

recidivist: Indeed it's fux0red. I recently had to deal with such things, and it's unbelievable the amount of evil that's contained within.

Argo: ...and then vote thinking that your decision has any meaning, is that right Argo? Does "Argo" come from "argos" ? (the accent on the o)

platon42: No, haven't seen it, but surely it fits here squarely :)

Insanity: Yes, everyone should ponder that. Please also ponder that it's 2006 and the last Amiga or AmigaOS that came out was in the last millenium.

ne_one: Just like it's "too easy to be a naysayer", it's also much easier to be a gullible naive neophyte.

-D-: Exactly: LOL.

Tron2k2: "marketroid drivel", hahahha. It sounds like fraud, although I'm no expert. But certainly not normal. Unbelievable, if what you said is true, about shutting down Amiga.org's t-shirt thing at Cafepress. If it wasn't (mostly) for Amiga.org I and many others wouldn't be hanging around the Amiga world anymore...

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Re: Amiga Inc answers your questions (updated)
« Reply #192 on: April 25, 2007, 04:45:51 PM »
:-D Does anyone know what the Friedans' said during the IRC?
Is there any record of the IRC chat with the Friedans'mentioned here on Amiga.org?  Where can I find out

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Re: Amiga Inc answers your questions (updated)
« Reply #193 on: April 25, 2007, 05:45:57 PM »
:-D Does anyone know what the Friedans' said during the IRC?
Is there any record of the IRC chat with the Friedans'mentioned here on Amiga.org?  Where can I find out

Offline vargen

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Re: Amiga Inc answers your questions (updated)
« Reply #194 on: October 10, 2007, 02:38:33 PM »
This is quite simple in my view. From time to time i have checked up on Amiga inc. to see if they have finally been able to deliver anything. I have done so now for, oh, 10 years or so? :roll:

During all that time, the only true action that has taken place. And with action, i mean work that has produced anything tangible, or even anything at all - has been OS4. Like many i even bought the development SDK for intel X86, hoping that things would change. But it was a complete waste of money. Im still pissed about that. :madashell:

So, how did Amiga Inc become the bad guy? Because they have not delivered on any of their goals and promises. As a "potential user", i should not have to care about their legal issues. They either deliver, or they dont. Since they did not i put my money into a PC and a powermac. It's that simple.

As far as i'm concerned, the only product Amiga has that anyone can hold in their hand - is OS4. By denying that, and trying to push the idea of OS5 or OS6  :lol: , is not only to underline that Amiga inc. has been reduced to a fancy idea on paper -it is also discrediting to the makers of OS4, who sat down and got the work done! :pissed:

Look at the company profile for god's sake! The website looks like it's buildt in russia during the cold war! Does it make an old amiga fan feel at home? Does it give him flashbacks to the houres spent in front of his A500 or A1200 as a teenager? No. The sad part is that it would not require much to fix this. But it does require ACTION!

The first thing they should do, IMO, is to give what they have. They should also focus on their retro options, such as emulators - and make it easy for people to download older software directly from their website. They need revenue, i know that, but you dont get revenue unless you give revenume! That's how the game works.

Would it be easier for Amiga inc. to grow if the Amiga marked was growing? Ofourse! So the more copies of OS4 that ships, regardless of platform - will automatically strengthen the intellectual property value of the company.

Hell, sit down and check the copyright on all the older Amiga games. Most of them can be given away without any legal implications - and Amiga inc should be the one to do it.

While Bill would be excused on account of his tragic loss, that indeed would kneel any of us, i still feel that the company is a mess. You should set smaller goals. Expecting to get back to the glory days in only a couple of years is not realistic. Drop the ideas of easy money, and focus on making a living.